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HUMA Committee News Release

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For Immediate Release                                                                                                                        


Ottawa, June 12, 2002 - The Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities is inviting Canadians with disabilities to apply for the 2003 Centennial Flame Research Award (CFRA).


The recipient of the Award will have one year in which to use the money to prepare a report focusing on the public achievements of one or more disabled Canadians.


The Award, which amounts to $3,000 for 2003, will come from the money collected from the Centennial Flame fountain plus any private and corporate donations made to the CFRA Fund.


Any Canadian citizen with a disability wishing to apply for the Award should submit an outline of his or her proposed research project aimed at publicizing the achievements of a Canadian or Canadians with disabilities to the Clerk of the Committee on or before October 1, 2002.  A letter of support by someone familiar with the applicant must accompany the submission.  Your submission constitutes the application.  The Committee will select the recipient according to a set of criteria (copy attached).


Those interested in more information on this award may consult the criteria posted on the parliamentary web site at ( or contact the Office of the  Clerk of the Sub-Committee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities:


Room 604, 180 Wellington St., House of Commons

Tel.: (613) 947-6728 -- FAX: (613) 996-1626

Information about the Award is available in alternate media formats.