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FISH Committee Report

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(Meeting No. 46)


The Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans met in camera at 15:35 o'clock p.m., this day, in Room 536 Wellington Bldg, the Chair, George Baker, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: George Baker, Yvan Bernier, John Duncan, Wayne Easter, Howard Hilstrom, Charles Hubbard, Nancy Karetak-Lindell, Gar Knutson, Sophia Leung, Garry Lunn, Carmen Provenzano, Paul Steckle and Peter Stoffer.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Alan Nixon, Research Officer.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee resumed consideration of the Draft Report on fisheries management on the West Coast.

It was agreed, - That the Draft Report of the Committee on its West Coast trip be adopted as the Committee's Fourth Report to the House.

It was agreed, - That the title of the Report be "The West Coast Report".

It was agreed, - That the Committee Report be printed in accordance with the policy established by the Board of Internal Economy and that the Committee print an additional 1,500 copies of its Report "The West Coast Report".

It was agreed, - That pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Committee request that the Government table a comprehensive response.

It was agreed, - That the Chairman, researchers and clerk be authorized to make such typographical and editorial changes as may be necessary without changing the substance of the Report.

At 6:25 o'clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Bill Farrell
Clerk of the Committee


(Meeting No. 51)


The Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans met in camera at 9:00 o'clock a.m., this day, in Room 701, La Promenade Building, the Vice-Chair, Charles Hubbard, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: John Cummins, Wayne Easter, Charles Hubbard, Gar Knutson, Garry Lunn, Lawrence O'Brien, Carmen Provenzano, Yves Rocheleau, Lou Sekora, Paul Steckle and Peter Stoffer.

Acting Members present: John O'Reilly for Nancy Karetak-Lindell.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Alan Nixon, Research Officer.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee resumed consideration of the Draft Report on the Fisheries Management on the West Coast.

By unanimous consent, it was agreed, - That the Committee proceed to consideration of its future business prior to commencing its consideration of the Draft Report on the Fisheries Management on the West Coast.

On motion of Peter Stoffer, it was agreed, - That the Committee institute at 48-hour notice for substantive motions.

On motion of Wayne Easter, it was agreed, - That the motion adopted at the meeting of Tuesday, October 20, 1998 concerning the rotation and length of time for questions be revised to reflect the following:

By unanimous consent, the Committee reverted to its consideration of the Draft Report on the Fisheries Management on the West Coast.

It was agreed, on division, - That in accordance with a motion adopted on June 9, 1998, the Chair be instructed to present the `` The West Coast Report " as its Fourth Report to the House of Commons as soon as possible.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee proceeded to consideration of its Draft Report on the Central Canada fisheries report.

On motion of Paul Steckle, it was agreed, - That the Committee consider the draft report on a recommendation by recommendation basis.

It was agreed, - That the draft report on the Central Canada fisheries be adopted as the Committee's Fifth Report to the House.

It was agreed, - That the title of the report be `` The Central Canada Freshwater Fisheries Report ".

It was agreed, - That the Fifth Report be printed in accordance with the policy established by the Board of Internal Economy.

On motion of Paul Steckle, it was agreed, - That, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Committee request that the Government table a comprehensive response.

On motion of Lou Sekora, it was agreed, - That the Chairman, researcher and a member of the staff of Mr. Steckle's office be authorized to make such typographical and editorial changes as may be necessary without changing the substance of the Report.

It was further agreed, - That the Fifth Report of the Committee be tabled on Thursday, November 5, 1998 and that, Carmen Provenzano, arrange to have the organizers of the lamprey eel display in Ottawa with their display on the same day.

On motion of Gary Lunn, it was agreed, - That a meeting of the Sub-Committee on Agenda and Procedure be held immediately following the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 1998.

At 10:03 a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Carol Chafe

Committee Clerk