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FAIT Committee News Release

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For immediate release









Ottawa, December 10, 2001-The House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT), in a report tabled in advance of the Federal Budget, argues that in order to meet the new challenges of security within North America, a significant reinvestment is required in the country’s international policy instruments and capacities, including those devoted to transborder intelligence gathering and security cooperation.   Underscoring the imperative to move quickly to address existing deficiencies, the report cites the public comments of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon. John Manley, which were endorsed by expert witnesses who appeared before the Committee during seven panels held last month on the future of the North American relationship since the terrorist attacks of September 11.


                The Committee’s report on the North American challenge follows that tabled by its Subcommittee on International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment on November 30, Towards a Secure and Trade-Efficient Border, which focused on the need for urgent political action to remedy the problems created by serious border delays.    SCFAIT’s report, in taking into account subsequent developments in Canada-US cross-border collaboration, notes that this remains a work in progress, and that the future international agenda around border controls will demand multilateral as well as bilateral responses.


                The Committee’s report is a preliminary one, to be followed in 2002 by a comprehensive examination of Canada-US relations and Canada’s place within the rapidly evolving North American region.    The report observes that the bilateral and post-NAFTA relationships raise many complex issues which call for a full national debate.   The Committee intends to consult with Canadians across the country during hearings which will also provide an opportunity for public input on the G8 agenda prior to the Kananaskis Summit of June 2002.



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For more information, please contact:

Stephen Knowles, Clerk

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade

(613) 996-1540