House of Commons Administration – Detailed Hospitality Expenditures Report

The Detailed Hospitality Expenditures Report includes all hospitality expenses incurred by House of Commons Administration employees, namely: their expenses for meals and refreshments, as well as any other of their expenses related to hospitality.

Food Services uses the estimated number of attendees to help determine how much food is to be provided in the House of Commons lobbies. The estimated number used does not necessarily reflect the actual number of individuals who will be present in the lobbies or who will consume the food provided there. In addition, more than one meal may be provided on a given sitting day depending on the sitting time.

For more information, see the current policy on hospitality, as well as the frequently asked questions about the reports for the House of Commons Administration.

Reporting Period
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Event Host Purpose of Hospitality Date Total
3HOS_10939 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Quebec Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $59.50
3HOS_10940 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Ontario Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $71.75
3HOS_10941 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, National Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $502.50
3HOS_10942 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Atlantic Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $82.15
3HOS_10943 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, CPC Regional Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $76.50
3HOS_10944 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, National Conservative Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $502.00
3HOS_10945 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Bloc Québécois Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $124.50
3HOS_10955 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, N.D.P. Caucus Wednesday, April 10, 2024 $100.50
3HOS_10931 Clerk, House of Commons (Eric Janse) Provide a working meal during a BOIE meeting Thursday, April 11, 2024 $365.70
3HOS_10946 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Quebec Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $59.50
3HOS_10947 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Ontario Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $71.75
3HOS_10948 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, National Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $502.50
3HOS_10949 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Atlantic Liberal Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $82.15
3HOS_10951 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, CPC Regional Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $76.50
3HOS_10952 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, National Conservative Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $502.00
3HOS_10953 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Alberta Conservative Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $62.90
3HOS_10954 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, Bloc Québécois Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $124.50
3HOS_10956 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages during caucus meetings, N.D.P. Caucus Wednesday, April 17, 2024 $100.50
3HOS_10938 House of Commons’ Food Services (Rebekah Kletke, Service Area Head) Provide food and beverages in the lobbies Tuesday, April 30, 2024 $31,695.50
3HOS_10963 Clerk, House of Commons (Eric Janse) Provide a working meal during a BOIE meeting Thursday, May 2, 2024 $342.20
3HOS_10957 Camille Arscott Host a meeting Friday, April 26, 2024 $244.93
3HOS_10928 Stéphan Aubé Host a meeting Friday, April 12, 2024 $149.50
3HOS_10930 Stéphanie Charron Host a meeting Tuesday, April 16, 2024 $233.00
3HOS_10919 Patrick Danis Host a meeting Thursday, April 4, 2024 $59.00
3HOS_10922 Benoit Dicaire Host a protocol event Tuesday, April 30, 2024 $851.46
3HOS_10918 Carolyne Evangelidis Host training or professional development activities Thursday, April 25, 2024 $1,688.70
3HOS_10965 Clerk, House of Commons (Eric Janse) Janse Provide a working meal during a BOIE meeting Thursday, May 23, 2024 $309.20
3HOS_10966 Clerk, House of Commons (Eric Janse) Janse Provide a working meal during a BOIE meeting Thursday, May 30, 2024 $355.05
3HOS_10905 Rebekah Kletke Host a meeting Tuesday, April 23, 2024 $2,579.75
3HOS_10964 Guillaume LaPerrière-Marcoux Host a meeting Thursday, May 30, 2024 $291.75
3HOS_10929 Adriana Lashley Host an onboarding event Friday, May 12, 2023 $1,335.10
3HOS_10884 Paul Mellon Host a meeting Wednesday, March 27, 2024 $103.25
3HOS_10925 Erica Pereira Host a meeting Tuesday, May 7, 2024 $314.00
3HOS_10921 Paul St George Host a meeting Tuesday, May 7, 2024 $87.50