The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Babar Khalsa
Terrorist front, deregistration as charitable organization
>>>o.q., 7281(104:1440)
>>>S.O. 31, 7274(104:1405)
Baby food see Food
Bachand, André (PC--Richmond--Arthabaska)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 1051-2(17:1455)
>>Airlines, o.q., 395(7:1445), 503(8:1445), 1005(16:1455), 1132(18:1455), 2289(36:1455)
>>Arctic region, M. (Laliberte), 1220-1(20:1140-50)
>>Budget surplus, o.q., 8412(118:1455)
>>Canada Lands Company, o.q., 5366(73:1450)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13), 5343-5(73:1235-45)
>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), o.q., 1332(21:1445), 1377-8(22:1450)
>>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 2929(39:1200), 2940-2(39:1320-35), 3346(46:1205), 4379-80(63:1335-40), 4719-21(64:1720-35)
>>Common law relationships, 5575(77:1340)
>>Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-19), 7910-2(113:1235-45)
>>Criminal Records Act (amdt.)(Bill C-7), 3324(45:1705-10)
>>Crown corporations, o.q., 5584-5(77:1425-30)
>>Cultural diversity, 1154(18:1720-5)
>>Defence equipment, 9170-1(130:1600-5)
>>Defence Production Act (amdt.)(Bill S-25), 9170-1(130:1600-5)
>>Elections, M. (Nystrom), 9187-8(130:1825-35)
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 8125(115:1430)
>>Ethiopia and Eritrea, M. (Manley), 9204-6(130:2025-35)
>>Export Development Corporation (EDC), o.q., 4874(67:1425-30)
>>Food, petition, 6341(89:1515)
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, M. (Marceau), 3496(48:1515)
>>Foreign investment/ownership, 1155(18:1725)
>>Free trade, 1154-5(18:1725-30)
>>Globalization, global economy/marketplace, M. (Tremblay, Stéphan), 1844-5(30:1145-55)
>>Government expenditures, o.q., 1051(17:1450)
>>Health care system
>>>M. on supply (Thompson, G.), 4808-10(66:1025-40)
>>>o.q., 8412(118:1455)
>>Human Resources Development Department, o.q., 3260(44:1500)
>>International conflicts, M. (Martin, K.), 3764-5(53:1155-200)
>>Liberal Party, 4808(66:1025)
>>Lobbyists, o.q., 5892(82:1445)
>>Marriage, 5575-6(77:1335-40)
>>Middle East, o.q., 5973(83:1425), 6019(84:1425-30)
>>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 5575-6(77:1335-45)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 1545(25:1335)
>>North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 1154(18:1720)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, o.q., 7460(107:1455)
>>Organized crime, o.q., 8603(121:1430)
>>Parent, references, M. (Duceppe), 4756-7(65:1315-20), 4789(65:1650), 4801(65:1825)
>>>Bills, Government, 3324(45:1705-10), 3346(46:1205)
>>>Documents, tabling, 5368(73:1505)
>>>Motions, 4756-7(65:1315-20), 4801(65:1825)
>>>Motions for the Production of Papers, Notice, 4217(60:1540)
>>>Orders of the Day, 4737(65:1035)
>>>Question and comment period, 2929(39:1200)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 4379-80(63:1330-40)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3652-7(51:1220-50)
>>>o.q., 209-10(4:1150-5), 1679(27:1430), 1759-60(28:1450-5), 1805(29:1125-30), 1874(30:1505-10), 1946-7(31:1430), 2753(38:1425), 2952(39:1425)
>>Same-sex couples, 5575-6(77:1335-45)
>>Speaker/speakership, 4789(65:1650)
>>Taxation, 4808(66:1025)
>>Trade, 9171(130:1605)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 1154-6(18:1720-35)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4808(66:1025)
>>>o.q., 1051(17:1450)
>>Treaties Act (Bill C-214), 2023-5(32:1810-20)
>>United States, o.q., 7362(105:1425-30)
>>Vietnam, o.q., 6339(89:1500-5)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 1154-6(18:1720-35)
Bachand, Claude (BQ--Saint-Jean)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 8746(123:1630-5), 8748-9(123:1650-5)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 3804(53:1640-5)
>>Aboriginal treaty rights, 8641-2(122:1015-25), 8747-8(123:1635-45)
>>Bloc Québécois, 366-7(6:1640)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 2305-7(36:1655-710)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 3409(47:1025), 5116(70:1120)
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 5668(78:1450), 7560(108:1500)
>>Canadian Hot Air Balloon Championship, S.O. 31, 8672(122:1400)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Bill C-13), 5116-7(70:1115-25)
>>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 4407-9(63:1615-25), 4426-7(63:1820), 4430(63:1840), 4434(63:1905), 4436(63:1920), 4441(63:2000), 4444(63:2020), 4448-9(63:2045-50), 4452(63:2105), 4453(63:2115), 4456(63:2130), 4458(63:2145)
>>Collège militaire de Saint-Jean, o.q., 8971(127:1440)
>>Common law relationships, 3803-4(53:1635-40)
>>Electricity, 8745-6(123:1625-30)
>>Employment insurance, 3409(47:1025), 5116(70:1120)
>>Employment Insurance Act (amdt.--elimination of the waiting period in a natural disaster)(Bill C-387), 1875(30:1515)
>>First Nations Ombudsman Act (Bill C-222), 4053-4(57:1345-55)
>>Fisheries, 8748(123:1645)
>>>M. (Dhaliwal), 72-6(2:2000-25)
>>>o.q., 156(3:1500), 272(5:1450)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 2998(40:1500)
>>Gasoline, petition, 8610(121:1510)
>>Goods and Services Tax (GST), 4408(63:1615)
>>Health care system, 5116(70:1120)
>>>M. on supply (McDonough), 4302(61:1645)
>>>o.q., 6901(98:1455)
>>House of Commons, 366(6:1640)
>>Ice Storm, 1998, 1875(30:1515)
>>Internet/information highway, 366-7(6:1635-45)
>>Legislation, 366(6:1635-40)
>>Liberal Party, 366-7(6:1640), 2305-6(36:1655-700)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-14), 8640-2(122:1015-25), 8745-9(123:1625-55)
>>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 3803-4(53:1635-45)
>>Municipal Grants Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 3408-10(47:1020-35)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement, 672-7(11:1200-40), 2736(38:1235), 2740-6(38:1305-45)
>>>M. on supply (Scott, M.), 1540-6(25:1305-40)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 672-7(11:1200-40)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6), 366-7(6:1635-45)
>>Political parties, 2306-7(36:1700)
>>>Documents, tabling, 2764(38:1525-30), 2924(39:1125), 3000(40:1515), 3736-7(52:1230-5), 3827(54:1025), 3968-9(56:1025-30)
>>>House do now adjourn, M., 2746(38:1345)
>>>Quorum, 2736(38:1235)
>>>Speeches, 2743(38:1325)
>>Public Works and Government Services Department, o.q., 5992-3(82:1445)
>>Quebec, 4408-9(63:1620-5)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3000(40:1515), 3736(52:1230), 3827(54:1025), 3968-9(56:1025-30)
>>>S.O. 31, 3777(53:1400-5)
>>References, speaking in language other than official languages, 677(11:1240)
>>Same-sex couples, 3803(53:1640-5)
>>Social Union Framework Agreement, 5116(70:1120)
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 4407-8(63:1615-20)
>>Young Offenders Act, 8613(121:1520)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-3), 8612-3(121:1515-25)
>>Youth justice system, 8612-3(121:1515-25)
"Back to Sleep/Dodo sur le dos" see Children--Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Backbenchers see Members of Parliament
Background checks see Clowns and Santas
Baghdjian, Dr. Kévork
Master defender of Armenian cause, headed Fédération des groupes ethniques
du Québec, Order of Canada recipient, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 606-7(10:1400-5)
Baha'i faith see Iran--Human rights violations
Baie des Chaleurs railway see Gaspé--Economic conditions
Baie-Comeau, Que. see Airports; Cargill Limited
Baie-Sainte-Catherine, Que. see Highways and roads--Quebec
Bail see Justice system; Youth justice system
Bailey, Roy (Ref.--Souris--Moose Mountain; CA--Souris--Moose Mountain as of March 27, 2000)
- >>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-329), 1562(25:1505)
>>Agriculture, 5272(72:1610), 5284-5(72:1740), 5489(75:1605), 6077(85:1220), 7336(105:1135), 9008(128:1020), 9258(132:1015)
>>>M. on supply (Hilstrom), 589(10:1205), 594-6(10:1245-300)
>>>o.q., 1128(18:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 262(5:1400)
