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No. 112

Monday, June 1, 1998

11:00 a.m.



At 11:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

Mr. Strahl (Fraser Valley), seconded by Mr. Hill (Prince George -- Peace River), moved, -- That, in the opinion of this House, the government should bring in legislation making the tax deduction for contributions to charitable organizations no less than the tax deduction for contributions to political parties. (Private Members' Business M-318)

Debate arose thereon.

Pursuant to Standing Order 93, the Order was dropped to the bottom of the order of precedence on the Order Paper.


The Order was read for the consideration of the Business of Supply.

Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques), seconded by Ms. Debien (Laval East), moved, -- That the House castigate the government for the catastrophic effects of its reforms to unemployment insurance; for having taken over funds destined for unemployed persons; and for its inability to adapt the unemployment insurance system to the new realities of the labour market, particularly where young people, women, and self-employed persons are concerned.

Debate arose thereon.


Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.


Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.


Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Eggleton (Minister of National Defence) laid upon the Table, -- Report of the Communications Security Establishment Commissioner for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998. -- Sessional Paper No. 8525-361-12.

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Adams (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, -- Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

-- Nos. 361-0137, 361-0138, 361-0173, 361-0547, 361-0548, 361-0549, 361-0550, 361-0551, 361-0552, 361-0553, 361-0554, 361-0555, 361-0556 and 361-0557 concerning crimes of violence. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-36B;

-- No. 361-0371 concerning sentences in the Criminal Code. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-53A;

-- No. 361-0532 concerning the tax system. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-6H;

-- No. 361-0698 concerning breast cancer. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-69;

-- No. 361-0737 concerning the income tax system. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-361-10H.

Presenting Reports from Inter-parliamentary Delegations

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Charbonneau (Anjou -- Rivière-des-Prairies) presented the Report of the Canadian Section of the Canada-France Inter-Parliamentary Association concerning its participation at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Canada- France Inter-Parliamentary Association, held in Paris, France, from March 1 to 8, 1998. -- Sessional Paper No. 8565-361-55.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. St-Julien (Abitibi), from the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, presented the 4th Report of the Committee (Bill C-30, An Act respecting the powers of the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia in relation to education, without amendment). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510-361-80.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Meetings Nos. 30 and 31) was tabled.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mr. Caccia (Davenport), seconded by Mr. Lincoln (Lac-Saint-Louis), Bill C-412, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (food expenses), was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

-- by Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South), one concerning police and firefighters' death benefits (No. 361-0998) and one concerning the income tax system (No. 361-0999);

-- by Mr. Morrison (Cypress Hills -- Grasslands), two concerning the highway system (Nos. 361-1000 and 361-1001) and one concerning Canada's railways (No. 361-1002);

-- by Mr. Schmidt (Kelowna), two concerning abortion (Nos. 361-1003 and 361-1004);

-- by Mr. Epp (Elk Island), two concerning radio and television programming (Nos. 361- 1005 and 361-1006).


The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Crête (Kamouraska -- Rivière-du-Loup -- Témiscouata -- Les Basques), seconded by Ms. Debien (Laval East), in relation to the Business of Supply.

The debate continued.

Pursuant to Standing Order 81(19), the proceedings expired.

At 6:30 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded divisions at report stage of Bill C-29, An Act to establish the Parks Canada Agency and to amend other Acts as a consequence, as reported by the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage with amendments.

Group No. 1

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 1 of Mrs. Tremblay (Rimouski -- Mitis), seconded by Mr. Bellehumeur (Berthier -- Montcalm), -- That Bill C-29, in Clause 6, be amended by adding after line 36 on page 5 the following:

      "(1.1) When implementing policies of the Government of Canada, the Agency's priority shall be the conservation and the ecological, historic and cultural integrity of national parks, national historic sites and other protected heritage areas, and it shall reconcile this priority with the development of tourism and commercial activities."

The question was put on Motion No. 1 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 182)



-- Axworthy --  (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bellehumeur -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Borotsik -- Brien -- Brison -- Casey -- Crête -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desjarlais -- Desrochers -- Doyle -- Dubé --  (Lévis) -- Dubé --  (Madawaska -- Restigouche) -- Duceppe -- Earle -- Fournier -- Gagnon -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin --  (Acadie -- Bathurst) -- Guay -- Harvey -- Herron -- Jones -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Matthews -- McDonough -- Mercier -- Muise -- Nystrom -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Proctor -- Riis -- Sauvageau -- Solomon -- St-Hilaire -- Stoffer -- Thompson --  (Charlotte) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Wasylycia-Leis -- 52



