The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Marcotte, Emmanuel see Quebec sovereignty referendum--Yes campaign
Marginal tax see Income tax
>>>Health Minister Marleau statement, S.O. 31, 2536
>>>International law, preventing, 15951, 15984
>>>Public opinion, 15959
>>Growth for commercial purposes, 6488, 15959
>>Possession, criminal record/consequences, reducing, 15950-1, 15982, 15984,
>>See also Drug abuse;
Drug trafficking;
Marine Atlantic Inc.
Bluenose ferry service, cancellation, reconsideration, o.q., 14644
>>Newfoundland dockyard, St. John's, Nfld., commercialization, closure, o.q.,
12417-8, 13811
>>Operations, commercial footing, sale
>>>o.q., 8553, 10668, 10794, 14644
>>>S.O. 31, 12108-9
>>Ships, Bluenose, Atlantic Freighter and Marine Evangeline, Bahamian
registry, flag of convenience, o.q., 5101, 5308, 7688, 10668, 10794
>>Shore based stevedoring, S.O. 31, 7982
Marine Evangeline see Marine Atlantic Inc.--Ships
Marine hazards see Satellites--Space debris
Marine navigation
Loran C stations, Riske Creek and Williams Lake, B.C., staffing,
expenditures, qu., 14547
Marine parks see National parks--System
Marine research
Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Nova Scotia, 15142
>>Memorial University, Newfoundland, oceanography, etc., 15060
>>Role, importance, 15146
>>See also Oceans--Canadian jurisdiction;
Oceans industries
Marine safety
Rally 2, investigation, Le Nadine, investigation reopening,
o.q., 5343
Marine spills see Water pollution
Marine transportation
Chamber of Maritime Commerce, restructuring, S.O. 31, 1719
>>Improving, 1943
>>>Initiatives, announcing in 1995, 12575
>>>Review, S.O. 31, 9464
>>Security provisions, legislation, 7673-80
>>>See also Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38)
>>Transport Standing Committee, study, 10747
>>See also Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization;
Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38)--Minister of Transport (Young)
First reading, 4907
>>Transport Standing Committee referral, forthwith, M. (C. Stewart), 5292-6,
agreed to, 5296
>>Report stage, concurrence and second reading, M. (Robichaud), agreed to,
>>Third reading, 7673-80
>>>Agreed to, 7680, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 9160. Chap. 40, S.C. 1994
>>See also Marine transportation--Security
Maritime Employers Association see Halifax, N.S.--Port
Maritime Freight Rates Act see Grain transportation--Freight rates, subsidy
Maritime provinces
Economic and political union, 14114
>>>S.O. 31, 13716. 17382
>>See also Atlantic provinces
Market and Industry Services branch see Agriculture and Agri-Food department
Market globalization see Trade
Marketing boards see Supply management/marketing boards
Markets see Coal
Markham--Whitchurch--Stouffville constituency see Bhaduria--References, Resignation
Marleau, Hon. Diane (L--Sudbury; Minister of Health;Minister of Public Works and Government Services as of January 25, 1996)
- >>Aboriginal peoples
>>>Solvent abuse treatment centres, o.q., 10899
>>>Suicide rate, o.q., 10899
>>>Combating, 3TC medication, o.q., 16739, 17088
>>>Fund raising walk, o.q., 14998
>>>Government expenditures, o.q., 9422, 11142
>>>Government measures/expenditures, o.q., 14998
>>>National AIDS Strategy, o.q., 6088, 10952, 17086-7
>>>Pamphlet, o.q., 5429
>>>Research, o.q., 17090
>>Alcohol, o.q., 1188
>>Aquaculture, Bay of Fundy, o.q, 15046
>>Automobiles, exhaust emissions, o.q., 15879, 15925
>>>Advisory committee, o.q., 15347
>>>Canadian Bureau of Biologics, o.q., 10075, 15347, 16365
>>>Collection system, o.q., 1556, 5897, 5943, 6037-8, 6085-6, 6141, 9147, 9531, 10387, 15347
>>>Connaught Laboratories, o.q., 12412, 12484-5
>>>Haemophilia B, o.q., 9653-4
>>>Hepatitis C contamination, o.q., 4133, 4206, 4468-9, 4580, 4659-60, 4771-2, 10004, 11409-10, 11489
>>>HIV contaminated blood/blood management system
>>>>Krever public inquiry, interim report, tabled, 10008
>>>>>Government response, tabled, 13373-4
