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PACC Committee News Release

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For immediate release 





Department of Fisheries and Oceans Must Manage its Fleet in a More Cost-Effective Way


OTTAWA – May 22, 2002 - Today, Mr. John Williams, MP, Chair of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Accounts, tabled the Committee’s. 22nd Report in the House of Commons. The Report contains the Committee’s conclusions and recommendations following its review of chapter 31 of the December 2000 Report of the Auditor General of Canada (Fisheries and Oceans – Fleet Management)


Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s fleet – the Canadian Coast Guard – is Canada’s largest civilian fleet. It provides vital services, such as icebreaking and the marine component of search and rescue. Following the events of September 11, the Coast Guard’s duties may be expanded.


The cost to taxpayers of operating and maintaining the fleet is substantial. In 1999-2000, for example, approximately $229 million was spent operating and maintaining the fleet. An estimated $52 million was spent, in addition, on shore-based support.


The Committee found that the fleet was not being managed in a cost-effective manner. Optimal use was not being made of the fleet’s vessels, human resources were being poorly managed, the fleet’s capital replacement plan was inadequate, and information needed by managers was often not available. Although the Coast Guard had an action plan to deal with many of these problems, the plan lacked details.


The Committee made five recommendations aimed at improving fleet management. The Committee’s last two recommendation calls on the Department to review the fleet’s management model, a model that does not facilitate efficiency.


For more information please contact Mr. Richard Rumas, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts - Telephone:  (613) 996-1664 and  Fax:  996-1962.



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