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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 177

Tuesday, February 9, 1999

10:00 a.m.



Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Adams (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, -- Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

-- No. 361-1861 concerning the Divorce Act. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-34I;

-- No. 361-1864 concerning gasoline additives. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-93G;

-- Nos. 361-1865, 361-1870 and 361-1871 concerning marriage. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-80P;

-- No. 361-1866 concerning banks. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-103B;

-- No. 361-1867 concerning the tax system. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-6Q;

-- No. 361-1868 concerning the nuclear industry. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-88A;

-- No. 361-1869 concerning the former Yugoslavia. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-77C;

-- No. 361-1873 concerning human rights in Indonesia. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-98F.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Williams (St. Albert), from the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, presented the 21st Report of the Committee (Chapter 10 of the September 1998 Report of the Auditor General of Canada). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510-361-135.

Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the government was requested by the Committee to table a comprehensive response.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 42, 50 and 51) was tabled.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Marceau (Charlesbourg), seconded by Mr. Rocheleau (Trois-Rivières), Bill C-470, An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code, the Parliamentary Employment and Staff Relations Act and the Public Service Staff Relations Act (prohibited provision in a collective agreement), was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Presenting Petitions

-- by Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville), four concerning gun control (Nos. 361-1987 to 361-1990);

-- by Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South), one concerning human rights in Indonesia (No. 361-1991);

-- by Mr. Riis (Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys), one concerning international trade (No. 361-1992);

-- by Mr. Robinson (Burnaby -- Douglas), one concerning international trade (No. 361-1993) and one concerning conscientious objection (No. 361-1994);

-- by Mr. Solomon (Regina -- Lumsden -- Lake Centre), one concerning banks (No. 361-1995).


The Order was read for the consideration of the Business of Supply.

Mr. Blaikie (Winnipeg Transcona), seconded by Ms. Hardy (Yukon), moved, -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should, in co-operation with the provinces, place an immediate moratorium on the export of bulk freshwater shipments and inter-basin transfers and should introduce legislation to prohibit bulk freshwater exports and inter-basin transfers in order to assert Canada's sovereign right to protect, preserve and conserve our freshwater resources for future generations.

Debate arose thereon.

Mr. Riis (Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys), seconded by Ms. Desjarlais (Churchill), moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended by inserting between the words ``transfers'' and ``in order'' the following:

    ``, and should not be a party to any international agreement that compels us to export freshwater against our will,''

Debate arose thereon.


Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.


Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.


The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Blaikie (Winnipeg Transcona), seconded by Ms. Hardy (Yukon), in relation to the Business of Supply;

And of the amendment of Mr. Riis (Kamloops, Thompson and Highland Valleys), seconded by Ms. Desjarlais (Churchill).

The debate continued.

At 5:15 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 81(17), the Speaker interrupted the proceedings.

The question was put on the amendment and it was agreed to.

Pursuant to Standing Order 81(17), the House proceeded to the putting of the question on the main motion, as amended, of Mr. Blaikie (Winnipeg Transcona), seconded by Ms. Hardy (Yukon),

-- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should, in co-operation with the provinces, place an immediate moratorium on the export of bulk freshwater shipments and inter-basin transfers and should introduce legislation to prohibit bulk freshwater exports and inter-basin transfers, and should not be a party to any international agreement that compels us to export freshwater against our will, in order to assert Canada's sovereign right to protect, preserve and conserve our freshwater resources for future generations.

The question was put on the main motion, as amended, and it was agreed to.

Pursuant to Order made Thursday, February 4, 1999, the House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Duceppe (Laurier -- Sainte-Marie), seconded by Mr. Loubier (Saint-Hyacinthe -- Bagot), -- That this House urges the government to respect provincial jurisdiction over health care management, to increase transfers to the provinces for health care unconditionally, and to avoid using budget surpluses to encroach upon the health care field.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the amendment of Ms. Picard (Drummond), seconded by Mr. Cardin (Sherbrooke), -- That the motion be amended by inserting after the word ``encroach'' the following:


The question was put on the amendment and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 312)