>>>>o.q., 891, 1185, 1235, 1382-3, 2542, 2670, 2673, 3523, 4133, 4205, 5306, 7317, 9531, 9606, 10075, 12484-5, 12678, 13372, 15347
>>>>qu., 8760-1
>>>Supply system, o.q., 15347-8, 16365
>>Breast cancer, 10633
>>>Abortion, o.q., 10792
>>>Research, o.q., 2437-8, 3446, 13327, 15648
>>>Screening, o.q., 15648
>>>Support groups, o.q., 13327, 15648
>>Breast implants, victims, compensation, o.q., 1427
>>Canada Health Act
>>>Amending, o.q., 4001, 14767
>>>Effectiveness, o.q., 14812
>>>Five principles, 11858
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, programs, o.q., 11060
>>Canada Wildlife Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 3447
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, M. (Copps), 5164-5
>>Canadian Red Cross
>>>Blood fractionation plant, o.q., 5309
>>>Blood inspection, o.q., 1557, 5819, 8638, 10387
>>Cancer, treatment, BCG-cancer vaccine, o.q., 3522, 3568-9, 4134
>>Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, establishing, 559
>>>o.q., 1999-2000, 6258
>>Children, Community Action Program for Children, o.q., 6563, 10518
>>Cigarette lighters, o.q., 12680
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-7), 804, 1561-3
>>Customs brokers, o.q., 7233-4
>>Deaths, qu., 5825
>>Dental plans, taxing, o.q., 718-9, 9825
>>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 6463, 9112
>>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95), 13088, 16130
>>Disease, qu., 5825-6
>>Drinking water
>>>Disinfection, o.q., 3447
>>>Treatment guidelines, o.q., 12292
>>Drug abuse
>>>Canada Drug Strategy, 1561-3
>>>>qu., 6003-4
>>>Cocaine use, 1561, 1563
>>>Costs, 1561-3
>>>Marijuana use, 1561, 1563
>>>Prevention strategies, 1561-2
>>Drug trafficking
>>>Combating, 1561-2
>>>Designer and look alike drugs, 1562
>>>Proceeds, seizure, 1561-2
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals
>>>Antilymphocyte globulin (ALG), o.q. 4946, 5100
>>>Bulk purchasing, 558-9
>>>Illegal use, 1562
>>>Legislation, o.q., 7186, 8298-9
>>>Prices, 561
>>>Sales and distribution, 1562
>>>Thalidomide victims, o.q., 4951
>>Ebola virus, o.q., 12843
>>>Berlin Summit, o.q., 11412
>>>Environmental assessment and review process, o.q., 15925
>>>Health, effects, 5164-5
>>Excise Act, Customs Act and Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11), 1664-7
>>Excise Tax Act and Excise Act (amdt.)(Bill C-90), 14737
>>Family violence, qu., 14551
>>Fire-fighters, o.q., 4699
>>Food, safety, qu., 9252-3
>>Francophones outside Quebec, assimilation, 6463
>>Government advertising
>>>Contracts, o.q., 2358
>>>McKim Advertising Ltd., o.q., 2439
>>Hall, Justice Emmett Matthew, 16544-5
>>Hazardous products, cotton/terrycloth garments, o.q., 2487
>>>Economic prosperity, 557
>>>Hysterectomies, o.q., 11193
>>Health care
>>>Aboriginal peoples, o.q., 6138-9
>>>Accessibility, 11862
>>>>o.q., 4208, 5160, 11484-6, 14319, 15480-1, 15525, 15529-30
>>>Awareness campaigns, 558
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks, 11854
>>>Community-based care, 559, 561
>>>Core services
>>>>M. on supply (Manning), 11849-55, 11858, 11861-2
>>>>o.q., 15526
>>>Cost effectiveness, 11852
>>>Cut-backs, avoiding, o.q., 3650
>>>Expenditures, 11852
>>>Federal-provincial duplication, 11858
>>>Federal-provincial meeting, o.q., 14534, 14721-3
>>>Funding, 11851-2, 11855, 11858
>>>>o.q., 3648-9, 4468, 9148, 10951, 11483, 14721-3, 15524
>>>Hip replacements, 11862
>>>Jurisdiction, provincial/federal, o.q., 639-40, 2541, 9606, 15808-9
>>>Long-term home care, o.q., 2624
>>>Magee neuromuscular clinic, o.q., 16439
>>>Midwifery, 559
>>>National forum, o.q., 639
>>>National standards, o.q., 15974
>>>Prenatal nutrition program, 559-60
>>>Private clinics, 11862
>>>>o.q., 7808, 7812, 7856, 8431, 9147, 9606, 11532, 14767, 14812, 14888, 15480-1, 15528-9, 16441
>>>>qu., 11256-7
>>>Provinces, o.q., 14812
>>>Public opinion, o.q., 15972
>>>Quebec, 11858
>>>Reform, o.q., 11483, 15924, 16439
>>>System, 557, 11849-51, 11854, 11858
>>>>o.q., 15704
>>>Two-tier system, 11853