>>Airlines, 7196(103:1135)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 811-3(13:1315-25)
>>>o.q., 2174-5(35:1440)
>>Airports, 7238(103:1610)
>>Anderson, Boyd, S.O. 31, 6279(88:1355-400)
>>Banks and financial institutions, 8279(116:1825)
>>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 5226-7(72:1120-30), 5242(72:1320), 5272(72:1610), 5284-5(72:1740)
>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget, M. (Martin, Paul), 9258(132:1015-20)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32), 6077(85:1220), 6081-2(85:1250-5), 6084-5(85:1315-20), 6088(85:1345)
>>Canada Transportation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-34), 7335-7(105:1125-45), 8041-3(114:1640-50)
>>Canada Transportation Act, Competition Act, Competition Tribunal Act and Air Canada Public Participation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26), 6843(97:1730)
>>Canadian Alliance, 5226(72:1120)
>>Canadian Wheat Board, petitions, 1564(25:1510), 7336(105:1140)
>>Census, 5489(75:1605)
>>Child pornography, 5612(77:1730)
>>>Petition, 279(5:1535)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-16), 6643-4(94:1550-5), 6649-50(94:1640-5)
>>Civilian War-Related Benefits Act (Bill C-41), 9007-9(128:1015-30)
>>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 4419-20(63:1745)
>>Common law relationships, 5612(77:1725)
>>Crime, 5758(80:1125-30)
>>Education, 6084(85:1320)
>>Employment insurance, 6575(93:1345)
>>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38), 8279(116:1825)
>>Gasoline, M. on supply (Hill, J.), 8486(119:1350)
>>Geddo, Dr. Deanna, S.O. 31, 4946-7(68:1355)
>>Gleave, Alfred Pullen, 1054(17:1510-5)
>>Government grants/subsidies, o.q., 3727(52:1140)
>>Grain, 7336(105:1135), 9258(132:1020)
>>Grain elevators, 7336(105:1135)
>>Grain transportation, 7335-7(105:1125-45), 8041-3(114:1640-50)
>>>o.q., 6710(95:1440-5), 9021(128:1140)
>>>S.O. 31, 6811(97:1405), 7218(103:1400-5)
>>Gun control/guns, 5227(72:1130), 6088(85:1345), 8356(117:1305)
>>Health care system, 5242(72:1320), 7197-8(103:1145)
>>Highways and roads, 6081(85:1250-5), 7195-8(103:1125-45), 7213(103:1330), 8486(119:1350)
>>Human Resources Development Department, o.q., 3490-1(48:1440-5)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31), 7375-6(105:1550-600)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 7376(105:1555-600)
>>Indian bands/reserves, S.O. 31, 6624(94:1400-5)
>>Internet/information highway, 5462(75:1315), 5465-6(75:1335-40)
>>Job creation, M. (Mancini), 6787-8(97:1120-30)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 5612(77:1725)
>>Marriage, 3585(49:1750)
>>Mining industry, o.q., 7144-5(102:1440-5)
>>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 3585(49:1750), 5611-2(77:1725-30)
>>Natural gas, M. (Laliberte), 5552-3(77:1130-5)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement, M. on supply (Scott, M.), 1571(25:1600-5), 1579(25:1655)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2159-60(35:1310-20)
>>Organized crime, 5758(80:1125-30)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6), 5457(75:1240), 5462(75:1315), 5465-6(75:1335-40), 5488-9(75:1600-5)
>>>M. (Szabo), 6664-5(94:1845-55)
>>>Petition, 3047(41:1120)
>>>Debate, 6843(97:1730)
>>>Members' remarks, 1579(25:1655), 5226(72:1120), 5457(75:1240)
>>>Speeches, 7335(105:1135), 8041(114:1640)
>>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (Bill C-22), 5758(80:1130)
>>Property rights, 2153-4(35:1155)
>>Public Service pensions, 9008-9(128:1025-30)
>>Public transit, 7198(103:1150)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 4419-20(63:1745)
>>Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-237), 2153-4(35:1155)
>>>Wedding anniversary, 50th, 8264(116:1640)
>>>See also Immigration/immigrants--Policy, Canadian Alliance
>>Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24), 6575(93:1345)
>>Same-sex couples, 5611-2(77:1725-30)
>>Saskatchewan, 9258(132:1015-20)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-33), 8356-7(117:1300-10)
>>Taxation, 9258(132:1015)
>>Telephone service, S.O. 31, 2949(39:1410)
>>Transport Department, 7195(103:1125)
>>Transport Standing Committee, 811(13:1315-20), 7195(103:1120)
>>Transportation, M. on supply (Casey), 7195-8(103:1120-50), 7213(103:1330), 7238(103:1610)
>>Veterans, 9007-9(128:1015-30)
>>>o.q., 9079(129:1445)
>>>S.O. 31, 8488(119:1400)
>>Veterans' Independence Program, 9007(128:1020)
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 7195-8(103:1125-50)
>>Weyburn, Saskatchewan, S.O. 31, 4696(64:1405)
Baker, Hon. George S. (Lib.--Gander--Grand Falls; Minister ofVeterans Affairs and Secretary of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) until Oct. 17, 2000)
- >>Aboriginal peoples/communities, o.q., 4820(66:1140)
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), 9025(128:1205)
>>>o.q., 4164(59:1505), 5590-1(77:1455), 6282-3(88:1415-20), 6498-9(92:1415-20), 6580-1(93:1415-20), 6583(93:1420), 6626-7(94:1415-20), 7225-6(103:1440-50), 7402(106:1140), 7406(106:1155), 9016-7(128:1115), 9019-20(128:1130-5), 9023-4(128:1150-5)
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS), o.q., 4877-8(67:1445-50)
>>Cape Breton, o.q., 5520-1(76:1115), 5585-6(77:1430-5)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO), o.q., 7704(110:1445)
>>Charlottetown, P.E.I., 2287(36:1445)
>>Civilian War-Related Benefits Act (Bill C-41), 8075(115:0915), 8529-31(120:1005-20), 9005(128:1005), 9012(128:1050-5)
>>Council for Canadian Unity, o.q., 4873(67:1420-5)
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, o.q., 7405-6(105:1200)
>>Government grants/subsidies, o.q., 5260(72:1455)
>>Hazardous waste, o.q., 5521(76:1120)
>>Homecare program, 8530(120:1015-20)
>>Human Resources Development Department, o.q., 4816(66:1115), 8015-6(114:1415-20), 8018(114:1435)
>>Merchant marines/seamen, o.q., 349(6:1445-50), 504(8:1450), 695(11:1425), 922-3(15:1425-30), 2955-6(39:1445), 3085(41:1500), 3490(48:1440), 5791-2(80:1455-500), 8023(114:1500), 8730(123:1500)
>>References see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)--Operation ONLINE Inc.; Canada Customs and Revenue Agency--Liberal Party institution
>>Regional development, o.q., 8969-70(127:1435)
>>Tourism industry, o.q., 7401(106:1135)
>>Transitional jobs fund, o.q., 3727-8(52:1140), 3993(56:1450), 4039(57:1155), 4348(62:1200), 4705(64:1455), 8015-6(114:1415-20), 8021-2(114:1450), 8130-1(115:1500)
>>Unknown Soldier, statement by Minister, 6997-8(100:1000-5)
>>Veterans, 8529-31(120:1005-20), 9012(128:1050-5)
>>>o.q., 829(13:1455), 1188(19:1150), 3085(41:1500), 8972(127:1445)
>>>qu., 1291(21:1020)
>>Veterans Week, statement by Minister, 1133-4(18:1500)
Baker, Roy
Canadian citizen, disappearance in Gabon, locating, government actions,
o.q., 2954-5(39:1440)
Bakopanos, Eleni (Lib.--Ahuntsic)
- >>Aircraft industry, o.q., 1682(27:1450)
>>Armenia, S.O. 31, 6013-4(84:1400)
>>Brain Tumor Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 9291(132:1410)
>>Breast cancer, petition, 7630(109:1515)
>>Canada-Greece relations, S.O. 31, 1044(17:1410-5)
>>Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), S.O. 31, 3074-5(41:1405)
>>Canadian flag, S.O. 31, 3565(49:1410-5)
>>Cancer, S.O. 31, 5356(73:1400)
>>China, petition, 7630(109:1515)
>>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 3157-60(43:1210-25)
>>Cultural diversity, 1103(18:1155)
>>Cyprus, o.q., 8131(115:1500)
>>Drug trafficking, 1935(31:1320-5)
>>Greece, S.O. 31, 4994(69:1400-5), 7138(102:1410)
>>Heritage, S.O. 31, 3778-9(53:1410)
>>Human Resources Development Department
>>>M. on supply (Ablonczy), 7575-8(108:1640-55)
>>International Day of Families, S.O. 31, 6891(98:1400)
>>International Day of Tolerance, S.O. 31, 1321(21:1355)
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 3302(45:1400-5)
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 1941(31:1400)
>>Marijuana, S.O. 31, 8672-3(122:1405)
>>Millennium scholarship fund, S.O. 31, 1123-4(18:1410)
