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HEAL Committee Report

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ACCOUNTABILITY - Being obliged to answer for one's actions, to an authority that may impose a penalty for failure.

ALGORITHM - A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing some end, especially by a computer.

ALLOCATION - The process of determining the most appropriate recipients of donated organs and tissues, frequently used as synonymous with sharing.

ALLOGRAFT - A transplant between members of the same species.

ANGIOGRAPHY - A radiographic technique where a substance is injected into a blood vessel for the purpose of identifying its anatomy by X-ray.

AUTOGRAFT - A transplant from one location in an individual to another location in the same individual, usually bone or skin.

BANK - A supply of human tissues or other materials, such as blood, skin, or sperm, held in reserve for future use.

BONE MARROW - The soft tissue found in the inner cavity of bones; it is responsible for the production of blood cells (see stem cells).

BRAIN DEATH - Total cessation of brain function as manifested by the absence of consciousness, spontaneous movement, absence of spontaneous respiration, and absence of all brainstem functions.

CADAVERIC - Referring to a dead body.

CORD BLOOD - Refers to placental cord blood.

CORNEA - The clear tissue covering the front of the eye, which allows light to enter.

CRITICAL CARE - Critical healthcare provided to a critically ill patient during a medical emergency or crisis.

DATABASE - A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval.

DECOUPLE - Introduction of the concept of donation, by a professional not associated with transplantation, only after the family has had time to absorb the reality and finality of brain death.

DONOR - The individual from whom the organ or tissue is removed, either living or cadaveric; the three categories of `donor' referred to within the context of this report, are:

    INTENDED DONOR - An individual who has expressed a desire, or intention, to become an organ or tissue donor upon death, or, when appropriate during life.
    POTENTIAL DONOR - An individual identified within a healthcare facility as being appropriate to pursue as an organ or tissue donor.
    ACTUAL DONOR - An individual from whom at least one organ or tissue has been procured, allocated and transplanted.
DONOR REGISTRY - A database of individuals who have given consent to become organ donors in the eventuality that they might become a candidate.

EGG - Female reproductive cell, also called the ovum.

ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM - A diagnostic technique which measures the electrical activity of the brain, i.e., the brain waves.

EMBRYO - The developing organism from about two weeks after fertilization to the end of the seventh or eighth week.

FEDERAL - Relating to matters under the authority of the central government of the federation formed by a compact among constituent political units.

INFORMED CONSENT - The agreement of a person (or his or her legally authorized representative) to submit to any medical procedure, in full knowledge of all procedures and requirements as well as possible risks and benefits entailed.

INTENSIVE CARE - Advanced and highly specialized care provided to medical or surgical patients whose conditions are life threatening and require comprehensive care and constant monitoring, usually administered in specially equipped units of a healthcare facility.

INTENSIVIST - Physicians who practise intensive care medicine.

ISCHEMIA - Low oxygen state usually due to obstruction of the arterial blood supply or inadequate blood flow leading to hypoxia in the tissue.

ISCHEMIC TIME - The interval between discontinuation of blood flow to the organ within the donor to re-establishment of the blood flow to the organ within the recipient.

ISLETS - That portion of the pancreas that produces insulin, also called the Islets of Langerhans.

NATIONAL - Relating to matters crucial to the country as an organized whole; where divided authority but shared concerns lead to joint action by several governments and interest groups.

NON-REGENERATIVE - Without the capacity to regenerate.

ORGAN - A group of tissues in a living organism that have been adapted to perform a specific function.

OVUM - The female reproductive cell, also called the egg.

PANCREAS - The organ responsible for the production and secretion of insulin.

PRESUMED CONSENT - The system by which consent to donate is presumed unless a person has expressly indicated otherwise during his/her lifetime, the opting-out system.

PROCUREMENT - The process of obtaining organs and tissues.

RADIONUCLIDE - A radioactive element or substance.

RECIPIENT - The individual who receives the donated tissue or organ.

REGENERATIVE - The capacity to regenerate, to produce anew.

REGISTER - A formal or official recording of items, names or actions.

REGISTRY - A place for registering, or a place where official records are kept.

REJECTION - Refers to the immunological process of sloughing off, or attacking, foreign tissue or an organ by the recipient organism.

RENAL - Having to do with the kidney.

REQUIRED CONSENT - The system by which persons wishing to donate organs or tissues must express their wishes during their lifetime, the opting-in system.

REQUIRED REFERRAL - An obligation for all healthcare professionals to report all brain deaths, or imminent brain deaths, to an OPO.

REQUIRED REQUEST - An obligation to approach the families of all identified brain dead patients and inquire about organ/tissue donation.

SCINTIGRAPHY - A diagnostic technique which produces a two-dimensional image of a desired anatomical structure or region with the use of radionuclides.

SOLID ORGANS - These include heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and liver.

SPERM - The male reproductive cell.

STEM CELLS - Cells that give rise to a lineage of cells; particularly used to describe the most primitive cells in the bone marrow from which all the various types of blood cells are derived.

TISSUE - A group of structurally and functionally similar cells and their intercellular material.

TISSUE ENGINEERING - Growth of human organs or tissues in the laboratory from cells removed from the patient.

TRANSPLANTATION - Refers to a section of tissue or to a complete organ that is moved and implanted in another part of the body or in another body.

VASCULARIZATION - The growth of blood vessels into a tissue to improve the oxygenation and nutrient supply.

VENTILATOR - A machine that mechanically assists patients to breathe (sometimes referred to as artificial respiration).

VIABLE - Capable of functioning once removed from its original position.

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - Grafting of animal tissues or organs into humans.

ZYGOTE - A single cell resulting from the fusion of male and female gametes (egg and sperm) at fertilization.