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LANG Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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3rd Session, 40th Parliament   3e session, 40e législature

Standing Committee on Official Languages   Comité permanent des langues officielles
Meeting No. 10 Séance no 10
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Le mardi 20 avril 2010
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 9 heures à 11 heures
Room 253-D, Centre Block   Pièce 253-D, édifice du Centre
(613-996-4916)   (613-996-4916)

Orders of the Day   Ordre du jour
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 9 heures à 10 heures
Televised Télévisée
1. Main Estimates 2010-2011: Vote 20 under PRIVY COUNCIL
1. Budget principal des dépenses 2010-2011 : crédit 20 sous la rubrique CONSEIL PRIVÉ
Witnesses Témoins
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages Commissariat aux langues officielles
Graham Fraser, Commissioner Graham Fraser, commissaire
Ghislaine Charlebois, Assistant Commissioner
Compliance Assurance Branch
 Ghislaine Charlebois, commissaire adjointe
Direction générale de l'assurance de la conformité
Lise Cloutier, Assistant Commissioner
Corporate Services Branch
 Lise Cloutier, commissaire adjointe
Direction générale des services corporatifs
Sylvain Giguère, Assistant Commissioner
Policy and Communications Branch
 Sylvain Giguère, commissaire adjoint
Direction générale des politiques et des communications
Colette Lagacé, Director
Finance and Procurement
 Colette Lagacé, directrice
Finances et approvisionnements
Johane Tremblay, Lead Counsel and Director
Legal Affairs Branch
 Johane Tremblay, avocate-conseil principale et directrice
Direction générale des Affaires juridiques

10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 10 heures à 11 heures
(In Camera) (À huis clos)
2. Briefing on the Investigation Process of the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
2. Séance d'information sur le processus d'enquêtes du Commissariat aux langues officielles
Witnesses Témoins
Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages Commissariat aux langues officielles
Ghislaine Charlebois, Assistant Commissioner
Compliance Assurance Branch
 Ghislaine Charlebois, commissaire adjointe
Direction générale de l'assurance de la conformité
Marthanne Robson, Assistant Director
Investigations Professional Practice
 Marthanne Robson, directrice adjointe
Pratique professionnelle des enquêtes
Pierre Coulombe, Director
Social and Cultural Portfolio, Strategic Performance Measurement
 Pierre Coulombe, directeur
Portefeuille social et culturel, Mesure de rendement stratégique
Carole Beauvais, Director
Security and Transport Portfolio, Investigations
 Carole Beauvais, directrice
Portefeuille sécurité et transports, Enquêtes
La greffière du Comité
Isabelle Dumas (613-947-8891)
Clerk of the Committee
2010/04/19 9:50 a.m.   2010/04/19 9 h 50