>>Mozambique, o.q., 4089(58:1440)
>>Music, S.O. 31, 4386(63:1410)
>>National Child Day, S.O. 31, 1442(23:1405)
>>National missile defence system, petitions, 7630(109:1515), 8080(115:0935)
>>Organized crime, M. on supply (Bellehumeur), 1934-6(31:1315-30)
>>Postal workers, 8080(115:0935)
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 341(6:1405)
>>Procedure, petitions, 8080(115:0935)
>>Quebec sovereignty/separation, 3158-60(43:1215-25)
>>>Order of Phoenix recipient, Greek ambassador presented, S.O. 31, 3365(46:1405)
>>>Speaking in Greek, 7138(102:1410)
>>>See also Transitional jobs fund--Modes Conili Star
>>Refugees, S.O. 31, 5781(80:1400-5)
>>Richard, Maurice, S.O. 31, 689(11:1405)
>>Trade, M. on supply (McDonough), 1103(18:1155)
>>Transitional jobs fund, 7576-8(108:1645-55)
>>World March of Women, S.O. 31, 8849(126:1410), 9152(130:1410)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO), 1103(18:1155)
Balance of payments see Economy, economic conditions/development
Balance of trade see Trade
Balanced budget see Budget process
Balfour, Hon. Senator James (PC--Regina)
- >>References, former Member of Parliament, death, tribute, S.O. 31,
Balkans see Bosnia; Croatia; Kosovo; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
Ball hockey see Hockey
Ballard fuel cell see Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)--Reducing
Ballast waters see Marine transportation
Ballistic missiles see Nuclear energy--CANDU reactors, MOX fuels use
Baltic Express II trade mission see Trade
Banff, Alta. see Government expenditures--Waste and extravagance
Banff-Bow Valley study see National parks--Banff National Park
Banff National Park see National Parks--passim
Bangkok, Thailand see Canadian Volunteer Advisers to Business--International services
Bank Act see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)
Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-340)--Nystrom
First reading, 1715(28:1005)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers
Bank Act (amdt.--definition of infant)(Bill C-391)--Harb
First reading, 2122(34:1200)
>>See also Children--Definition
Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community reinvestment)(Bill
First reading, 6853-4(98:1000)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Community reinvestment
Bank Act, Insurance Companies Act and Trust and Loan Companies Act
(amdt.--repayment of a mortgage loan before the maturity of the loan)(Bill
First reading, 1716(28:1010)
>>See also Mortgages--Repayment
Bank notes see Currency--$1,000 bank note
Bank of Canada see Canada Savings Bonds--Administration; Interest rates
Bank of Canada Act (amdt.--withdrawal of the thousand dollar
note)(Bill C-210)--Marceau
First reading, 1212(3:1020)
>>See also Currency--$1,000 bank note
Bank of Montreal
Branch closures, layoffs, 855-6(13:1755-805)
>>>Credit unions taking over closed branches, 4990(68:1915)
>>>>S.O. 31, 3669(51:1410)
>>>o.q., 748(12:1455), 877(14:1145)
>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers
Bank of New York see Money laundering--$10 billion
Bank of Nova Scotia see Political parties--Donations/contributions/financing, Peterson
Bankruptcy see Agriculture--Farm income crisis; Royal Oak Mines Inc.; Students--Graduates
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act
Revision, delay, 544(9:1050)
>>Transfer of ownership of home or property to spouse, limitations, applying
to same-sex/opposite sex common law relationships, 3538(49:1105),
5613(77:1740), 5985(83:1545), 5987(83:1550)
>>See also Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24)
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--student loans)(Bill C-274)--Davies
First reading, 750(12:1510)
>>See also Student loans--Bankruptcy
Banks and financial institutions
Accountability, annual statements, requiring, 4991(68:1915)
>>>o.q., 2069(33:1445)
>>Automated teller machines (ATMs), use, job losses, etc., 7438(107:1240),
8277(116:1815), 8423-4(118:1605)
>>Automobile insurance and leasing role, prohibiting, 8225(116:1235),
8233(116:1335), 8418(118:1530)
>>Bad debt relief, repealing, 6555(93:1125)
>>Boards of directors, membership, limits, gender parity, etc.,
>>Branch closures, impact, job losses, etc., 4990-1(68:1910-5), 7438(107:1240),
8228-9(116:1305), 8261(116:1615), 8265(116:1640), 8276-7(116:1810-5),
8279(116:1825), 8423(118:1605), 8426(118:1620)
>>>Community veto powers, o.q., 1805(29:1125), 2068(33:1445)
>>>Credit unions replacing, 8265(116:1650)
>>>>See also Bank of Montreal
>>>Government inaction, Winnipeg, Man. example, etc., S.O. 31,
>>>Notice, requiring, o.q., 2068(33:1445)
>>>Parliamentary committee studying, o.q., 1805(29:1125)
>>>Poor communities, 8271(116:1725-30), 8426-7(118:1625)
>>>Process, 4991(68:1915), 8223(116:1220), 8229(116:1305), 8235(116:1345),
8265(116:1645-50), 8419(118:1535), 8429(118:1640)
>>>Rural communities, 8266-7(116:1650-5), 8418(118:1525), 8428-9(118:1640)
>>>>Six months notice requirement, etc., o.q., 7932(113:1450)
>>>S.O. 31, 1244(20:1415)
>>>See also Bank of Montreal;
Banks and financial institutions--Mergers
>>Canadian Alliance position, 8267(116:1635)
>>Capital requirements for smaller banks, 8223(116:1220), 8225(116:1240),
>>China, Canadian banks access, agreement, child labour ignored, o.q.,
>>Community banks, encouraging, 8223(116:1220)
>>Community reinvestment, requiring, United States examples, etc.,
4990(68:1915), 6853-4(98:1000), 8227-8(116:1255-305), 8235(116:1345-50),
8261(116:1615), 8264(116:1635), 8266(116:1650), 8270(116:1715-20),
8272-4(116:1735-50), 8277(116:1815), 8421-2(118:1555), 8425-6(118:1615-20),
8430(118:1645-50), 8433(118:1710)
>>>See also Bank Act and Statistics Act (amdt.--equity in community
reinvestment)(Bill C-478)
>>Competition, increasing, etc., 8223-4(116:1220-30), 8260(116:1600),
8270(116:1720), 8275-6(116:1755-810), 8279(116:1825), 8419(118:1535)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Foreign competition--Mergers
>>Consumer protection measures, 8223(116:1220)
>>>Basic services, guaranteeing, low fee accounts, etc., 8223(116:1220),
8225(116:1240), 8227(116:1250-5), 8229(116:1305-10), 8233(116:1335),
8259(116:1555), 8261(116:1615), 8268(116:1705), 8273(116:1740),
8419-20(118:1535-40), 8431-3(118:1655-710)
>>>>o.q., 6097(85:1435), 6101(85:1455)
>>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction factor, Quebec consumer legislation, etc.,
8227(116:1245-50), 8260-1(116:1610-5), 8419-20(118:1535-40), 8427-8(118:1630),
>>>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada role, 8223(116:1220),
8225(116:1235-40), 8234(116:1345), 8259(116:1555), 8261(116:1610),
8276(116:1805), 8419(118:1535), 8431(118:1655)
>>>>o.q., 6097(85:1435)
>>>Lack, 8261-2(116:1615-20)
>>>MacKay task force recommendations, 8261-2(116:1615-20)
>>>Necessity, treatment of customers, service decline, horror stories, etc.,
8262-3(116:1625), 8270(116:1715), 8426-7(118:1620-5)
>>>Ombudsman, independent, establishing, 8223(116:1220), 8225(116:1235-40),
8229(116:1310), 8232-4(116:1330-45), 8259(116:1555), 8264-5(116:1635-45),
8276(116:1805), 8433(118:1710)
>>>>o.q., 5409(74:1500), 6097(85:1435)
>>>Superintendent of Financial Institutions role, 8264(116:1635),
>>Cross ownership of industry, 8258(116:1550)
>>Debit cards
>>>Theft using, responsibility for losses, code of practice, etc., o.q.,
>>>See also Crime--Technology-based;
Organized crime--Bank debit and credit card fraud
>>Deregulation, 8268(116:1700), 8271(116:1720)
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien), acceptance, 7848(112:1745)
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), 3073(41:1355)
>>Economic role, employment, etc., importance, 8222(116:1215), 8257(116:1545),
8259(116:1555), 8418(118:1525)
>>>S.O. 31, 5400(74:1410)
>>Electronic banking, 8258(116:1550), 8268(116:1705), 8417(118:1525)
>>Executives, compensation, 4990(68:1915)
>>>Chief Executive Officers, 8424(118:1605), 8428(118:1635)
>>>o.q., 1803(29:1125), 2068-9(33:1445)
