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AGRI Committee Report

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Organizations and Individuals


Meeting No.

Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Danny Foster, Managing Director, NISA/AIDA

Douglas Hedley, Senior Executive Director

Tom Richardson, Director General

James Wheelhouse, Director General



Farm Credit Corporation

Jacques Lagacé, National Director, Government and Industry Relations

Manitoba Legislative Assembly (Opposition)

Larry McGuire



Province of Manitoba

Andy Baker, National Farmers Union

Gary Doer, Premier of Manitoba

Maxine Routledge, Manitoba Women's Institute

Rosann Wowchuk, Minister of Agriculture and Food

Saskatchewan and Manitoba Farm Delegation

Sinclair Harrison, Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities

Leroy Larsen, Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

Dwain Lingenfelter, Deputy Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food (Saskatchewan)

Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly

Elwin Hermanson, Leader of the Saskatchewan Party and Leader of the Official Opposition

Jim Melenchuk, Minister of Education, Leader of the Saskatchewan Liberal Party

Canadian Federation of Agriculture

Benoît Basillais, Policy Analyst

Robert Friesen, President

Sally Rutherford, Executive Director



Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Lambert Gauthier, Acting Director, Economic and Industry Analysis Division

Douglas Hedley, Senior Executive Director

Tom Richardson, Director General

James Wheelhouse, Director General

Farm Credit Corporation

John Ryan, President and Chief Executive Officer

Marshall Stachniak, Vice-President, Farm Financing



Royal Bank of Canada

Carlos Leitao, Senior Economist

John Murphy, Vice-President, Agriculture

Canadian Wheat Board

Greg Arason, President and Chief Executive Officer

Adrian Measner, Executive Vice-President



University of Saskatchewan

Hartley Furtan, Professor

Richard Gray, Professor

Keystone Agricultural Producers

Donald Dewar, President



Rural Municipalities of Regina

Sinclair Harrison, President

Wild Rose Agricultural Producers

Allan Holt, President

Canada West Equipment Dealers Association

Graham Starmer, Executive Director

Clark Tweed, President



Rural Disaster Recovery Coalition

Donald Dewar, President

Ray Redfern

As Individuals

Clarence Baker

Duncan Broadfoot

David Fourschou

Wayne Motheral

Brad Mroz

Jim Pallister

Henry Rempel

Henry Reske

Curtis Sims

Fred Tait

Rey Toews

Ross Tufford

Susan Van De Velde

Ian Wishart

Allard & Yakubchak Certified General


George Allard, Partner



Parkland Industrial Hemp Growers

Joe Federowich, Chairman

As Individuals

Albert Dohan

Terry Drebit, Mayor, Town of Minnedosa, Manitoba

Chris Dzisiak

Don Fyk, Western Rail Coalition, Manitoba Chair

Calvin Gust

Richard Hamilton

Walter Kolisnyk

Boris Michaleski

Art Potoroka

Gert Schwickart

Neil Stewart

Stuart Zander

Duane Zimmer

Anglican Diocese of Brandon

Malcolm Harding, Bishop



Canadian Association of Agri-Retailers

Ray Redfern, Past President

Bernie Thiessen, Past President

Meyers, Norris, Penny Accounting Firm

Douglas Stroh, Partner

As Individuals

Alan Armstrong

Bill Bell

Bob Brigden

Don Bromley

Wendy Bulloch

Kyle Cochrane

Murray Downing

Walter Finlay

Gregg Fothringham

Jim Green

Don Hamilton

Bill Morningstar

Harvey Paterson

Ron Rutherford

Bernie Sambrook

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers

Lyle Minogue, Director



Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

Marvin Wiens, Vice-President

As Individuals

Mark Alexander

Leroy Berry

Tom Cameron

Ian Cushon

Trevor Doty

George Godenir

Ed Keyowski

Arlynn Kurtz

Jack Pick

Glen Seeman

Lee Stanley

Ray Walton

Eric Wilmot

Canadian Farm Women's Network

Raquel Moleski, Board Member



Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Dwain Lingenfelter, Minister

Saskatchewan Official Opposition, Agriculture Critic

Bill Boyd, M.L.A

As Individuals

Roy Atkinson

Ray Bashutsky

Ron Bishoff

Richard Donnelly

Barry Farr

William Giblett

Ron Gleim

Len Gustafson, Senator

Sinclair Harrison

Gayle Knutson

Greg Lamb

Denis Martine

Avery Sahl

Lorne Sheppard

Dennis Thompson

Stewart Wells

Richard Wright

National Farmers Union

Morris Prescesky, Member



United Grain Growers

Terry Youzwa, Director

As Individuals

Wayne Bacon

Dave Bailey

Donald Blocka

Leonard Blocka

Ted Cawkwell

Bill Cooper

Mark Cousin

Brett Halstead

Bud Healey

Adam Luciuk

Michelle Luciuk

Garfield Lutz

Wayne Mastrachuk

Armand Roy

Bruce Wagner

Barbara Willick

Bob Willick

Agri Link Corporation

Duane Stevenson



Prairie Oat Growers Association

Leo Meyer, Vice-President

Rye & Triticale Association

Leo Meyer, President

Western Barley Growers Association

Leo Meyer, Vice-President

As Individuals

Mills Anderson

René Blanchette

Donald Dumont

Norman Dyck

Peter Eggers

Kit Fearon

André Harpe

Dave Hegland, Hegland Seed Farm

Art Macklin

Marcel Maisonneuve

Brett McFarland, Falher Alfalfa Ltd.

Rick Nagel

Cliff Richards

Harry Schudlo

Gary Smolik

Alberta Grain Commission

Brenda Brindle, Grain Industry Analyst

Pat Durnin, Member



Canadian Dehydrators Association

Garry Benoit, Executive Director

Bryan Davidson, President

Lakeland County

Gregory Ibach, Agricultural Fieldman

Municipal District of Bonnyville

Gordon Graves, Agricultural Fieldman

As Individuals

Ed Armstrong

Ross Bezovie

Adam Campbell

Victor Chrapko

Roger Epp

Dan Gievelhaus

Larry Kitz

Henry Kowalchuk

Einar Loveseth

Greg Porozni

Earle Rasmuson

Bernard von Tettenhorn

Arden Ziegler

Agricore Cooperative Ltd.

George Groeneveld, Member

Dennis Nanninga, Second Vice-President



Alberta Soft Wheat Producers Commission

Edwin Bronsch, Director for Tilley, AB

Arthur Eckert, Chairman, Research

As Individuals

Colleen Bianchi

Darcy Davis

Robert Filkohazy

Ike Lanier

Ron Leonhardt

Jim Ness

Glenn Norman

Robert Northey

Howard Paulson

Hilton Pharis

Ken Sackett

Larry Van Slyke

Neil Wagstaff

Murray Woods