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The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 36

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

2:00 p.m.

National Anthem
Statements By Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, members made statements.

Certificates of Election

The Speaker informed the House that the clerk had received from the Chief Electoral Officer a certificate of the election of Ms. Ien (Toronto Centre).

Ms. Ien (Toronto Centre), having taken and subscribed the oath required by law, took her seat in the House.

The Speaker informed the House that the clerk had received from the Chief Electoral Officer a certificate of the election of Ms. Saks (York Centre).

Ms. Saks (York Centre), having taken and subscribed the oath required by law, took her seat in the House.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Daily Routine Of Business

Presenting Reports from Interparliamentary Delegations

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Drouin (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) presented the report of the Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie, APF Education, Communication and Cultural Affairs Committee and APF Network of Parliamentarian Women, Hanoi, Vietnam, from February 24 to 28, 2019. — Sessional Paper No. 8565-432-52-03.

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Drouin (Glengarry—Prescott—Russell) presented the report of the Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie, Workshop on enhancing the role of parliamentarians from member states of the "Organisation internationale de la Francophonie" in the Universal Periodic Review process, Geneva, Switzerland, from December 10 to 11, 2019. — Sessional Paper No. 8565-432-52-04.

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Simms (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) presented the report of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association, First Part of the 2020 Ordinary Session of the PACE, Strasbourg, France, from January 27 to 31, 2020. — Sessional Paper No. 8565-432-51-01.

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Simms (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) presented the report of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association, Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region, Strasbourg, France, from February 12 to 13, 2020. — Sessional Paper No. 8565-432-51-02.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. May (Cambridge), from the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, presented the first report of the committee, "Main Estimates 2020-21: Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Veterans Affairs, and Vote 1 under Veterans Review and Appeal Board". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-20.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 4) was tabled.

Mr. May (Cambridge), from the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, presented the second report of the committee, "Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020-21: Votes 1b and 5b under Department of Veterans Affairs". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-21.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 4) was tabled.

Mr. May (Cambridge), from the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs, presented the third report of the committee, "Backlog of Disability Benefit Claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-22.

Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the committee requested that the government table a comprehensive response.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 4) was tabled.

Mr. Simms (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame), from the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, presented the first report of the committee, "Main Estimates 2020-21: Vote 1 under Canada Council for the Arts, Votes 1, 5 and 10 under Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum of History, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Vote 1 under Canadian Museum of Nature, Vote 1 under Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Votes 1 and 5 under Department of Canadian Heritage, Votes 1 and 5 under Library and Archives of Canada, Vote 1 under National Arts Centre Corporation, Vote 1 under National Film Board, Votes 1 and 5 under National Gallery of Canada, Vote 1 under National Museum of Science and Technology, Vote 1 under Telefilm Canada, and Vote 1 under National Battlefields Commission". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-23.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 4) was tabled.

Mr. Simms (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame), from the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, presented the second report of the committee, "Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020-21: Vote 1b under Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Vote 1b under Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, Votes 1b and 5b under Department of Canadian Heritage, and Vote 5b under Library and Archives of Canada". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-24.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 4) was tabled.

Mr. Simms (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame), from the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, presented the third report of the committee (Bill C-5, An Act to amend the Bills of Exchange Act, the Interpretation Act and the Canada Labour Code (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, without amendment). — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-25.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 5 and 6) was tabled.

Ms. Khalid (Mississauga—Erin Mills), from the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights, presented the fourth report of the committee (Bill C-7, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying, with amendments). — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-26.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 4 to 11) was tabled.

Ms. Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton), from the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, presented the first report of the committee, "Main Estimates 2020-21: Votes 1 and 5 under Department for Women and Gender Equality". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-27.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 6) was tabled.

Ms. Sahota (Brampton North), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the fourth report of the committee, "Main Estimates 2020-21: Vote 1 under House of Commons, Vote 1 under Leaders' Debates Commission, Vote 1 under Office of the Chief Electoral Officer, and Vote 1 under Parliamentary Protective Service". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-28.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 10 to 12) was tabled.

Ms. Sahota (Brampton North), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the fifth report of the committee, "Supplementary Estimates (B), 2020-21: Vote 1b under House of Commons and Vote 1b under Leaders' Debates Commission". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-432-29.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 10 and 12) was tabled.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway), seconded by Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona), Bill C-255, An Act respecting the development of a national employment strategy for persons with disabilities, was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.


By unanimous consent, it was ordered, — That, notwithstanding any standing order, special order or usual practice of the House, at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, November 30, 2020, the Speaker shall interrupt the proceedings to permit the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance to make a statement followed by a period of up to 10 minutes for questions and comments; after the statement, a member from each recognized opposition party, and a member of the Green Party, may reply for a period approximately equivalent to the time taken by the minister’s statement, and each statement shall be followed by a period of 10 minutes for questions and comments; after each member has replied, or when no member rises to speak, whichever comes first, the House shall adjourn to the next sitting day.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

— by Ms. Kwan (Vancouver East), one concerning health (No. 432-00287);
— by Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan), one concerning foreign affairs (No. 432-00288) and one concerning justice (No. 432-00289);
— by Ms. McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona), one concerning health (No. 432-00290);
— by Mr. Cannings (South Okanagan—West Kootenay), one concerning the environment (No. 432-00291);
— by Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola), one concerning foreign affairs (No. 432-00292);
— by Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston), one concerning justice (No. 432-00293);
— by Ms. May (Saanich—Gulf Islands), one concerning the environment (No. 432-00294).
Government Orders

The order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development of Bill C-12, An Act respecting transparency and accountability in Canada's efforts to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

Mr. Wilkinson (Minister of Environment and Climate Change), seconded by Mr. Guilbeault (Minister of Canadian Heritage), moved, — That the bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.

Debate arose thereon.

Private Members' Business

At 5:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Finance of Bill C-208, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (transfer of small business or family farm or fishing corporation).

Mr. Maguire (Brandon—Souris), seconded by Mr. Lehoux (Beauce), moved, — That the bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Debate arose thereon.

Pursuant to Standing Order 93(1), the order was dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper.

Government Orders

Take-note Debates

At 6:32 p.m., pursuant to order made Thursday, November 19, 2020, and Standing Order 53.1, the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole for the consideration of the following motion, — That this committee take note of the status of the French language in Montréal. (Government Business No. 2)

At 10:32 p.m., the committee rose.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the table as follows:

— by Ms. Bennett (Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations) — Annual Report of the Specific Claims Tribunal for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, pursuant to the Specific Claims Tribunal Act, S.C. 2008, c. 22, s. 40. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-432-1045-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs)

— by Mr. Garneau (Minister of Transport) — Report of Ridley Terminals Inc., together with the Auditor General's Report, for the year ended December 31, 2019, pursuant to the Financial Administration Act, R.S. 1985, c. F-11, sbs. 150(1). — Sessional Paper No. 8560-432-770-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities)

— by Mr. O'Regan (Minister of Natural Resources) — Service Fees Report of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for 2019 to 2020, pursuant to the Service Fees Act, S.C. 2017, c. 20, s. 20. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-432-1174-01. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources)


Accordingly, at 10:32 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).