-- Abbott -- Adams -- Alcock -- Anders -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Baker -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casson -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Charbonneau -- Chatters -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Cohen -- Collenette -- Copps -- Cullen -- Cummins -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Duncan -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Epp -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Gilmour -- Godfrey -- Goldring -- Goodale -- Gouk -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Hanger -- Harb -- Hart -- Harvard -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Hoeppner -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary-Sud-Est) -- Kerpan -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Konrad -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Leung -- Lincoln -- Longfield -- Lowther -- Lunn -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Manning -- Marchi -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- Mayfield -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McNally -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Meredith -- Mifflin -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Morrison -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Obhrai -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Kent -- Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Proud -- Provenzano -- Ramsay -- Redman -- Reed -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Saada -- Schmidt -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solberg -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Julien -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Vellacott -- Volpe -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- Wilfert -- 181

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bakopanos -- Canuel -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Comuzzi -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Dion -- Dumas -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guimond -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Loubier -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- Ménard -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Perron -- Richardson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Wappel

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 2 of Mr. Mitchell (Secretary of State (Parks)), seconded by Mr. Godfrey (Don Valley West), -- That Bill C-29 be amended by adding after line 44 on page 6 the following new clause:

      "8.1(1) The Minister shall, at least once every two years, convene a round table of persons interested in matters for which the Agency is responsible to advise the Minister on the performance by the Agency of its responsibilities under section 6.
      (2) The Minister shall respond within 180 days to any written recommendations submitted during a round table convened under subsection (1)."

The question was put on Motion No. 2 and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 183)



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Axworthy --  (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Baker -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casey -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Charbonneau -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Cohen -- Collenette -- Copps -- Cullen -- Desjarlais -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé --  (Madawaska -- Restigouche) -- Duhamel -- Earle -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Godin --  (Acadie -- Bathurst) -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jones -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Leung -- Lincoln -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- Matthews -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mifflin -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Muise -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Nystrom -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Kent -- Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Proctor -- Proud -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Riis -- Robillard -- Saada -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solomon -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Julien -- Stoffer -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Thompson --  (Charlotte) -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wasylycia-Leis -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- 159



-- Abbott -- Anders -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bellehumeur -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brien -- Cadman -- Casson -- Chatters -- Crête -- Cummins -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desrochers -- Dubé --  (Lévis) -- Duceppe -- Duncan -- Epp -- Fournier -- Gagnon -- Gauthier -- Gilmour -- Girard-Bujold -- Goldring -- Gouk -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Hanger -- Hart -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Hoeppner -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary-Sud-Est) -- Kerpan -- Konrad -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Manning -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- McNally -- Mercier -- Meredith -- Morrison -- Obhrai -- Penson -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Sauvageau -- Schmidt -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- St-Hilaire -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Vellacott -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- 74

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bakopanos -- Canuel -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Comuzzi -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Dion -- Dumas -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guimond -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Loubier -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- Ménard -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Perron -- Richardson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Wappel

Accordingly, Motion No. 4 was also agreed to on the same division.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 3 of Mrs. Tremblay (Rimouski -- Mitis), seconded by Mr. Bellehumeur (Berthier -- Montcalm), -- That Bill C-29, in Clause 9, be amended

    (a) by replacing line 1 on page 7 with the following:
        "9. (1) Notwithstanding section 9 of the Depart- "
    (b) by adding after line 8 on page 7 the following:
        "(2) When the Agency procures goods and services, it shall comply with guidelines or rules established by Treasury Board on calls for tender."

The question was put on Motion No. 3 and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 52, NAYS: 181. (See list under Division No. 182)

Group No. 2

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 6 of Mrs. Tremblay (Rimouski -- Mitis), seconded by Mr. Bellehumeur (Berthier -- Montcalm), -- That Bill C-29, in Clause 23, be amended by adding after line 30 on page 13 the following:

      "(3) When setting a fee under subsection (2), the Minister shall ensure that local residents enjoy a preferential fee.
      (4) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, define the expression "local residents"."

The question was put on Motion No. 6 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 184)



-- Abbott -- Anders -- Axworthy --  (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Bellehumeur -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Borotsik -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brien -- Brison -- Cadman -- Casey -- Casson -- Chatters -- Crête -- Cummins -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desjarlais -- Desrochers -- Doyle -- Dubé --  (Lévis) -- Dubé --  (Madawaska -- Restigouche) -- Duceppe -- Duncan -- Earle -- Epp -- Fournier -- Gagnon -- Gauthier -- Gilmour -- Girard-Bujold -- Godin --  (Acadie -- Bathurst) -- Goldring -- Gouk -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Guay -- Hanger -- Hart -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Hoeppner -- Jaffer -- Jones -- Kenney --  (Calgary-Sud-Est) -- Kerpan -- Konrad -- Lalonde -- Laurin -- Lebel -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Manning -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Matthews -- Mayfield -- McDonough -- McNally -- Mercier -- Meredith -- Morrison -- Muise -- Nystrom -- Obhrai -- Penson -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Proctor -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Riis -- Ritz -- Sauvageau -- Schmidt -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- Solomon -- St-Hilaire -- Stoffer -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (Charlotte) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Vellacott -- Wasylycia-Leis -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- 97