>>>>o.q., 11483-4, 14534, 15047, 15524, 15809
>>>United States system, 11850, 11852-4
>>>User fees, 560, 11849, 11851, 11858, 11862
>>>>o.q., 11485
>>>Waiting periods, o.q., 15529-30
>>>Women's issues, 559, 10632-4
>>>>o.q., 10666-7, 16742
>>Health Department, Drugs Directorate and Medical Devices Bureau, qu., 14550-1
>>Health insurance (Medicare)
>>>Canada Health Act principles, 557-8
>>>>o.q., 3649, 4348, 4391, 14534
>>>Established Programs Financing, o.q., 4580
>>>Extra billing, o.q., 3650, 4348, 4391
>>>Funding, o.q., 15974
>>>Insured services, o.q., 2541
>>>Portability, 11861-2
>>Health Standing Committee, reports, first, (Towards Zero Consumption, Generic Packaging of Tobacco Products), g.r., tabled, 7991
>>Hospitals, Montreal, Que., o.q., 16439
>>Immigrants, AIDS/HIV infected persons, o.q., 10955
>>India, pneumonic plague outbreak, o.q., 6261
>>Kahnawake Indian Reserve, drug and alcohol abuse program funding, qu., 9209
>>Lighters, disposable, child resistant feature, o.q., 9532
>>Lyme disease
>>>Endemic areas, qu., 14548-9
>>>Information updates, qu., 14549
>>>Research funding, qu., 14550
>>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23), 3447
>>Milk, bovine somatotropin hormone, o.q., 1311, 1687, 2544, 8635, 8700, 8750-1, 8831, 10953-4, 12372, 12596, 13529-30, 13597, 13915, 14019-20, 14088, 14314
>>Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1994 (Bill C-40), 5596
>>Multiple sclerosis, betaseron drug, o.q., 10518
>>Narcotic Control Act, historical background, 1561
>>National Forum on Health
>>>Canada Health Act, o.q., 10792
>>>Establishing, 558
>>>Goals, 558
>>>Progress, effectiveness, o.q., 14533
>>>Provincial governments involvement, 558
>>>>o.q., 4467-8, 4579-80, 4698, 6777, 10792
>>>Terms of reference, o.q., 4778, 4863
>>Participaction program, qu., 5825
>>Privilege, Wayne (rights of Members breached), 13087
>>>Divisions, recorded, 15235
>>>Speeches, 5164
>>>Resignation, request, S.O. 31, 9461-2, 17701
>>>See also Association Canadienne-Française de l'Ontario--Annual convention; Blood--Collection system; Established Programs Financing--Health care; Health care--Aboriginal peoples--Crisis--Palliative care; Health insurance (Medicare)--Universality; Marijuana; Tobacco/cigarette smuggling--Government strategy, Health Minister Tobacco/cigarettes--Taxes
>>Refugees, qu., 13684
>>Reproductive technologies, legislation, o.q., 6716-7, 8753, 8998, 10666
>>Royal Commission on New Reproductive Technologies, report, o.q., 232, 14090
>>Senior citizens
>>>Government programs and services
>>>>o.q., 8123
>>>>qu., 5826, 7376
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 557-61
>>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 1667
>>>Government strategy, o.q., 1237
>>>Advertising, o.q., 14722, 14770, 17499, 17579
>>>Consumption, o.q., 12291-2
>>>Ingredients, o.q., 3159
>>>Packaging and labelling, o.q., 3279-80, 5214, 5660
>>>Smoking, 1664-6, 10633-4
>>>>o.q., 888, 891, 992, 1237, 1426, 3279, 3331, 3446-7, 4661, 4864, 5660, 11760
>>>>qu., 15053
>>>Taxes, o.q., 491-2, 723, 794, 888, 891, 1188
>>>Use, international conference, o.q., 12291-2
>>Tobacco industry, sponsored sporting events, festivals, o.q., 17630-1
>>Tobacco Products Control Act, amending, o.q., 14770
>>Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-117), 17545
>>Transfer payments to provinces, heath care, o.q., 1307
>>>Issues, 10635
>>>M. on supply (C. Gagnon), 10632-5
>>>Status, 10634-5
Marquis, Hon. Eugène
Member of Parliament, former, death, tribute, 7864-5
Definition, union between a man and a woman, petition, 9695, 14328
Marrocco, Tranquillo see House of Commons
Marshall, Donald see Justice system
Martensville, Sask. see Child abuse
Martin, Ian David see Justice system--Sentencing
Martin, Keith (REF--Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 5124, 13218-9
>>>M. on supply (Duncan), 17356, 17363-4
>>Aboriginal peoples, 5105, 13218-9
>>Aboriginal self-government, 5104-6
