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INDY Committee Report

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Recommendation 1

That the federal government set out a long-term plan for R&D (basic and applied) funding in Canada establishing strong growth targets for research spending by the research councils, the universities, and the federal departments as well as forecasts of tax expenditures and spending by industry.

Recommendation 2

That the federal government seek ways, in consultation with the provincial governments, to safeguard and strengthen those research activities that are funded through the core university budgets financed by the CHST and provincial funds.

Recommendation 3

That NSERC and SSHRC assign Arctic research as one of their priority research areas.

Recommendation 4

That the federal government increase the base funding of the National Research Council by a minimum of $75 million.

Recommendation 5

That the federal government fund the National Research Council's proposed major strategic research initiatives to take Canada into the 21st century.

Recommendation 6

That the federal government provide the NRC with the necessary resources to be a key player in regional innovation programs to bridge Canada's critical gap between knowledge and application.

Recommendation 7

That the federal government investigate other measures to address the issue of commercialization of university research by leveraging private sector resources.

Recommendation 8

That the federal government urgently consult with the universities and research councils about fully reimbursing the indirect costs of federally funded research grants, and seek accords with the provinces to maintain the provincial share of university research funding if the federal government assumes responsibility through the research councils for indirect costs.

Recommendation 9

That Industry Canada and Statistics Canada estimate a breakdown of research into its basic and applied components.

Recommendation 10

That the federal government analyse transfers out, transfers in and transfers within Canada of knowledge-based workers, and the areas of skill shortages.

Recommendation 11

That the federal government investigate the widening of the R&D tax credit to apply to research in the health and social sciences.

Recommendation 12

That the federal government use cost recovery monies to improve service in regulatory agencies to provide a more attractive working environment for innovative companies.

Recommendation 13

That the federal government examine ways of reducing the regulatory burden and improving efficiency in the Health Protection Branch.

Recommendation 14

That the Secretary of State for Science, Research and Development be given the responsibility to coordinate and implement the federal Science and Technology Strategy across all departments and report annually to Parliament.

Recommandation 15

That the House establish a committee to oversee science, technology and the innovation system in Canada.

Recommendation 16

That the federal government review the impact of foreign ownership on investment in research and explore ways to encourage research by foreign entities in Canada.