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Thursday, July 13, 1995





Thursday, July 13, 1995

The House met at 12.30 p.m.





The Deputy Speaker: I wish to inform the House that pursuant to Standing Order 28, I have recalled the House today for the sole purpose of granting royal assent to certain bills.


The Deputy Speaker: I have the honour to inform the House that a communication has been received as follows:

Rideau Hall

July 13, 1995

Mr. Speaker:
I have the honour to inform you that the Honourable Peter deC. Cory, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, in his capacity as Deputy Governor General, will proceed to the Senate chamber today, the 13th day of July, 1995 at 12.30 p.m. for the purpose of giving royal assent to certain bills.
Yours sincerely,
Anthony P. Smyth, Deputy Secretary, Policy, Program and Protocol. l e

* * *


The Deputy Speaker: I have the honour to inform the House that a message has been received from the Senate informing this House that the Senate has passed the following bills:

Bill C-41, an act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing) and other acts in consequence thereof; Bill C-86, an act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission Act; Bill C-89, an act to provide for the continuance of the Canadian National Railway Company under the Canada Business Corporations Act and for the issuance and sale of shares of the Company to the public; Bill C-87, an act to implement the convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction; Bill C-82, an act to amend the Royal Canadian Mint Act; Bill C-104, an act to amend the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act (forensic DNA analysis); Bill C-91, an act to continue the Federal Business Development Bank under the name Business Development Bank of Canada; Bill C-65, an act to reorganize and dissolve certain federal agencies; Bill C-85, an act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and to provide for the continuation of a certain provision; Bill C-92, an act to amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act; Bill C-72, an act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced intoxication); and Bill C-54, an act to amend the Old Age Security Act, the Canada Pension Plan, the Children's Special Allowances Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act.



A message was delivered by the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod as follows:

Mr. Speaker, it is the desire of the representative of His Excellency the Governor General that this honourable House attend him immediately in the Senate Chamber.
Accordingly, the Speaker with the House went up to the Senate chamber.


And being returned:

The Deputy Speaker: I have the honour to inform the House that when the House went up to the Senate chamber the Deputy Governor General was pleased to give, in Her Majesty's name, the royal assent to the following bills:

Bill C-41, an act to amend the Criminal Code (sentencing) and other acts in consequence thereof-Chapter No. 22.
Bill C-86, an act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission Act-Chapter No. 23.
Bill C-89, an act to provide for the continuance of the Canadian National Railway Company under the Canada Business Corporations Act and for the issuance and sale of shares of the company to the public-Chapter No. 24.
Bill C-87, an act to implement the convention on the prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons and on their destruction-Chapter No. 25.
Bill C-82, an act to amend the Royal Canadian Mint Act-Chapter No. 26.

Bill C-104, an act to amend the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act (forensic DNA analysis)-Chapter No. 27.
Bill C-91, an act to continue the Federal Business Development Bank under the name Business Development Bank of Canada-Chapter No. 28.
Bill C-65, an act to reorganize and dissolve certain federal agencies-Chapter No. 29.
Bill C-85, an act to amend the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and to provide for the continuation of a certain provision-Chapter No. 30.
Bill C-92, an act to amend the Canadian Wheat Board Act-Chapter No. 31.
Bill C-72, an act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced intoxication)-Chapter No. 32.
Bill C-54, an act to amend the Old Age Security Act, the Canada Pension Plan, the Children's Special Allowances Act and the Unemployment Insurance Act-Chapter No. 33.
It being almost one o'clock, the House stands adjourned until Monday, September 18, 1995 at 11 a.m.

(The House adjourned at 12.55 p.m.)