>>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88), 12929-32, 14124-8
>>Aquaculture, 15014-5
>>Arms exports, 14098-9
>>Atlantic provinces, S.O. 31, 14640
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.)(Bill C-83), 14558-60
>>Auditor General's report, S.O. 31, 713-4
>>Automobiles, 16401
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 341-2, 344
>>>M. (Collenette), 11252-3
>>>M. (Collenette), 17179-82
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (B. Mills), 12960-2
>>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 16896-7, 16909-10
>>Budget, 13217
>>>M. (P. Martin), 783-4
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, 14033-4
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, M. for approval (P. Martin), 10500-2
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11431-3, 13217-9, 13254-5
>>Burundi, 11378
>>Canada Health Act, 13218
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 13254
>>Canada Pension Plan, 16703
>>Canada Student Loans Program, 10501-2
>>>M. (Manning), 7058-60
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 15012, 15145, 15147
>>Canadians, 17095
>>Capital gains tax, 16880
>>Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87), 12653-7, 14098-100
>>Children, 13255
>>>o.q., 7688
>>>S.O. 31, 13228
>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, 5224-5
>>Committees, 12462-3
>>Conflict of interest, 5504-5
>>Conscientious objection act. petition, 17347-8
>>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17095-6
>>Constitutional reform, S.O. 31, 16141
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Code, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-45), 14664-6, 14974-9
>>Crime, 4294, 4296, 14664-6
>>Crimes against humanity, M. (Assadourian), 11378-80
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--mines)(Bill C-348), 14681
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)(Bill C-301), 9475, 13500-4, 13510
>>Culture, 17095
>>Deaths, 13644
>>Defence equipment, 342, 2344, 9347, 12656-7, 14099, 14681
>>>o.q., 10790
>>>Petition, 17347
>>>S.O. 31, 15340-1
>>Defence expenditures, 12654-5
>>Deficit, 13218, 14034-5
>>>M. on supply (Grubel), 9611-4
>>Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act (Bill C-35), 5224-7
>>Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 9345-8
>>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95), 16156-7, 16164-7, 16335-6
>>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96), 16702-4
>>Department of Natural Resources Act (Bill C-48), 8185-8
>>Diplomacy, 14099-100
>>Discrimination and racism, 15316
>>Doctors, 11868
>>Dollar, exchange rate, 14034
>>Economic conditions, 16879-80
>>Economy, 14126-7
>>Education, 14126-8
>>Education, post-secondary, 10502
>>Employment, 16703
>>Employment equity, 15154-5, 15316-7
>>>M. on supply (Strahl), 12979, 12983-6
>>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 15154-5, 15316-8
>>Environment, 14558-9, 16374-5
>>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 15051, 16374-5
>>Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca constituency, 340
>>Ethics Counsellor, 12463
>>Euthanasia, petitions, 8759, 17348
>>Excise Act, Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5649-51
>>Exports, 9346
>>Federal-provincial relations, 17095
>>Fire-fighters, o.q., 4699
>>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 11155-6, 13644
>>Fiscal policy, 14034
>>Fisheries, 15013-5
>>Fisheries, Pacific, 12463, 14893, 15012-4, 15146-7
>>>o.q., 4278
>>Foreign affairs policy, M. (Ouellet), 2284, 2343-4
>>Foreign aid, 784
>>Fossil fuels, 16401
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 14601, 14623-5, 16374, 16385, 16400-2
>>Government, 12394
>>>M. on supply (Hermanson), 12461-3
>>Government credit rating, 14034
>>Government expenditures, 13217, 14034
>>Government programs and services, 13217, 16703
>>GST, 14034, 15321-2
>>Gun control/guns, 11155-6, 12463, 13644
>>>Petition, 8759
>>>S.O. 31, 8593
>>Hate propaganda, M. (Pagtakhan), 11373-4
