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FINA Committee Report

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It was agreed That the following text appear on the first page of the 12th Report of the Standing Committee on Finance:

First Report / Preliminary Report

The following motion was adopted unanimously in the House of Commons on October 2, 1998:

That the Standing Committee on Finance be allowed to travel across Canada, from October 4 to November 10, 1998, in relation to its prebudget consultations and its consultations on the recommendations of the Task Force Report on the Future of the Canadian Financial Services Sector and that the necessary staff do accompany the committee. (Journals, October 2, 1998)

Further to the adoption of this motion, the Chief Government Whip made the following statement in the House of Commons, reflecting an agreement reached by the whips of all parties:

"The committee will table a...preliminary report on its examination of what is commonly known as the MacKay report. That examination will continue throughout February 1999, with hearings to be held here in Ottawa. A final report on the MacKay report will then be prepared for tabling in March 1999." (Hansard, October 2, 1998)


(Meeting No. 165)

It was agreed That a note be printed on the first page of the 12th Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, reflecting an agreement made in the House of Commons on October 2, 1998, that a preliminary report be tabled in December 1998 and that a final report be tabled in March 1999.

Jacques Lahaie Roxanne Enman

Clerks of the Committee