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FAIT Committee Report

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The Government of Canada should continue to work with international organizations and institutions as well as with like-minded countries to support the Government of Colombia and encourage all parties in the Colombian conflict to pursue agreement on humanitarian principles and a negotiated solution. Canada should also make itself available to continue facilitating such negotiations, which would ideally become a state peace policy and include a formal international role. In order to strengthen Colombia’s democracy, it should also continue to support civil society groups there, as well as encourage efforts at grassroots reconciliation.


Since trade and investment will be important elements of Canada’s bilateral relationship with Colombia, the Government of Canada should continue to be proactive in encouraging corporate social responsibility on the part of both Canadian firms operating in Colombia and Export Development Canada.


The Government of Canada should continue to strengthen its human rights work in Colombia. In particular, Canada should increase support for the UN Human Rights Office in Colombia and insist even more forcefully that the Government of Colombia work to combat both guerrilla and paramilitary groups. Finally, the Canadian embassy in Bogotá should continue to focus on the protection of human rights defenders and indigenous peoples, as well as increase its human rights work with the Colombian military.


The Government of Canada should continue to work with other states in developing an international approach to combatting the drug trade. In particular, Canada should reinforce OAS efforts to develop regional cooperation on this issue, and should also support the proposal for a scientific study of aerial spraying under the auspices of either the OAS or the United Nations.


In order to build on the already good work being done by Canadian embassy staff in Bogotá on human rights, humanitarian and other issues, the Government of Canada should increase CIDA funding for Colombia, particularly that targeted to addressing the crisis of displacement, which particularly affects indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, strengthening the judicial system, and improving human rights training for the Colombian military. Beyond addressing these issues on a national basis, the Canadian government should also consider undertaking a CIDA pilot project focusing on one area or community.