>>Hazardous waste, 14559
>>Health care, 783, 833-4, 11432-3, 13218, 13254-5, 16156-7
>>>M. on supply (Manning), 11866-9
>>>o.q., 3650, 3705-6, 3879-80, 8598, 11485-6
>>>S.O. 31, 12282, 14762
>>Health insurance (Medicare), 10501, 11867-8, 13254
>>Human resource development, 16703
>>Human Resources Development Department, 16702
>>Immigrants, 5226-7
>>>M. (Hanger), 7067-9
>>>o.q., 10955
>>Immigration, 5225-7, 17095-6
>>Income, 14034
>>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 14033-5
>>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, 13218
>>Indonesia, o.q., 13598
>>Inflation, 14034
>>Information highway, S.O. 31, 10948
>>International development assistance, 2284, 2343-4, 9347-8
>>International organizations, 9346
>>International peace and security, 9346-7
>>International relations, 9348
>>Justice system, 13503
>>Kilgour, references, 340
>>Leader of the Opposition Official Residence Leasing Arrangements Act (Bill C-318), 10957
>>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), 5506-7
>>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94), 14601, 14623-5, 16385, 16400-2
>>Marine research, 15146
>>Members of Parliament, 3730-1
>>>M. on supply (D. Grey), 8126-8
>>>S.O. 31, 10070
>>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 12393-4
>>Military colleges, 14126
>>>o.q., 2175, 8553, 8943
>>>S.O., 12713, 17081
>>Multiculturalism, 5225
>>Murder, 11155
>>National debt, 11432, 13217, 14034, 16702
>>National Forum on Health, o.q., 4778, 4862-3
>>National unity, 17095-6
>>>M. on supply (Manning), 4920
>>Non-governmental organizations, 9345
>>Nuclear energy, 16401
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-98), 14893, 15012-5, 15145-7
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, petition, 8759
>>Old age pensions, 16703
>>Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 7655-7, 12316-8
>>Parliamentary reform, 12461-3
>>Patronage, S.O. 31, 14640
>>PCBs, S.O. 31, 17032
>>>M. (Ouellet), 340-4
>>>M. (Ouellet), 5996-7
>>Population, 2343, 9346, 14559
>>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 52, 12870
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 13504, 13510
>>>Committee reports, 5618
>>>Debate, 17342
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4778
>>>Question and comment period, 12929
>>Provincial debt, 13217
>>Quebec, 4920, 17095-6
>>>M. (J. Chrétien), 17342-4
>>>S.O. 31, 15869-70, 17701-2
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 17095-6
>>Rail passenger service, 16401-2
>>>S.O. 31, 8543
>>Recall Act (Bill C-210), 3730-2
>>References, 342
>>>Maiden speech, 340
>>RRSPs, o.q., 25
>>Rwanda, 11378, 14099
>>>S.O. 31, 10782-3
>>Salmon, 15012-5, 15146
>>>S.O. 31, 11479-80
>>Same-sex couples, petition, 8759
>>Sexual offenders, o.q., 9470
>>Sexual orientation, petition, 8759, 10959
>>Small business, 16703-4
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 16879-80
>>Social security system, 11431-2, 12316-7, 16703
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 832-5
>>South Africa, 342
>>>S.O. 31, 3516, 3759
>>>Statement by Minister (C. Stewart), 7603-4
>>Suicide, 11156
>>Taxation, 14034-5, 14126
>>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 834, 5649-50
>>>o.q., 1065, 1188
>>Tobacco/cigarettes, 5649-51
>>>M., 7009-12
>>>o.q., 5214, 11760, 12291-2
>>>qu., 12852
>>>S.O. 31, 6978
>>Trade, 2343-4, 14034, 14124-6, 14128
>>>o.q., 12599
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 13218
>>Underground economy, M. (Szabo), 15321-2
>>United Nations, 2284, 12655-6
>>War crimes, 2344
>>Waste management/recycling, 14558-9
>>Welfare, 16703
>>Young offenders, 10018-20, 13503
>>>M. on supply (Forseth), 4294, 4296-7
>>Young Offenders Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 10018-20
>>Young Offenders Act, petitions, 13240
>>Yugoslavia (former), 340, 342
>>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33), 5124
>>Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act (Bill C-34), 5104-6