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HAFF Committee Report

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Recommendation No. 1

That the government review each department’s available resources and evaluate their capacity in terms of expertise, knowledge and systems and that it identify the areas of major weakness and carry out corrective measures in order to ensure the full implementation of the proposals.

Recommendation No.2

That reporting cover a three-year planning period, with the exception of large, non-recurring, capital projects and other large, non-recurring, government programs, the Estimates should report or disclose all relevant information for the full life cycle or duration of the project or program.

Recommendation No. 3

That the government explore the possibility of consolidation of the reporting of activities, programs, or services that span more than one department into a single heading.

Recommendation No. 4

That the government should apply the proposed requirements to government departments or extend to all types of government entities.

Recommendation No. 5

That the Estimates should contain full disclosure of all relevant information concerning activities, programs or services, including commentary on such matters as the creation of new programs, the modification of existing programs, the infusion of new funding, or other changes to programs resulting from public policy decisions.

Recommendation No. 6

That the government and the leadership of all parties should reconsider the Catterall/Williams report recommendations, specifically those relating to the establishment of a standing committee on the Estimates and other relevant recommendations found under Theme 3.

Recommendation No. 7

That the House of Commons reconsider providing more resources to Standing Committees in order to support their activities related to the analysis and review of Estimates and departmental performance reports.

Recommendation No. 8

That the House of Commons seriously reconsider the establishment of a standing committee on the Estimates with a mandate to monitor and review the Estimates and the supply process and related matters in support of the other Standing Committees.

Recommendation No. 9

That the political parties reconsider their practice of rotating the membership on Standing Committees, and that they evaluate the possibility of allowing more stable membership in order to develop expertise and corporate memory.

Recommendation No. 10

That the government establish a consultation process with parliamentarians in order to be apprised of their needs and requirements, to share knowledge and experience, to explain the concepts, to assess the feasibility and to evaluate options on proceeding with full accrual budgeting and appropriations and that the consultations be completed at a date no later than 30, November 2000.

Recommendation No. 11

That the current review of the Standing Orders identify the items that would need to be changed in order to implement full accrual appropriations.

Recommendation No. 12

That the House of Commons consider ways of improving parliamentarians' level of understanding, knowledge and ability to use financial, budgeting and supply information under full accrual basis.