>>Finance Minister's powers, 8226-7(116:1250), 8234-5(116:1340-50),
8259-60(116:1555-605), 8264-5(116:1635-40),
8419-22(118:1530-55), 8426-7(118:1620-5),
>>>Quebec banks, relationship, 8419-21(118:1530-50), 8429-31(118:1640-50),
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Mergers
>>Financial services legislation, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act
(Bill C-38), 8222-36(116:1210-350), 8256-79(116:1540-825),
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 8226(116:1245-50), 8231-2(116:1325),
8260(116:1600), 8271-2(116:1730), 8418-20(118:1530-40), 8428(118:1635),
>>>Canadian Alliance position, 8224(116:1230), 8226(116:1245),
8276(116:1810-5), 8278-9(116:1825)
>>>Consultations, 8222-3(116:1215-25), 8417(118:1520), 8422(118:1555)
>>>Delay introducing, 8226(116:1245), 8258(116:1545-50), 8417-8(118:1520-30)
>>>Five principles, 8268(116:1700)
>>>Importance, scope, 8222(116:1215), 8232(116:1325), 8257(116:1545),
8267(116:1655-700), 8277-8(116:1815-20), 8426(118:1620), 8429(118:1640)
>>>Introducing, o.q., 748(12:1455), 1805(29:1125), 2068(33:1445),
2175(35:1440), 6097(85:1435), 6101(85:1455), 7928(113:1430)
>>>Liberal Party Members not participating in debate, 8267(116:1655),
8269(116:1715), 8278(116:1820)
>>>New Democratic Party position, 8232(116:1330), 8258(116:1545),
8262-6(116:1625-50), 8422(118:1555)
>>>Overview, 8222-3(116:1215-25)
>>>Progressive Conservative Party position, 8258(116:1545), 8260(116:1600),
>>>Sunset clause, review after five years or earlier, 8223(116:1225)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--passim;
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)
>>Financial services policy framework, June 1999 white paper, 4991(68:1915),
8222-3(116:1220), 8232(116:1330)
>>>o.q., 6097(85:1435)
>>Foreign competition, banks' branches in Canada, etc., 8222(116:1215),
8268(116:1700), 8276(116:1810)
>>Foreign ownership
>>>Restrictions, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) eliminating,
8233(116:1335), 8270(116:1720)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--New institutions--Ownership
>>Globalization, international competitiveness, factors, 8222-4(116:1215-30),
8226(116:1250), 8257-9(116:1545-55), 8275(116:1800), 8418(118:1525-30),
8429(118:1640), 8432(118:1700)
>>>Earnings outside Canada, 50%, 8257(116:1545)
>>>Exports, financing role, Export Development Corporation (EDC) competition
factor, 8275-6(116:1805)
>>>Mergers, relationship, 8224(116:1230), 8258(116:1550), 8432(118:1700)
>>>United States, with., 8258(116:1550)
>>Holding companies structure, providing, 8223-4(116:1220-35), 8259(116:1555),
>>Income tax
>>>Capital tax surcharge, 12%, extension, Budget 1999 measure, 5772(80:1310)
>>>Level, high/low, reducing, etc., 8226(116:1245), 8235(116:1345),
8263(116:1630), 8274(116:1750), 9239(131:1715), 9287(132:1340)
>>>>o.q., 7819(112:1445)
>>>Levying on profits before dividend distribution, 8265-6(116:1645)
>>Insurance, selling, 8418(118:1530), 8422(118:1555)
>>>MacKay task force report recommendations, petition, 1594-5(26:1015)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Automobile insurance and leasing
>>Interac network, full accessibility, MacKay task force recommendation,
>>Investment restrictions, reduction, 8223(116:1220)
>>>Government initiatives of past five years, 8222(116:1215)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Financial services legislation
>>MacKay task force, report, etc., 8222(116:1215), 8232(116:1330),
8258-9(116:1550-5), 8271(116:1730), 8423(118:1605)
>>>o.q., 2175(35:1440)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions passim
Credit unions/caisses populaires--Co-operatively held bank
>>>Bank of Montreal and Royal Bank of Canada proposal, Finance Minister Paul
Martin response, 8268-9(116:1705-10)
>>>Branch closures, job losses, impact, 8278(116:1820)
>>>Competition, impact, 8275(116:1800)
>>>Finance Minister's powers, 8234(116:1340-5), 8258(116:1550)
>>>>o.q., 7928-9(113:1430), 7931-2(113:1445-50)
>>>House of Commons role, approval, requiring, 1715(28:1005), 8422(118:1555)
>>>>See also Bank Act (amdt.--bank mergers)(Bill C-340)
>>>Legislation see Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38)
>>>o.q., 6097(85:1435)
>>>Proposals, government reaction, impact, etc., 855-7(13:1755-805),
>>>>o.q., 877(14:1145-50)
>>>Review process, 8223-4(116:1220-30), 8234-5(116:1345), 8258-9(116:1550-600)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Globalization
>>Nationalization, 8279(116:1825)
>>New Democratic Party position, 8257(116:1540)
>>New institutions, foreign institutions, allowing, encouraging, o.q.,
>>Ownership restrictions, 20% rule replacing 10% rule, criteria, etc.,
792(13:1100), 8223(116:1220), 8229-34(116:1310-40), 8257(116:1545),
8259(116:1555), 8263(116:1630), 8266-8(116:1650-700), 8270-2(116:1720-35),
8277-8(116:1815-20), 8417(118:1525), 8422(118:1555), 8433-5(118:1715-25)
>>>Foreign ownership implications, 8259(116:1600), 8267(116:1655),
>>>Medium-sized institutions, 65% rule, 8234(116:1340), 8259(116:1555),
8270-1(116:1720-5), 8277-8(116:1815-20)
>>>Quebec impact, 65% rule, foreign takeovers possibility, National Bank of
Canada, etc., 8230-2(116:1310-25), 8234(116:1340), 8260-1(116:1600-10),
8270-1(116:1720-5), 8274(116:1750-5), 8277(116:1815), 8419-20(118:1530-45),
8425(118:1615), 8427(118:1625-30), 8429-35(118:1645-725)
>>>>o.q., 6817(97:1435), 6898(98:1435-40), 7364(105:1435-40), 7401(106:1135),
7929-30(113:1430-40), 8019(114:1435)
>>>Small institutions, no restrictions, 8234(116:1340), 8278(116:1820)
>>>Strategic alliances factor, 8223(116:1220)
>>Payments system
>>>Access, extending to life insurance companies, securities dealers, money
market mutual funds, 8223-5(116:1220-35), 8232(116:1330)
>>>Advisory committee of 1996, 8222(116:1215)
>>>Canadian Payments Association governance and oversight, 8223(116:1225)
>>Political contributions to Liberal Party, 8235(116:1350)
>>Poor, access, lack, 8263-4(116:1625-35), 8419(118:1530), 8430(118:1650)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures--Consumer
protection measures, Basic services
>>Privileged status, 8423(118:1605)
>>Profits, 4990-1(68:1910-5), 7438(107:1235-40), 8268(116:1705),
8275(116:1755), 8278-9(116:1825), 8418(118:1525), 8422-3(118:1555-605),
>>>o.q., 1805(29:1125), 2068(33:1445), 6097(85:1435), 6100-1(85:1455)
>>Public opinion, 8423-4(118:1600-10)
>>Quebec financial institutions, Mouvement des caisses Desjardins, etc.,
role, 8427-8(118:1630)
>>>International comparison, lagging behind, 8224(116:1225)
>>>Necessity, 8265(116:1640)
>>Regional development banking, lacking, 6103-4(85:1510), 6106(85:1530)
>>Regulations, role, Canadian Alliance/New Democratic Party positions,
>>Regulatory framework, improving, 8223(116:1220-5)
>>Rural communities access, lack, 8422(118:1555)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Branch closures
>>Service charges, 8423-4(118:1605)
>>>o.q., 6097(85:1435), 6100-1(86:1455)
>>Share ownership, percentage/number of Canadians, 8257(116:1545),
8259(116:1555), 8268(116:1705), 8270(116:1720)
>>Shareholder activism, rights, democratizing banks, Yves Michaud and Pat
Martin moving motions at shareholders meetings, etc., 8424-5(118:1605-15),
>>Superintendent of Financial Institutions powers, 8222-3(116:1215-25)
>>>See also Banks and financial institutions--Consumer protection measures
>>System, strength, efficiency, value, etc., 8259(116:1555), 8268(116:1700),
>>Tied selling, prohibiting, 8222(116:1215)
>>World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement on financial services, Canada
entering into in 1997, 8222(116:1215)
>>See also Bank of Montreal;
Credit--Credit records;
Credit unions/caisses populaires;
Four Corners Community Savings;
International financial institutions;
Internet/information highway--Personal information;
National Bank of Canada;
National debt--Interest payments;
Small and medium business--Venture capital;
Student loans--Financial institutions--Government payments to banks;
