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HEAL Committee News Release

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State of Organ and Tissue Donation in Canada

Ottawa, December 8, 1998 - The House of Commons Standing Committee on Health has decided to undertake a study of the state of organ and tissue donation in Canada. In speaking of the Committee’s new study, the Chair, Joseph Volpe, M.P., Eglinton-Lawrence, said: "the issue of organ and tissue donation is immediate and urgent and the Committee in making this study will certainly make an important contribution."

The Committee wishes to recognise the initiative of Dr. Keith Martin, Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca, on this issue as well as the support of the Minister of Health, the Honourable Allan Rock, in the pursuit of this study.

The Committee will be guided by the following terms of reference:

  • To consult, analyse and make recommendations regarding the state of organ and tissue donation in Canada;

  • To consult broadly with stakeholders, including , but not limited to, provinces, transplant centres, medical personnel, patients families, organ and tissue retrieval organisations and international experts;
  • To consider the appropriate role for the federal government in the development of national safety, outcome and process standards for organ and tissue donations, as well as in promotion public and professional awareness and knowledge regarding organ and tissue donation, procurement and transplantation;
  • To consider the legislative and regulatory regimes governing organ and tissue donations in other countries;
  • To submit its report no later than April 30, 1999, provided that, if the House of Commons is not sitting, the report be deemed submitted on the day such report is deposited with the Clerk of the House of Commons.

Committee Members hope that this study will provide an opportunity to open a dialogue with concerned Canadians whose input is most welcome. To make a written submission to the Committee or for further information, please communicate with the Committee Clerk, Marie Danielle Vachon, at 613-947-6729.

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