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House Publications

The Debates are the report—transcribed, edited, and corrected—of what is said in the House. The Journals are the official record of the decisions and other transactions of the House. The Order Paper and Notice Paper contains the listing of all items that may be brought forward on a particular sitting day, and notices for upcoming items.

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No. 87

Thursday, March 1, 2012

10:00 a.m.

Daily Routine Of Business

Presenting Reports from Interparliamentary Delegations
Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Wallace (Burlington) presented the report of the joint Canadian delegation of the Canada-China Legislative Association and the Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group respecting its participation at the 32nd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from September 18 to 24, 2011. — Sessional Paper No. 8565-411-57-05.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Komarnicki (Souris—Moose Mountain), from the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, presented the Third Report of the Committee, "Federal Support Measures to Adoptive Parents". — Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-45.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 23) was tabled.

Mr. Weston (Saint John), from the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans, presented the Second Report of the Committee (support for the Canadian seal industry). — Sessional Paper No. 8510-411-46.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meeting No. 26) was tabled.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Cullen (Skeena—Bulkley Valley), seconded by Ms. Charlton (Hamilton Mountain), Bill C-403, An Act to amend the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act (Civilian Investigation Service), was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

— by Mr. Komarnicki (Souris—Moose Mountain), one concerning abortion (No. 411-0553);
— by Ms. May (Saanich—Gulf Islands), one concerning environmental assessment and review (No. 411-0554), one concerning climate change (No. 411-0555) and one concerning petitions in the House of Commons (No. 411-0556);
— by Ms. Sitsabaiesan (Scarborough—Rouge River), one concerning post-secondary education (No. 411-0557), one concerning the situation in Sri Lanka (No. 411-0558) and two concerning China (Nos. 411-0559 and 411-0560);
— by Mr. Lamoureux (Winnipeg North), one concerning hazardous products (No. 411-0561);
— by Mrs. Grewal (Fleetwood—Port Kells), one concerning poverty (No. 411-0562);
— by Mr. Warawa (Langley), one concerning abortion (No. 411-0563) and one concerning the Employment Insurance Program (No. 411-0564);
— by Mr. Albrecht (Kitchener—Conestoga), one concerning climate change (No. 411-0565) and one concerning China (No. 411-0566).
Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Fast (Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway), seconded by Mr. Toews (Minister of Public Safety), — That Bill C-23, An Act to implement the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Agreement on the Environment between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Agreement on Labour Cooperation between Canada and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on International Trade;

The debate continued.

The question was put on the motion and, pursuant to Standing Order 45, the recorded division was deferred until Monday, March 5, 2012, at the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions.

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Finance of Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act.

Mr. O'Connor (Minister of State) for Mr. Flaherty (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario)), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Debate arose thereon.

Statements By Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Ways and Means

Pursuant to Standing Order 83(2), at the request of Mr. Flaherty (Minister of Finance), an Order of the Day was designated for the consideration of a Ways and Means motion for a Budget presentation on Thursday, March 29, 2012, at 4:00 p.m.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Flaherty (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Goodyear (Minister of State (Science and Technology) (Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario)), — That Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

The debate continued.

Mr. Jean (Fort McMurray—Athabasca), seconded by Mr. Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest), moved, — That this question be now put.

Debate arose thereon.

Private Members' Business

At 5:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Rousseau (Compton—Stanstead), seconded by Mr. Caron (Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques), — That Bill C-312, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (democratic representation), be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

The debate continued.

The question was put on the motion and, pursuant to Standing Order 93(1), the recorded division was deferred until Wednesday, March 7, 2012, immediately before the time provided for Private Members' Business.

Petitions Filed with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were filed as follows:

— by Mrs. Glover (Saint Boniface), one concerning nuclear weapons (No. 411-0567), one concerning aboriginal affairs (No. 411-0568) and one concerning poverty (No. 411-0569).
Adjournment Proceedings

At 6:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question “That this House do now adjourn” was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.

Accordingly, at 6:58 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).