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HEAL Committee Report

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This Report could not have been completed without the input of many people.

On behalf of the members of the Committee, I would like to express our appreciation to all those who contributed to this study, including:

  • the many witnesses who, through personal appearances and written briefs, responded to the Committee's invitation for dialogue;
  • the representatives of Health Canada, particularly André LaPrairie, who provided information;
  • the Committee Clerk, Marie Danielle Vachon, and the Administrative Assistants, Monique Pronovost, Sharon Scullion and Jacques Corbin, of the Committees and Parliamentary Associations Directorate of the House of Commons;
  • the Researchers, Nancy Miller Chenier and Sonya Norris; their colleagues, Gérald Lafrenière and Peter Niemczak; and the administrative/word processing services of the Parliamentary Research Branch, Library of Parliament;
  • the publication, editorial and translation services of the House of Commons, with a special thanks to Philippe Blain, Senior Translator.