AGRI Committee Report
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The Committee recommends that, in association with other countries also affected by export subsidies in agriculture, the Government of Canada launch an intensive, energetic information campaign demonstrating the harmful effects of export subsidies, and that it request the elimination of those subsidies.
The Committee asks Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to report as soon as possible on the cumulative impact of cost recovery in the agri-food industry.
The Committee recommends that the solution implemented to resolve the current crisis also form the basis of a longer term policy to farm income support.
The Committee recommends that a third line of defence be added to the present farm income safety net, based on a National Income-Based Disaster Program. Furthermore, since the terms and conditions of such a Program have already been studied, the Committee considers that this Program be implemented now to meet current cash-flow needs.
The Committee recommends that the next federal budget include enhanced farm support to ensure the long-term financial viability of Canada's farm safety net programs.
The Committee recommends that the federal government take the opportunity presented by the current farm income crisis to inform Canadians of our commitment to food security and to stress the importance of farmers to its world food security policy.