-- Abbott -- Alarie -- Anders -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Tobique -- Mactaquac) -- Borotsik -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brien -- Brison -- Cadman -- Cardin -- Casey -- Casson -- Chatters -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Crête -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desrochers -- Dubé --  (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière) -- Duceppe -- Dumas -- Duncan -- Elley -- Epp -- Forseth -- Gagnon -- Gauthier -- Gilmour -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Gouk -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Guimond -- Hanger -- Harris -- Hart -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Jaffer -- Johnston -- Jones -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Konrad -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Lefebvre -- Loubier -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- McNally -- Meredith -- Mills --  (Red Deer) -- Morrison -- Muise -- Obhrai -- Pankiw -- Penson -- Perron -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Price -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Rocheleau -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- St-Hilaire -- Stinson -- St-Jacques -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Vellacott -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- Williams -- 96



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Chrétien --  (Saint-Maurice) -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Discepola -- Dockrill -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Hardy -- Harvard -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Leung -- Lill -- Lincoln -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Mancini -- Manley -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Massé -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mifflin -- Milliken -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Normand -- Nunziata -- Nystrom -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Proctor -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Richardson -- Riis -- Robillard -- Robinson -- Rock -- Saada -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solomon -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Julien -- Stoffer -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wappel -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 161

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Bradshaw -- Byrne -- Canuel -- Charbonneau -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Fournier -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Harb -- Longfield -- Ménard -- Mercier -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Proud -- Sauvageau -- Venne

Pursuant to Standing Order 81(17), the question was put on the main motion and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 313)



-- Abbott -- Alarie -- Anders -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bailey -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Tobique -- Mactaquac) -- Borotsik -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brien -- Brison -- Cadman -- Cardin -- Casey -- Casson -- Chatters -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Crête -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desrochers -- Dubé --  (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière) -- Duceppe -- Dumas -- Duncan -- Elley -- Epp -- Forseth -- Gagnon -- Gauthier -- Gilmour -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Gouk -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Guimond -- Hanger -- Harris -- Hart -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Jaffer -- Johnston -- Jones -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Konrad -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Lefebvre -- Loubier -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- McNally -- Meredith -- Mills --  (Red Deer) -- Morrison -- Muise -- Obhrai -- Pankiw -- Penson -- Perron -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Price -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Rocheleau -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- St-Hilaire -- Stinson -- St-Jacques -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Vellacott -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- Williams -- 97



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Chrétien --  (Saint-Maurice) -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Discepola -- Dockrill -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Hardy -- Harvard -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Leung -- Lill -- Lincoln -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Mancini -- Manley -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Massé -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mifflin -- Milliken -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Normand -- Nunziata -- Nystrom -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Proctor -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Richardson -- Riis -- Robillard -- Robinson -- Rock -- Saada -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solomon -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Julien -- Stoffer -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wappel -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 161

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Bradshaw -- Byrne -- Canuel -- Charbonneau -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Fournier -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Harb -- Longfield -- Ménard -- Mercier -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Proud -- Sauvageau -- Venne


Pursuant to Order made Thursday, February 4, 1999, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Mills (Red Deer), seconded by Mr. Benoit (Lakeland), -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should seek majority support, through an official vote in the House of Commons, prior to committing a significant contingent of Canadian military personnel to an active military mission beyond the boundaries of Canada. (Private Members' Business M-380)

The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 314)



-- Abbott -- Alarie -- Anders -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bailey -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Blaikie -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brien -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Cardin -- Casson -- Chatters -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Crête -- Davies -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desjarlais -- Desrochers -- Dockrill -- Dubé --  (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière) -- Duceppe -- Dumas -- Duncan -- Elley -- Epp -- Forseth -- Gagnon -- Gauthier -- Gilmour -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Gouk -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Guimond -- Hanger -- Hardy -- Harris -- Hart -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Jaffer -- Johnston -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Konrad -- Laliberte -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Lefebvre -- Lill -- Lincoln -- Loubier -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Mancini -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Mayfield -- McDonough -- McNally -- Meredith -- Mills --  (Red Deer) -- Morrison -- Nunziata -- Nystrom -- Obhrai -- Pankiw -- Penson -- Perron -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Proctor -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Riis -- Ritz -- Robinson -- Rocheleau -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- Solomon -- St-Hilaire -- Stinson -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Vellacott -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- Williams -- 105