Toronto-Dominion Bank
Barakova coal mine see Ukraine
Barika, Dr. Jan see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)
Baril, Jacques see Quebec
Baril, Gen Maurice see Canadian Armed Forces--Bases and camps, Closure--Chief of Defence Staff
Barker, William, VC
Death, 70th anniversary, Victoria Cross recipient, commemorative plaque,
honouring, Dauphin, Man., June 1, 2000, S.O. 31, 4763(65:1405)
>>War hero, designating, 7919(113:1335)
Barnard, Don see Government grants/subsidies--Kenora--Rainy River constituency, Election campaign donations
Barnes, Sue (Lib.--London West)
- >>Aboriginal and Northern Affairs Standing Committee, 1812(29:1205)
>>Aboriginal peoples/communities, 8742-3(123:1605-10)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research (Bill C-13), 5120-1(70:1150-200), 5124(70:1215)
>>Child care, 9100(129:1700)
>>Child labour, o.q., 1759(28:1450)
>>Children, o.q., 5001(69:1440), 6902(98:1455), 7144(102:1440), 8245-6(116:1440)
>>Developing countries, o.q., 6407(90:1455)
>>Firefighters/emergency personnel, M. (Calder), 9051(129:1205)
>>Governor General's award in commemoration of the Persons case, S.O. 31, 9212-3(131:1405)
>>Gun control, 9067(129:1345-50)
>>Health research, 5120(70:1150)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 8741-3(123:1600-10)
>>Manitoba Claim Settlements Implementation Act (Bill C-14), 8741-3(123:1555-615)
>>Marijuana, o.q., 6503(92:1445), 8606(121:1445)
>>National Aboriginal Day, S.O. 31, 5356(73:1400)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2775(38:1720)
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 898(15:1155)
>>Violence/violent offences, 9097-100(129:1640-55)
>>>S.O. 31, 9070(129:1400-5)
>>Women, o.q., 7954(113:1450-5)
>>World March of Women, M. on supply (Duceppe), 9067(129:1345-50), 9097-100(129:1640-700)
Barreau du Québec see Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17), Criminal Code
Barret Commission see Housing--British Columbia
Barret, Paul see Teachers--Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence
Barrette Diversifies Corporation see Transitional jobs fund--Liberal Party
Barrie Colts see Hockey--Ontario Hockey League
Bartenders see Impaired driving--Death and injury caused, Sentences, Liability
Barter exchange
Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), inclusion,
Bas Iris see Transitional jobs fund--Liberal Party
Baseball see Government expenditures--Studies
Basel convention see Hazardous waste
Bases and camps see Canadian Armed Forces
Basic personal amount (non-refundable tax credit) see Income tax
British Columbia Triple "A" high school basketball championships,
participants, congratulating, S.O. 31, 5780(80:1355)
>>CIAU Basketball Championships
>>>St. Francis Xavier X-Men, winners, S.O. 31, 4996(69:1415)
>>>University of Lethbridge Pronghorns, competitors, S.O. 31, 4948(68:1405)
>>See also Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia)
Battle of Britain see World War II
Battle of the Atlantic see World War II
Bay Networks see Nortel Networks Corporation
Bay of Biscay see Oil spills--Erika
BCE Inc. see Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. (BCE)
BCNI see Business Council on National Issues (BCNI)
Beak trimming see Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17), Hunting
Beal, Robert
Sports cultural exchange programs, founder, death, tributes, S.O. 31,
Bear baiting see Cruelty to animals--Penalties, Legislation (Bill C-17)
Beatrice Chancy see Arts and culture--Opera
Beaubassin see Historic/heritage buildings, sites and monuments
Beaulieu, Diane see Farms
Beaumier, Colleen (Lib.--Brampton West--Mississauga)
- >>Burma, S.O. 31, 6954(99:1400-5)
>>Cultural diversity, o.q., 1052(17:1455)
>>International Development Research Centre (IDRC), S.O. 31, 6891(98:1400)
>>Interparliamentary delegations, reports, 1055-6(17:1520)
>>>o.q., 8130(115:1455)
>>>Petition, 8860(126:1510)
>>Terry Fox Day Act (Bill C-479), 6967(99:1525)
>>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, o.q., 8680(122:1445)
Beauregard, Jacques
Former mayor of Ferme-Neuve, Que., ambulance attendant, death, tribute,
S.O. 31, 6201(87:1405)
Bedard, Kelly James see Violent offenders
Beef see Cattle
Beelen, Joe see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)
Beer see Grain--Malt barley
Bégin, Hon. Monique see Health care system
Beijing +5 United Nations conference on gender equality see Women
Bélair, Réginald (Lib.--Timmins--James Bay)
- >>Breast cancer, petition, 5324(73:1010)
>>Child poverty, petition, 4245(61:1030)
>>Forest industry, o.q., 8682(122:1455)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 1559-60(25:1450)
>>Mining industry, o.q., 1634(26:1440), 9300(132:1505)
>>National Forest Week, S.O. 31, 6577-8(93:1405)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 656(11:1025), 5324(73:1010)
>>Trade, S.O. 31, 3846(54:1400)
>>Waste, S.O. 31, 9069(129:1400)
>>Western Economic Diversification Canada, o.q., 9160(130:1450-5)
Bélanger, Mauril (Lib.--Ottawa--Vanier; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Canadian Heritage until Aug. 31, 2000)
- >>Arts and culture, 1147(18:1630)
>>>S.O. 31, 339-40(6:1400)
>>Audiovisual industry, o.q., 551-2(9:1120-5), 1181-2(19:1120), 1492-3(24:1120-5)
>>Auger, Michel, S.O. 31, 8236(116:1355)
>>Books, S.O. 31, 7035(100:1410)
>>Broadcasting, qu., 2181-2(35:1520)
>>Canada Day, o.q., 7757(111:1130)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 5933(82:1955)
>>Canada Health Care, Early Childhood Development and Other Social Services Funding Act (Bill C-45), 9180-1(130:1710)
>>Canada National Parks Act (Bill C-27), 6433-4(91:1005-15), 6436(91:1030-5), 7773-4(111:1305-10), 7917-9(113:1325-35), 7943(113:1605)
>>Canada Student Loans Program, o.q., 8545(120:1140)
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), o.q., 6208(87:1440), 6628-9(94:1425), 6763(96:1145), 7100(101:1155), 7228(103:1500)
>>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee (1st Sess., 36th. Parl.), 1085(18:1000)
>>Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), o.q., 7044-5(100:1500)
>>Council for Canadian Unity, o.q., 6204-5(87:1420-5)
>>Cultural diversity, 1144-5(18:1610-20), 1147(18:1630)
>>>o.q., 1052(17:1455), 1130(18:1445)
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 9220(131:1450)
>>Elections, S.O. 31, 9334(133:1110)
>>Gene research, S.O. 31, 4696(64:1400-5)
>>Health care system, o.q., 5933(82:1955)
>>Job creation, S.O. 31, 7751-2(111:1105)
>>Marcus, Jean-Claude, S.O. 31, 6200-1(87:1405)
>>Municipal Grants Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 3745(52:1325)
>>National Arts Centre, 7763(111:1200)
>>National parks, 6324(88:1920)
>>>o.q., 3143(42:1200)
>>>qu., 3051(41:1125)
>>National Parks Act (amdt.--Stoltmann National Park)(Bill C-236), 1712-3(27:1810-5)
>>Newspapers, o.q., 6450(91:1145)
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, S.O. 31, 5581(77:1405)
>>Official Languages Standing Joint Committee, reports, 3000-1(40:1515-20), 8860(126:1510), 8930(127:1010), 9026(128:1210)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 8007(113:2335)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 3001(40:1520), 3008(40:1555), 3042(41:1055), 8860(126:1510), 8930(127:1010), 9026(128:1210)
>>>Members, 2567(36:4830)
>>>Members' remarks, 3745(52:1325)
>>>Private Members' Hour, 3625(50:1815), 6464(91:1310)
>>Quebec, o.q., 1996(32:1455)
>>Samuel de Champlain Day Act (Bill C-428), 7261-3(103:1910-20)
>>Stanley Knowles Day, M. (Desjarlais), 4323-4(61:1945-55)
>>Trade, M. on supply (McDonough), 1144-5(18:1610-20), 1147(18:1630)
>>Universities and colleges, o.q., 5527(76:1150)
>>Wakid, Marie, S.O. 31, 2693(37:1105)
>>Youth, o.q., 6765-6(96:1155)
Humanitarian aid, $1.4 million in medical supplies, Canadian Aid for
Chernobyl foundation providing, tribute, S.O. 31, 5251(72:1410)
Belgium see DNA evidence databank--International comparisons
Belgrade see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
Belhumeur, Camilien see Winterlude--Ottawa, Ont.
