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AGRI Committee Report

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The Canadian agriculture sector is in a period of great transition. Recognized as a model of productivity and quality for many years, agriculture in this country has witnessed dramatic changes with respect to world trade and modes of production. With change come new challenges and, perhaps more importantly, new opportunities.

The Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food has made a number of sweeping recommendations that would better equip Canadian producers to face these challenges and embrace new opportunities. To ensure that our recommendations were representative of the Canadian agriculture industry, the Standing Committee visited 15 municipalities across the country, most of them located in rural areas, and heard the opinions of more than 350 witnesses.

The Canadian agriculture sector is in need of profound change, which explains why Canada is currently examining options to shape the architecture of its agricultural policies at the beginning of the 21st century. The fact that this report received unanimous approval1 from the members of the Standing Committee sends a strong message to those who are developing Canada’s agricultural programs. I sincerely believe that the report’s recommendations provide excellent guidelines for assisting them in their task, and are a reminder that farmers are the foundation of the sector.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Members of the Committee who worked assiduously in attending numerous meetings and made invaluable contributions to the drafting of this report.

A report of this scope, and the logistics of travelling across Canada and meeting with more than 350 witnesses, could not have been prepared without the collaboration of many people. The Committee Clerk, Ms. Suzanne Verville, together with her assistants Ms. Julie Danis, Ms. Madeleine Bédard, Ms. Laurette Dionne and Mr. Michel Quevillon, are to be thanked for their efficiency in ensuring that the travel and meetings were conducted in the most professional manner

I would also like to applaud the tireless efforts of Mr. Jean-Denis Fréchette, from the Parliamentary Research Branch, who led the research activities for this report, and Mr. Fréderic Forge, Mr. Jean-Luc Bourdages and Ms. Nathalie Pothier for their expertise in biotechnology, environment and analytical grids, respectively. Also to be warmly thanked are translators, editors, interpreters, console operators and others, as well as the staff of Publications Services.

Finally, I would like to thank, on behalf of all the members of the Committee, the Canadian farmers who shared their insights with us. I hope that this report responds to their concerns and contributes to meeting the challenges of their sector.

1The NDP member of the Standing Committee expressed a dissenting comment on one recommendation.