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bernier --  (Tobique -- Mactaquac) -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casey -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Discepola -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jones -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Knutson -- Kraft Sloan -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Leung -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mifflin -- Milliken -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Muise -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Richardson -- Robillard -- Rock -- Saada -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wappel -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- Wood -- 151

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Bradshaw -- Byrne -- Canuel -- Charbonneau -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Fournier -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Harb -- Longfield -- Ménard -- Mercier -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Proud -- Sauvageau -- Venne

Pursuant to Order made Friday, February 5, 1999, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Martin (Winnipeg Centre), seconded by Mr. Godin (Acadie -- Bathurst), -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should invest in a comprehensive energy efficiency strategy, thus: (a) exploiting the considerable job creation potential of energy efficiency; (b) encouraging the development of high tech expertise and export opportunities; and (c) increasing the number of federally owned buildings (of which there are 50,000) retrofitted for energy efficiency through the Federal Buildings Initiative. (Private Members' Business M-300)

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 315)



-- Abbott -- Adams -- Alcock -- Anders -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bailey -- Bakopanos -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Benoit -- Bernier --  (Tobique -- Mactaquac) -- Bertrand -- Bevilacqua -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casey -- Casson -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Chatters -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Collenette -- Comuzzi -- Copps -- Cullen -- Davies -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Dion -- Discepola -- Dockrill -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Duncan -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Elley -- Epp -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gilmour -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Grewal -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Hanger -- Hardy -- Harris -- Hart -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Johnston -- Jones -- Jordan -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary Southeast) -- Keyes -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Knutson -- Konrad -- Kraft Sloan -- Laliberte -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Lefebvre -- Leung -- Lill -- Lincoln -- Lowther -- Lunn -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Mancini -- Manley -- Marchi -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Martin --  (Winnipeg Centre) -- Massé -- Mayfield -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- McNally -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Meredith -- Mifflin -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Mills --  (Red Deer) -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Muise -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Normand -- Nunziata -- Nystrom -- Obhrai -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Pankiw -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Chatham -- Kent Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Price -- Proctor -- Provenzano -- Ramsay -- Redman -- Reed -- Richardson -- Riis -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Robinson -- Rock -- Saada -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solberg -- Solomon -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- Stinson -- St-Jacques -- St-Julien -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thompson --  (New Brunswick Southwest) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Vellacott -- Volpe -- Wappel -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- Wilfert -- Williams -- Wood -- 212



-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bellehumeur -- Bergeron -- Brien -- Cardin -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Crête -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desrochers -- Dubé --  (Lévis-et-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière) -- Duceppe -- Dumas -- Gagnon -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guay -- Guimond -- Hubbard -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Loubier -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Perron -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Reynolds -- Rocheleau -- St-Hilaire -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- 38

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Bradshaw -- Byrne -- Canuel -- Charbonneau -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Fournier -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Harb -- Longfield -- Ménard -- Mercier -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Proud -- Sauvageau -- Venne

At 6:21 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(7), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Ms. St-Jacques (Shefford), seconded by Mr. Herron (Fundy -- Royal), -- That Bill S-11, An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act in order to add social condition as a prohibited ground of discrimination, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights.

The debate continued.

Pursuant to Standing Order 93, the Order was dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper.


A message was received from the Senate as follows:

-- ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed Bill C-465, An Act to change the name of the electoral district of Argenteuil -- Papineau, without amendment.


Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), a paper deposited with the Clerk of the House was laid upon the Table as follows:

-- by Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance) -- Summary of amendment to the Corporate Plan for 1998 to 2002 of the Canada Development Investment Corporation, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 125(4). -- Sessional Paper No. 8562-361-831A. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)


Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were filed as follows:

-- by Mr. Harvard (Charleswood St. James -- Assiniboia), one concerning the Young Offenders Act (No. 361-1996);

-- by Mr. Muise (West Nova), two concerning parental rights (Nos. 361-1997 and 361-1998) and one concerning marriage (No. 361-1999);

-- by Mrs. Chamberlain (Guelph -- Wellington), one concerning marriage (No. 361-2000).


At 7:22 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question ``That this House do now adjourn'' was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.


At 7:33 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 2:00 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).