Béliveau, Pierre see Quebec--Baril
Bell Canada see Telephone service--Rural access
Bell Canada Enterprises Inc. (BCE)
CTV takeover, $2.3 billion, owes $2.3 billion in corporate income tax,
fairness, 7645(109:1655)
>>See also Canada Information Office (CIO)--Government services and programs;
Internet/information highway--Canadian content;
Nortel Networks Corporation
Bell Super Science Fair
Laflamme, David, life sciences experiment, first prize, S.O. 31,
Belledune, N.B. see Ports
Bellefeuille, Aldege see National Defence Department--Access to information requests
Bellehumeur, Michel (BQ--Berthier--Montcalm)
- >>Access to Information Commissioner, o.q., 9161(130:1455)
>>Blood Samples Act (Bill C-244), 2728-30(38:1135-45)
>>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 8305-6(116:2130)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13), 1650(26:1630), 1655(26:1710), 1657(26:1720)
>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), o.q., 1330-1(21:1440), 1445(23:1420)
>>Children, 8685(122:1520)
>>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 2964-5(39:1550-5), 2969(39:1625)
>>Corporations, M. (MacKay), 4370(63:1135-40)
>>Crime, 286(5:1620-5)
>>Criminal Code, 8305(116:2130), 8685(122:1515)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--criminal harassment, home invasions, applications for ministerial review--miscarriages of justice, and criminal procedure)(Bill C-36), 8831-5(124:1700-25)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and Firearms Act (amdt.--technical amendments)(Bill C-17), 8685-7(122:1515-35)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--flight)(Bill C-202), 3151-2(43:1115-20)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death and other matters)(Bill C-18), 2104-8(34:1025-55), 2123-5(34:1210-25), 2130-2(34:1255-305)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--prohibited sexual acts)(Bill C-209), 2097(33:1805-10)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--wearing of war decorations)(Bill C-334), 6988-9(99:1835-40)
>>Criminal harassment (stalking), 8832-3(124:1700-15)
>>Cruelty to animals, 8685(122:1515), 8686-7(122:1525-35)
>>Currency, 1968(31:1655), 5762(80:1155-200), 5764(80:1215), 8316(116:2250)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 8685(122:1520)
>>Drug trafficking, 1906(31:1010)
>>Endangered species, 7800(112:1250-5)
>>Financial Transactions and Records Analysis Centre of Canada, 5763-4(80:1210-5)
>>Food, petition, 7823(112:1505)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (St-Julien), 3218(44:1025)
>>>Petitions, 7825(112:1520), 8252(116:1520)
>>Gun control/guns, 8686(122:1520)
>>Human Resources Development Department, o.q., 7040-1(100:1440), 7142(102:1430), 7221-2(103:1425)
>>Internet/information highway, 1397-8(22:1655-700), 5483-6(75:1520-40)
>>Justice system, 8305(116:2130), 8831-2(124:1700-10)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-8), 1700-2(27:1640-55)
>>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 5922(82:1840)
>>Money laundering, 5762-4(80:1200-20)
>>Organized crime, 5762-4(80:1200-15), 8685(122:1520), 8834(124:1725)
>>>M. on supply, 1905-7(31:1005-20), 1953(31:1510), 1965-6(31:1635), 1968(31:1655)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (MacKay), 8288(116:1930), 8300(116:2055-100), 8305-6(116:2130), 8312(116:2215-20), 8315-7(116:2240-50)
>>>o.q., 28(2:1455), 8241-2(116:1420-5), 8409(118:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 8850(126:1410)
>>Penitentiaries, 207-9(34:1035-50)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6), 5483-6(75:1520-40)
>>Police, 8685(122:1515-20)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 7151(102:1525), 7825-6(112:1520)
>>Prescott, Ont., S.O. 31, 607(10:1405)
>>Privilege, Chatters (contempt of Parliament), 3156(43:1205), 3188-9(43:1520-30)
>>>Bills, Government, 4627(63:4600), 6588-9(93:1500-5), 8575(121:1145)
>>>Debate be now adjourned, M., 2730(38:1145)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 4487(63:2625), 5922(82:1840)
>>>Documents, tabling, 1998(32:1510), 2761(38:1515), 2919(39:1100), 2999-3000(40:1510), 3004(40:1530), 3193-4(43:1555-600), 3339(46:1005)
>>>Emergency debates, 3218(44:1025)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 2114(34:1120), 2965(39:1550-5)
>>>Members, 4484(63:2555)
>>>Members' remarks, 1655(26:1710)
>>>Oral questions, 2122(34:1200)
>>>Pages, 4641(63:4740), 4672(63:5125)
>>>Petitions, 7153(102:1530), 7825(112:1520)
>>>Question and comment period, 1657(26:1720)
>>>Quorum, 1650(26:1630), 2964(39:1550), 2969(39:1625)
>>>Speeches, 3038(41:1030)
>>Proceeds of crime, 8312(116:2215)
>>Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) Act (Bill C-22), 5762-5(80:1155-220)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 3000(40:1510), 3193(43:1555), 3339(46:1005)
>>>o.q., 2758(38:1450), 2954(39:1440)
>>References, legal expert, 6694(95:1310)
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 8832-3(124:1700-15), 8834-5(124:1725)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-33), 7800(112:1250-5)
>>Telephone service, 1397-8(22:1655-700)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 285-6(5:1615-25), 1397(22:1655-700)
>>Transitional jobs fund, o.q., 5788(80:1440), 6503(92:1440)
>>Young Offenders Act, 285-6(5:1615-25), 476-7(8:1155-205), 488-9(8:1330), 492(8:1350-5), 515(8:1600), 8587-8(121:1300), 8834(124:1720)
>>>o.q., 6210(87:1450), 6896(98:1415), 8676(122:1425)
>>>S.O. 31, 4948(68:1400)
>>Young Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-297), 7969-70(113:1855-905)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-3), 476-81(8:1155-235), 488-9(8:1330), 492(8:1350-5), 515(8:1600-5), 520-1(8:1640-5), 1423(23:1200-5), 8573-5(121:1135-45), 8577-88(121:1155-305)
>>Youth justice system, 1998(32:1510), 5485-6(75:1535-40), 6588-9(93:1500-5), 8316(116:2245), 8587-8(121:1255-305)
>>>o.q., 924(15:1435), 1993(32:1440), 2064(33:1420-5), 5974-5(83:1430-5), 6707-8(95:1430), 6896(98:1425), 8371-2(117:1450), 8543(120:1130), 8676(122:1425), 8808(124:1435), 8832-4(124:1705-20)
>>>S.O. 31, 2988-9(40:1405), 4995(69:1405), 8539(120:1110)
Bellemare, Eugène (Lib.--Carleton--Gloucester; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation; Lib.--Ottawa--Orléans; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister for International Cooperation)
- >>Canada Foundation for Innovation, qu., 9346(133:1210)
>>Canadian Association of Editorial Cartoonists, S.O. 31, 5782(80:1405-10)
>>Canadian International Development Agency, 4041(57:1205)
>>>o.q., 8729(123:1455)
>>>S.O. 31, 8364(117:1350-5)
>>Drinking Water Conservation Day, S.O. 31, 6441(91:1105)
>>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 5357(73:1405)
>>Endangered species, S.O. 31, 7091(101:1110)
>>Foreign aid, o.q., 396(7:1450), 7402(106:1140)
>>Francophones outside Quebec, S.O. 31, 6495-6(92:1405), 8849(126:1405)
>>French language, S.O. 31, 819(13:1405)
>>Haiti, o.q., 1188(19:1150)
>>Hospitals, S.O. 31, 1941(31:1400-5), 2694(37:1110)
>>India, 1038(16:1915)
>>International financial institutions, 5839(81:1200)
>>Knights of Columbus, S.O. 31, 5469-70(75:1400)
>>Natural disasters, 1038(17:1915)
>>Ontario Winter Games, S.O. 31, 5518(76:1105)
>>Ottawa, Ont., 3647(51:1145)
>>Parent, references, M. (Duceppe), 4793(65:1720)
>>Petitions, g.r., 9344(133:1205)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 3000(40:1515)
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 9346(133:1210)
>>Public Service, S.O. 31, 3416(47:1100-5)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 4793(65:1720)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3647(51:1145)
>>Schulz, Charles, S.O. 31, 3719(52:1100)
Benefit of the doubt clause see Veterans--Benefits/pensions
Bennett, Carolyn (Lib.--St. Paul's)
- >>Allergy-Asthma Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 7087-8(101:1055)
>>Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 7810(112:1400)
>>Applebaum, Louis, S.O. 31, 6395(90:1355-400)
>>Breast cancer, S.O. 31, 8402(118:1400)
>>Broadcasting, o.q., 5791(80:1455)
>>Budget 2000, 3099-100(41:1635-40)
>>Budget 2000 Mini Budget, o.q., 9077-8(129:1440)
>>Budget surplus, 222(4:1320), 224(4:1325)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 318-20(6:1135-45)
>>Canada-Israel Committee, S.O. 31, 5397-8(74:1400)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research, o.q., 1132(18:1455)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13), 1641-3(26:1525-35)
