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SRID Committee News Release

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For immediate release:

0TTAWA – 28 February 2002


The Sub-Committee on Human Rights and International Development has recently held hearings on the situation in Zimbabwe.  At its meeting on 27 February the Sub-Committee adopted the following resolution which will be presented to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade at the earliest opportunity:


Strongly condemning Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe’s increasingly flagrant abuse of human rights, and his refusal to uphold the principles of democracy and the rule of law with the approach of the Presidential election on 9-10 March, 2002;


Recognizing the attempt by the Commonwealth to encourage a change in these policies;


Considering the recent expulsion by the Mugabe regime of the European Union’s Chef de Mission, and the decision of both the European Union and the United States to impose “targeted sanctions” on the Mugabe regime;


Noting that torrential rains in Zimbabwe have exacerbated problems with food supply and famine is now anticipated;


Noting that Non-Governmental Organizations in the field have underlined the need to maintain contact with the Government of Zimbabwein order toassist in meeting humanitarian needs there;


Noting the work undertaken by Canadian NGO’s to help address the problems in Zimbabwe, including the twinning of Canadian and Zimbabwean legislators;


The Sub-Committee on Human Rights and International Development recommends that the Government of Canada consider immediately sending additional independent Canadian election observers to Zimbabwe if conditions permit, and insist on the presence of an adequate number of inspectors. The government should also grant humanitarian aid to NGOs recognized by Canadaand currently working in Zimbabwe in order to help them cope with the anticipatedhumanitarian crisis.


Should the upcoming interim report of the Commonwealth election observers not reflect  sufficientpositive change, however, the Sub-Committee recommends that the Government of Canada then:



1)      Call for the immediate suspension of Zimbabwe from the Commonwealth;


2)      Urge the Commonwealth and other nations to prevent Mr. Mugabe and senior members of his regime from visiting their countries, and take other measures, such as the freezing of assets of Mr. Mugabe and 19 identified members of his leadership;


3)      Continue the current Canadian policy of not selling any military goods to Zimbabwe, and encourage the Commonwealth and the international community to impose an arms embargo on that country;


4)      Encourage the international community to take appropriate action against Zimbabwe, including through the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights;


5)      Continue to work with regional allies to address the immediate humanitarian needs of Zimbabweans.



For futher information please contact:


Beth Phinney, M.P.


(613) 995-9389


Elizabeth Kingston


(613) 996-1173



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