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Application Form – Centennial Flame Research Award

2010 Edition

Information on the Centennial Flame Research Award

In accordance with the Centennial Flame Research Award Act, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities annually bestows the Centennial Flame Research Award. This award is given to a person with a disability to allow him or her to conduct research and prepare a report (submitted in the format of his/her choice) on one or more Canadians with disabilities who have made a contribution to the public life of Canada or to the activities of Parliament.

This year’s 2010 Award is worth $5000.00 The deadline for project submissions is Friday, May 28, 2010.  The winner will have one (1) year, from the date they were awarded the prize, to produce a maximum fifty page report on his/her research subject.


Family name

First name

Address (street name, apartment, city, province, postal code)

Phone number / email

Research project

Name of research subject or subjects (must be about a person or many persons with disability)

Reasons why this person or persons should be the subject of a research project (outline the research subject’s or subjects’ contribution to public or parliamentary life)

Research methods to be used (interviews, consulting archives, research documents, etc.)

Format in which the report will be submitted (hardcopy, audio, etc.)

Information on the candidate

Nature of the handicap or deficiency

Work experience (starting with most recent. It is not necessary to complete this part if your curriculum vitae is attached)

Community involvement (starting with most recent. It is not necessary to complete this part if your curriculum vitae is attached)

Other documents

Attach the following documents to your form:

  • Proof of Canadian citizenship (photocopy of Canadian birth certificate or Canadian citizenship certificate)
  • A letter of reference supporting your research from someone other than the research subject.

For any additional information

consult the Committee Web site at the following address:

or contact

Georges Etoka,

Clerk, Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities,

House of Commons,

Room 6-38, 131 Queen Street,

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0A6

Tel: (613) 996-1542. Fax: (613) 996-1626