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CACN Committee News Release

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Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship
House of Commons / Chambre des communes
Comité spécial sur la relation entre le Canada et la République populaire de Chine

For immediate release


The House of Commons Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship Presents its Interim Report, Canada and Taiwan: A Strong Relationship in Turbulent Times

Ottawa, March 30, 2023 -

The House of Commons Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship (the Special Committee) has presented an interim report to the House of Commons entitled Canada and Taiwan: A Strong Relationship in Turbulent Times.

The report provides an overview of the current state and future prospects of Canada’s engagement with Taiwan, including people-to-people ties, trade and investment, and peace and security in the region.

As its title suggests, the report highlights both Canada’s strong ties with Taiwan, as well as the importance of reinforcing support for Taiwan in the face of ongoing tensions surrounding its future. The report’s 18 recommendations outline how Canada can strengthen its engagement with Taiwan while adhering to its one China policy.1

Among other key priorities, the report highlights the need for Canada and its allies to further opportunities for Taiwan’s meaningful participation in multilateral organizations and encourages parliamentary and diplomatic visits to Taiwan. It also identifies opportunities for Indigenous communities in Canada and Taiwan to advance economic empowerment by supporting the objectives of the Indigenous Peoples Economic and Trade Cooperation Agreement, of which both Taiwan and Canada are participating economies.

Trade and investment are recognized as a crucial pillar of Canada’s relationship with Taiwan, and the report supports opportunities for collaboration with Taiwan’s semiconductor industry to enhance innovation in Canada. This relationship can be further strengthened by entering into formal negotiations on a Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement and by prioritizing the assessment of Taiwan’s application to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

In reaffirming Canada’s commitment to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, the report recommends that the Government of Canada work with its allies, including the Group of Seven, to support the peaceful status quo in the region by opposing any unilateral actions that could escalate tensions. It also recommends that Canada publicly call on the People’s Republic of China to refrain from escalating military threats in the region.

The interim report and its recommendations can be consulted on the Special Committee’s web page on the Parliament of Canada website.

1 Canada’s one China policy recognizes the People’s Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of China, but neither endorses nor challenges the PRC's position on Taiwan. The approach is similar to that taken by like-minded countries and is consistent with the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 – which recognized the PRC as the legitimate government of China and expelled the Republic of China (Taiwan) from the UN – adopted in 1971.


“It is important to demonstrate our support for Taiwan during these turbulent times. This interim report outlines ways for Canada to support the peaceful status quo by increasing its engagement with Taiwan under Canada’s one China policy.” -Ken Hardie, M.P., Chair

“Given the People's Republic of China's increasingly aggressive posture towards Taiwan, it is crucial for Canada to bolster its involvement in multilateral alliances to support Taiwan and prevent further destabilization in the Indo-Pacific region.” -Hon. Michael Chong, P.C., M.P., Vice-Chair

“Taiwan is an innovative, progressive democracy that deserves our support during these times. By working together with Taiwan, we can learn from each other on important issues such as addressing foreign interference.” -Denis Trudel, M.P., Vice-Chair

“Taiwan is a vibrant democracy that has done admirable work on the Sustainable Development Goals and in respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples. Canada should seize all opportunities to collaborate with Taiwan, especially on important development and global health challenges.” -Heather McPherson, M.P., Vice-Chair

For more information, please contact:
Christine Holke, Clerk of the Special Committee on the Canada–People’s Republic of China Relationship
Tel: 613-992-4111