>>Child poverty, 222-3(4:1320)
>>Children, 223(4:1325)
>>Crime prevention, 224(4:1330)
>>>o.q., 208(4:1145)
>>Diabetes, o.q., 1496(24:1140)
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 3099(41:1635), 3100(41:1645)
>>Elections, 319(6:1135-40)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3099-101(41:1635-50)
>>Foreign aid, o.q., 7402(106:1140)
>>Francophonie, o.q., 3372(46:1445)
>>Government, 3100(41:1640)
>>Government policies, 3100(41:1640)
>>Government programs, 3100(41:1640)
>>Governor General's Performing Arts awards, S.O. 31, 1241(20:1400)
>>Governor General's Visual and Media Arts Award, S.O. 31, 5138(70:1400)
>>Health awareness, 606(10:1400)
>>Health care system, 223(4:1325), 3101(41:1645-50)
>>>Ms. on supply
>>>>(McDonough), 4288-90(61:1500-20)
>>>>(Thompson, G.), 4831-2(66:1255-300)
>>HIV/AIDS, S.O. 31, 1987(32:1410)
>>Homeless, 223(4:1325)
>>>o.q., 3139(42:1140)
>>Housing, 3099(41:1640)
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 1004(16:1450)
>>Income, 223(4:1325)
>>Interprovincial barriers, 223(4:1320)
>>Knowledge-based economy, 223(4:1325)
>>Leukemia Awareness Month, M., 3395-7(46:1755-810), 3403(46:1850-5)
>>National Child Poverty Day, S.O. 31, 1625(26:1400)
>>National Nursing Week, S.O. 31, 6494(92:1400)
>>National Sleep Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 606(10:1400)
>>Olympic and Paralympic Games, 2008 Summer Games, S.O. 31, 4200(60:1400)
>>Ovarian Cancer Month, S.O. 31, 8012(114:1400)
>>Political parties, S.O. 31, 4948-9(68:1405)
>>Registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs), 3100-1(41:1645)
>>Social programs, 3100(41:1640)
>>Taxation, 224(4:1330), 3099(41:1640)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 222-4(4:1320-30)
>>Toronto, Ont., o.q., 5258(72:1445)
>>Wahn, Ian, 702(11:1505)
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 8236(116:1355)
Benoit, Leon (Ref.--Lakeland; CA--Lakeland as of March 27, 2000)
- >>Abortion, petition, 3045(41:1110)
>>Agriculture, 4233(60:1735)
>>>M. for Production of Papers, 7632(109:1525)
>>>M. on supply (Hilstrom), 628-31(10:1610-25), 641(10:1735), 643(10:1745)
>>>S.O. 31, 547(9:1100)
>>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 4233(60:1735), 4235(60:1745), 4237(60:1800-5)
>>Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB), 4237(60:1800)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 2303-4(36:1635-45)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 1883(30:1610)
>>Canada Health Care, Early Childhood Development and Other Social Services Funding Act (Bill C-45), 9179-82(130:1700-25)
>>Canada Pension Plan (CPP), 4237(60:1800)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13), 1882-3(30:1600-15)
>>Cape Breton Development Corporation Divestiture Authorization and Dissolution Act (Bill C-11), 6529(92:1730)
>>Child pornography, petition, 751(12:1510), 3612(50:1640), 6675(95:1045), 7408(106:1210), 7630(109:1515)
>>Children, 5990-1(83:1615-20)
>>>Petition, 3045(41:1110)
>>Citizenship, qu., 3216(44:1015)
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, 4959-61(68:1505-20), 5369-73(73:1515-45), 5376(73:1605-10), 5379(73:1625-30), 5384(73:1705)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-16), 3713-8(52:1020-55), 6638-41(94:1515-30), 6651-5(94:1655-720), 6678-9(95:1105-10), 6684-6(95:1150-205), 6970-6(99:1540-630), 6981(99:1725)
>>Citizenship of Canada Act (Bill C-63)(1st Sess., 32nd Parl.), qu., 1718(28:1015)
>>Constitution, petition, 1192(19:1210)
>>Criminal Code, 8687-8(122:1535)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--cruelty to animals, disarming a peace officer and other amendments) and Firearms Act (amdt.--technical amendments)(Bill C-17), 8687-90(122:1535-55)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--search and seizure without warrant)(Bill C-433), 3742(52:1305)
>>Crop insurance program, qu., 5413(74:1520)
>>Cruelty to animals, 8688-90(122:1545-55)
>>Endangered species, 8688(122:1540)
>>Farm Income Protection Act (amdt.--crop damage by gophers)(Bill C-327), 1414(23:1020)
>>Farmers, 8362(117:1235)
>>Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils, o.q., 7401(106:1135)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3061(41:1240), 3070(41:1340)
>>First Nations Ombudsman Act (Bill C-222), 5693-4(78:1740-50)
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, M. on supply (Ablonczy), 5629(78:1045)
>>Government expenditures, 4235(60:1745)
>>Government grants, qu., 6675(95:1045)
>>Health care system, 4235(60:1745), 9178-9(130:1655)
>>Human Resources Development Department, 4235(60:1745)
>>>o.q., 3260(44:1455), 7043(100:1455)
>>Immigration and Refugee Board, 6188-9(87:1240-5)
>>Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Bill C-31), 6186-91(87:1215-55), 6219(87:1540), 6223(87:1605), 6225(87:1615-20), 6228(87:1645), 6608(93:1720-5)
>>Immigration/immigrants, 174-6(3:1655-705), 195(4:1045), 3715-6(52:1030-5), 6186-90(87:1215-50), 6219(87:1540), 6223(87:1605), 6228(87:1645), 6608(93:1720-5)
>>>M., 2974-6(39:1745-800), 2982-3(39:1840-5)
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, 115(3:1035-40)
>>>o.q., 27-8(2:1450), 29(2:1500), 204(4:1130), 348(6:1440-5), 392(7:1430-5), 828(13:1455), 1002(16:1440), 1448-9(23:1440), 5976(83:1440), 6287(88:1435-40), 8019(114:1435-40)
>>>S.O. 31, 994(16:1355-400), 5471-2(75:1410), 5828(81:1105), 7749(111:1055)
>>Income tax, 4233(60:1735), 4235(60:1745), 4237(60:1800)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of expenses incurred by mechanic for tools required in employment)(Bill C-205), 5501-2(75:1740-50)
>>Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of mechanics' tool expenses)(Bill C-429), 3608(50:1530)
>>Indian Act (amdt.--election of chiefs and councils)(Bill C-431), 3608(50:1535)
>>Indian bands/reserves, 360(50:1535)
>>>qu., 5896(82:1505)
>>Judges, 2303(36:1635)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 9180-1(130:1710-5), 9211(131:1400)
>>>Petition, 5936(83:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 4993(69:1400)
>>Mechanics, 3608(50:1530)
>>Members of Parliament, 7878(112:2125), 7998(113:2230), 8007-9(113:2340-50)
>>Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act (Bill C-23), 5561(77:1225), 5990-1(83:1615-20)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement, 2304(36:1640)
>>Nisga'a Final Agreement Act (Bill C-9), 2030(33:1030), 2217(35:1825)
>>Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.) and Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 7878(112:2125), 7977(113:2000), 7994(113:2200), 7998(113:2230), 8007-9(113:2340-50)
>>Police, 8688(122:1540)
>>Political parties, 2303-4(36:1635-40)
>>Privilege, prima facie, Fontana (rights of Members breached), 4959-61(68:1500-20)
>>>M. (Fontana), 5369-73(73:1515-45), 5376(73:1605-10), 5379(73:1625-30), 5384(73:1705)
>>>Bills, Government, 6651(94:1655), 6686(95:1205)
>>>Decisions/statements of the Chair, 5373(73:1545)
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 560(9:1205), 4237(60:1805)
>>>Members' remarks, 3070(41:1340)
>>>Motions for Production of Papers, 7632(109:1525)
>>>Private Members' Business, 2774(38:1715)
>>>Question and comment period, 3061(41:1240), 5629(78:1045), 6976(99:1630)
>>Property rights, 8688(122:1540)
>>Quebec, 6679(95:1105)
>>References see Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee--Confidential draft report
>>Reform Party, 7994(113:2200)
>>Refugees, 3715-6(52:1030-40), 6186-7(87:1220-5), 6190-1(87:1250-5), 6219(87:1540-5), 6225(87:1615-20), 6971-2(99:1600)
>>>o.q., 1187(19:1145)
>>>Petition, 3743(52:1310)
>>>S.O. 31, 6091(85:1405)
>>Same-sex couples, 3714(52:1025-30)
>>>Petition, 5936(83:1010)
>>>S.O. 31, 4993(69:1400)
>>Search and seizure, 3742(52:1305)
>>Sierra Leone, petition, 560(9:1205)
>>Species at Risk Act (Bill C-33), 8351-3(117:1230-40)
>>Taxation, 4235(60:1745)
>>>Petitions, 3612(50:1640), 3743(52:1310), 6967(99:1525)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 174-6(3:1655-705), 195(4:1045)
Benson, Kevin see Air Canada
Bergeron, Stéphane (BQ--Verchères--Les-Patriotes)
- >>Access to Information Commissioner, o.q, 9157(130:1435-40)
>>Airlines, M. on supply (Duceppe), 785(13:1015)
>>Appropriation Act No. 1, 2000-2001 (Bill C-30), 5074(69:1930), 5076(69:1930)
>>Appropriation Act No. 4, 1999-2000 (Bill C-29), 5068(69:1920), 5070(69:1925), 5072(69:1925)
