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CIMM Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration

For immediate release


Committee calls for the Implementation of the Refugee Appeal Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board

Ottawa, December 17, 2004 - The Honourable Andrew Telegdi, PC, MP (Kitchener-Waterloo), Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, is pleased to announce the Committee’s unanimous support for an opposition motion calling for the immediate implementation of the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board.

“This is a clear indication that the lack of an appeal for refused refugee claimants has to be addressed,” said Telegdi. “The Refugee Appeal Division is already part of the law – it’s right there in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act - but the government has delayed implementing it for over two years now. When Parliament passed this legislation it did so on the understanding that the RAD would be an integral part of the refugee determination process. The fact that it still does not exist, despite government promises to implement it, is obviously troubling for Parliamentarians from all parties.”

The motion, which was moved by Meili Faille, MP (Vaudreuil-Soulanges, BQ) with a friendly amendment from Rahim Jaffer, MP (Edmonton-Strathcona, CPC), was unanimously adopted on 14 December 2004 and reads:


The Refugee Appeal Division is included in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;

Parliament has passed the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and can therefore expect that it be implemented; and

The House of Commons and parliamentarians have a right to expect that the Government of Canada will honour its commitments;

The Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration requests that the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, implement the Refugee Appeal Division or advise the Committee as to an alternative proposal without delay.

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For more information, please contact:
William Farrell, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration Tel: (613)995-8525
The Honourable Andrew Telegdi, P.C., M.P. Tel: (613) 996-5928