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HAFF Committee Report

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Meeting No. 48

Tuesday, June 13, 2000

The Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs met in camera at 11:14 a.m. this day, in Room 112-N, Centre Block, the Chair, Derek Lee, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: Eleni Bakopanos, Stéphane Bergeron, Ray Bonin, Marlene Catterall, Jay Hill, Bob Kilger, Gar Knutson, Derek Lee, Carolyn Parrish and John Richardson.

Acting Members present: Suzanne Tremblay for Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral from 11:39 a.m.; Benoît Sauvageau for Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral to 11:39 a.m.; Bill Blaikie for Yvon Godin.

In attendance: From the Library of Parliament: James Robertson, Research Officer.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(a)(iii), the Committee proceeded to its consideration of the report from the Sub-Committee on Improved Financial Reporting to Parliament.

Marlene Catterall presented the report of the Sub-Committee on Improved Financial Reporting to Parliament.

And debate thereon.

Gar Knuston moved, - That the draft report, as amended, be adopted as the Committee's Report to the House and that the Chair present the Report to the House.

And debate thereon, the question being put on the motion, it was carried.

On motion of Gar Knutson, it was agreed, - That the Chair, Marlene Catterall, John Williams, the researcher and the clerk be authorized to make such typographical and editorial changes as may be necessary without changing the substance of the Report.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(3)(a)(i), the Committee proceeded to its consideration of a motion relating to a possible breach of parliamentary privilege.

At 12:08 p.m., the Committee staff were requested to leave the room.

On motion of Bob Kilger, it was agreed, - That the Committee call Rob Walsh, the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel, to appear before the Committee on Thursday, June 15, 2000, in relation to Mr. Bergeron's motion.

At 12:52 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Carol Chafe

Clerk of the Committee