>>Audiovisual industry, o.q., 203(4:1120-5), 206(4:1140), 208(4:1150), 266(5:1420-5), 344(6:1420-5), 390(7:1420), 498-9(8:1420-5), 612(10:1430), 696(11:1435), 828(13:1455), 1248(20:1430), 1446-7(23:1430), 1492(24:1120-5), 1556(25:1430), 3729(52:1145), 3854(54:1440), 3990(56:1440), 4037(57:1140), 4391(63:1435), 4879(67:1455), 5001(69:1440), 5148(70:1450), 5834(81:1135-40), 6024(84:1455), 6098(85:1440), 6206(87:1430), 6286-7(88:1435), 6400-1(90:1420-5), 6499(92:1425), 6961(99:1440), 7703(110:1440), 7821(112:1455-500), 7933(113:1455), 9299-300(132:1505)
>>Budget 2000, M. for approval (Martin, Paul), 5236-9(72:1235-50)
>>Budget deficit, 3109(41:1800)
>>Budget Implementation Act, 2000 (Bill C-32), 7584(108:1805-10)
>>Budget surplus, 3109(41:1800), 5238(72:1245)
>>Canada Day, o.q., 7628(109:1505)
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2), 311-2(6:1045-55), 2246-51(36:1015-55), 2255(36:1130), 2257-8(36:1140), 2270-1(36:1305-15), 2273(36:1325), 3857-92(54:1500-30), 3881(54:1740)
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), 5237(72:1240)
>>Canada Information Office (CIO), o.q., 7280-1(104:1435), 7398(106:1120), 7458(107:1440)
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 7249(103:1750)
>>Canadian Centre for Magnetic Fusion, 5237(72:1245)
>>>S.O. 31, 6811-2(97:1405)
>>Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act (Bill C-13), 5298(72:1855), 5304-5(72:1900), 5309(72:1905), 5311(72:1905), 5313-4(72:1905-10), 5316-7(72:1910), 5320-1(72:1915), 5435(74:1820)
>>Canadian Tourism Commission Act (Bill C-5), 7958(113:1825)
>>Clarity Act (Bill C-20), 2965(39:1555), 3202-3(43:1745), 3207-8(43:1810-5), 4353(62:1305)
>>Constitutional reform, 4785(65:1620)
>>>o.q., 7398(106:1120)
>>Crimes Against Humanity Act (Bill C-19), 7963(113:1835)
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--impaired driving causing death and other matters)(Bill C-18), 6841-2(98:1830), 7961(113:1830)
>>Demers, Dr. Jocelyn, S.O. 31, 3364(46:1400)
>>East Timor, petition, 1501(24:1205)
>>Education, 5237(72:1240), 5239(72:1255)
>>Elections, 311-2(6:1050-5), 2246(36:1015), 2250-1(36:1045-55), 2270(36:1310), 3860-2(54:1515-30), 4788-9(65:1645-50)
>>>o.q., 1870(30:1450), 1947(31:1435), 2067(33:1435)
>>>S.O. 31, 1751(28:1410)
>>Elections Canada, 3861(54:1515), 4788-9(65:1645-50)
>>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-473), 5842(81:1215)
>>Employment insurance, 5237-8(72:1245)
>>Estimates, Ms. (Robillard), 5033(69:1835), 5067(69:1915), 5073(69:1925), 8188(115:2130), 8199(115:2135)
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 3090(41:1540), 3102(41:1700), 3109(41:1800)
>>Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act (Bill C-38), 8712(122:1915)
>>Gasoline, petition, 7891(113:1015)
>>Government appointments, 8774(124:1105)
>>Government expenditures, 5238-9(72:1250-5)
>>Health care system, 5237(72:1240), 5239(72:1255)
>>House of Commons, 4788-9(65:1645-50)
>>Human Resources Development Department, 5204-5(71:1210)
>>>o.q., 4088(58:1440), 5198(71:1135)
>>Income tax, 5237(72:1240), 5239(72:1250)
>>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-43), 7651(109:1800)
>>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-25), 6918(98:1750)
>>Infrastructure program, 5238-9(72:1245-50)
>>Journée nationale des patriotes, S.O. 31, 1627(26:1405-10)
>>Legislation, 3861(54:1520), 4373(63:1200-5), 4786(65:1630), 8571(121:1125)
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 3683(51:1530), 3861(54:1515-20)
>>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-8), 8883(126:1805), 8894(126:1810), 8902-3(126:1815), 8905-9(126:1815-25), 8911(126:1825), 8913-4(126:1825-30)
>>Marleau, Robert, 9306(132:1605-10)
>>Members of Parliament, 4373(63:1200), 4786-7(65:1630-40)
>>Municipal Grants Act (amdt.)(Bill C-10), 1972(31:1750), 3746(52:1325)
>>Official Languages Standing Joint Committee, reports, 3001(40:1520)
>>Olympics, 2000 Summer Games (Sydney, Australia), 8720(123:1405)
>>Parent, references, M. (Duceppe), 4756(65:1320), 4777(65:1520), 4783(65:1605), 4785-9(65:1620-50), 4796(65:1745)
>>Parliamentarians' Code of Conduct Act (Bill C-226), 3111-2(41:1815-25)
>>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-6), 438(7:1850), 447(7:1850), 449(7:1855), 453(7:1855), 457(7:1900), 459-61(7:1900-5), 5698(78:1830)
>>Petitions, M. (White, R.), 6171-2(86:1400-10)
>>Political parties, 311(6:1050), 2270-1(36:1310-5)
>>>S.O. 31, 1751(28:1410)
>>Postal workers, petitions, 3147(42:1220-5), 5206(71:1215), 7824-5(112:1515)
>>Privacy Commissioner, M. (Boudria), 8773-4(124:1100-5)
>>>Duceppe (contempt of Parliament and rights of Members breached), 4328(62:1005-10)
>>>Marchand (contempt of Parliament), 935(15:1540-5)
>>>Tremblay, Suzanne (contempt of Parliament and rights of Members breached), 4213(60:1520-5), 4372-3(63:1200-5)
>>>Bills, Government, 2246-8(36:1015-25), 3841(54:1325), 4353(62:1305-10), 4462(63:2205), 8571(121:1120-5), 8574(121:1140-5)
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 3007(40:1550)
>>>Committees, Parliamentary, 3001(40:1520), 3217(44:1020)
>>>Decisions and statements of the Chair, 4373(63:1205)
>>>Decorum, 4488(63:2635)
>>>Division bells, 2731(38:1200-5)
>>>Divisions, recorded, 187(3:1845), 438(7:1850), 447(7:1850), 449(7:1855), 453(7:1855), 457(7:1900), 459-61(7:1900-5), 1972(31:1750), 2447(36:3520), 2462(36:3725), 2585(36:5020), 2594(36:5110), 4448(63:2045), 4488-9(63:2635-45), 4515(63:3030), 4691(63:5345), 5033(69:1835), 5067-8(69:1915-20), 5070(69:1925), 5072-4(69:1925-30), 5076(69:1930), 5298(72:1855), 5304-5(72:1900), 5309(72:1905), 5311(72:1905), 5313-4(72:1905-10), 5316-7(72:1910), 5320-1(72:1915), 5435(74:1820), 5698(78:1830), 6657(94:1800), 6918-9(98:1750), 6926(98:1755), 6928(98:1755), 6931(98:1810), 6935(98:1810), 6940-2(98:1825-30), 7249(103:1750), 7584(108:1805-10), 7652(109:1800), 7958-9(113:1825-30), 7961(113:1830), 7963(113:1835), 8188(115:2130), 8199(115:2135), 8205(115:2150), 8712(122:1915), 8714(122:1920), 8716(122:1925), 8740(123:1555), 8883(126:1805), 8894(126:1810), 8902-3(126:1815), 8905-9(126:1815-25), 8911(126:1825), 8913-4(126:1825-30)
>>>Documents, tabling, 2763(38:1520), 2918(39:1055), 2925(39:1130), 2998-3000(40:1500-15), 3005(40:1555), 3085(41:1500), 3190(43:1540), 3193(43:1555), 3339(46:1000), 3342-3(46:1020), 3527(49:1005), 3734(52:1220), 3737(52:1230), 3741(52:1255), 3823(54:1005), 3940(55:1505), 3965(56:1005-10), 3967(56:1020), 3970(56:1035), 7628(109:1505)
>>>Government Orders, 8766(124:1010)
>>>House do now adjourn, 3202-3(43:1745)
>>>Members, 3738(52:1235), 3916(54:2300)
>>>Members' remarks, 2255(36:1230), 2273(36:1325), 3207-8(43:1810-5), 3475(48:1305), 3741(52:1255), 3746(52:1325), 4012(56:1815), 4212(60:1515), 5204-5(71:1210)
>>>Motions, 2925(39:1130), 4094(58:1515), 4756(65:1320)
>>>Oral Question Period, 3605(50:1510)
>>>Oral questions, 3732-4(52:1205-15), 9222(131:1505)
>>>Orders of the Day, 4737-8(65:1040-5)
>>>Points of order, 2917(39:1005), 3738-9(52:1240), 3741(52:1300), 3965(56:1010)
>>>Private Members' Business, 8766(124:1115)
>>>Question and comment period, 309(6:1035), 3696(51:1700)
>>>Quorum, 3090(41:1540-5)
>>>Speeches, 129(3:1215), 785(13:1015), 1905(31:1005), 3635(51:1015), 3862(54:1530), 4739(65:1115), 4777(65:1520), 4916(68:1020), 9052(129:1210)
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M., 8028(114:1535)
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 2998(40:1500), 3190(43:1540), 3339(46:1000), 3342-3(46:1020), 3734(52:1220), 3823(54:1005), 3861(54:1520), 3940(55:1505-10), 3965(56:1005-10), 4786(65:1625-30), 4788(65:1645)
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3635(51:1015), 3682-4(51:1525-40), 3696(51:1700)
>>>o.q., 2699(37:1140-5), 2755(38:1440), 2953-4(39:1435), 3567-8(49:1425)
>>>S.O. 31, 4950(68:1410)
>>Referendums, S.O. 31, 3418(47:1115)
>>Sales Tax and Excise Tax Amendments Act, 1999 (Bill C-24), 6657(94:1800), 7959(113:1830)
>>Senate, M. (Gallaway), 4012(56:1815)
>>Shipbuilding industry, 5238-9(72:1245-55)
>>Speaker/speakership, 4373(63:1205), 4738(65:1040)
>>St. Lawrence River, petition, 1687(27:1520)
>>St. Patrick's Day, S.O. 31, 4815(66:1110)
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Limoges), 129(3:1215)
>>Transitional jobs fund, o.q., 4161(59:1445), 5198(71:1135), 6146(86:1135)
>>Ways and means motions, 7651(109:1800)
>>World March of Women, S.O. 31, 9070(129:1405)
>>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-3), 8571(121:1120-5), 8574-5(121:1140-5)
>>Youth justice system, 8571(121:1120-5)