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FOPO Committee Report

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Recommendation 1:

That the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, in consultation with the provinces, territories and stakeholders, immediately draft regulations in accordance with the intent of the Oceans Act.

Recommendation 2:

That the Department of Fisheries and Oceans prepare an annual state of the oceans report to document progress on the implementation of the Oceans Act.

Recommendation 3:

That the Department of Fisheries and Oceans amend the Oceans Act to include references to fishermen and fishermen’s organizations in the sections of the Act that require the Minister to consult.

Recommendation 4:

That an interdepartmental committee be struck to ensure that the stewardship and sustainable management of marine areas be done under the authority of the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

Recommendation 5:

That DFO take the means to publish in a proactive manner, to the public, information on suggested MPA sites through its Oceans Program Activity Tracking System Web site as well as other media.

Recommendation 6:

That such terms be clearly defined in the Act itself or reference made to other Acts which define them.

Recommendation 7:

That subsection 33(2) be amended to read "In exercising the powers and performing the duties and functions mentioned in this Part, the Minister shall consult…"

Recommendation 8:

That the federal government give consideration to conducting a full environmental assessment under CEAA on potential oil and gas exploration in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, particularly in the area designated by Exploration Licence 2368.

Recommendation 9:

That the federal government establish broadly based guidelines for oil and gas exploration and extraction based on the key principles of the Oceans Act and the interests of other stakeholders in order that the oil and gas industry is aware of what the limitations are prior to applying for a licence.

Recommendation 10:

That the federal government, in cooperation with the Province of Nova Scotia, appoint a qualified person representing the fishing community to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board to represent the interests of fishing communities and the fisheries resources on which they depend.

Recommendation 11:

That the government affirm that the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans has the primary responsibility for all matters relating to the management of Canada’s oceans.

Recommendation 12:

That the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans exercise his role as the minister with overall responsibility for the management of Canada’s oceans more proactively.

Recommendation 13:

That the Coast Guard not make any revisions to the Marine Services Fee or Icebreaking Fees until the Treasury Board study has been completed and until such time as all interested parties have had a reasonable opportunity to evaluate the study.

Recommendation 14:

That the Minister evaluate whether classifying ferries as government ships for the purpose of exempting them from the Marine Services Fee and the Icebreaking Services Fee would result in fairer treatment of ferry operators and whether it would serve the broader public interest; and,

Recommendation 15:

That the Minister provide the results of the evaluation to the Standing Committee and Fisheries and Oceans and to the stakeholders.

Recommendation  16:

That subsection 41(2) be amended to read "(2) The Minister shall ensure that the services referred to in subparagraphs (1)(a)(i) to (iv) are provided in a cost effective manner and that the level of services will be established only after consultation with users of the service."