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Baker -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bertrand -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Charbonneau -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Cohen -- Collenette -- Copps -- Cullen -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Duhamel -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Harb -- Harvard -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Lastewka -- Lavigne -- Lee -- Leung -- Lincoln -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mifflin -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Pickard --  (Kent -- Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Pratt -- Proud -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Robillard -- Saada -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Julien -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Torsney -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- 136

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bakopanos -- Canuel -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Comuzzi -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Dion -- Dumas -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guimond -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Loubier -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- Ménard -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Perron -- Richardson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Wappel

Group No. 3

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 7 of Mr. Pankiw (Saskatoon -- Humboldt), seconded by Mr. Gouk (West Kootenay -- Okanagan), -- That Bill C-29 be amended by deleting Clause 36.1.

The question was put on Motion No. 7 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 185)



-- Abbott -- Anders -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Cadman -- Casson -- Chatters -- Cummins -- Duncan -- Epp -- Gilmour -- Goldring -- Gouk -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Hanger -- Hart -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Hoeppner -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary-Sud-Est) -- Kerpan -- Konrad -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Manning -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- McNally -- Meredith -- Morrison -- Obhrai -- Penson -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Schmidt -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Vellacott -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- 45



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Axworthy --  (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Baker -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bertrand -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brien -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casey -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Charbonneau -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Cohen -- Collenette -- Copps -- Crête -- Cullen -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desjarlais -- Desrochers -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé --  (Lévis) -- Dubé --  (Madawaska -- Restigouche) -- Duceppe -- Duhamel -- Earle -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fournier -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Godin --  (Acadie -- Bathurst) -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jones -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Lalonde -- Lastewka -- Laurin -- Lavigne -- Lebel -- Lee -- Leung -- Lincoln -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- Matthews -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mercier -- Mifflin -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Muise -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Nystrom -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Kent -- Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Plamondon -- Pratt -- Proctor -- Proud -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Riis -- Robillard -- Saada -- Sauvageau -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solomon -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Hilaire -- St-Julien -- Stoffer -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Thompson --  (Charlotte) -- Torsney -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wasylycia-Leis -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- 188

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bakopanos -- Canuel -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Comuzzi -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Dion -- Dumas -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guimond -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Loubier -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- Ménard -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Perron -- Richardson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Wappel

The House proceeded to the putting of the question on Motion No. 8 of Mr. Saada (Brossard -- La Prairie), seconded by Mr. Godfrey (Don Valley West), -- That Bill C-29, in Clause 36.1, be amended by replacing lines 6 and 7 on page 17 with the following:

      "36.1 For greater certainty, the Official Languages Act applies to the Agency and the Agency has the duty, under section 25 of that Act, to ensure that, where services are provided or made available by another person or organization on its behalf, any member of the public in Canada or elsewhere can communicate with and obtain those services from that person or organization in either official language, in any case where those services, if provided by the Agency, would be required under Part IV of the Official Languages Act to be provided in either official language."

The question was put on Motion No. 8 and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 186)



-- Adams -- Alcock -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Axworthy --  (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Baker -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bertrand -- Bigras -- Blaikie -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Brien -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casey -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Charbonneau -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Cohen -- Collenette -- Copps -- Crête -- Cullen -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desjarlais -- Desrochers -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé --  (Lévis) -- Dubé --  (Madawaska -- Restigouche) -- Duceppe -- Duhamel -- Earle -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fournier -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Godin --  (Acadie -- Bathurst) -- Goodale -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Harb -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jennings -- Jones -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Lalonde -- Lastewka -- Laurin -- Lavigne -- Lebel -- Lee -- Leung -- Lincoln -- Longfield -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Marchi -- Marleau -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- Matthews -- McCormick -- McDonough -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mercier -- Mifflin -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Muise -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Nystrom -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Kent -- Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Plamondon -- Pratt -- Proctor -- Proud -- Provenzano -- Redman -- Reed -- Riis -- Robillard -- Saada -- Sauvageau -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solomon -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Hilaire -- St-Julien -- Stoffer -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Thompson --  (Charlotte) -- Torsney -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Wasylycia-Leis -- Whelan -- Wilfert -- 188



-- Abbott -- Anders -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Cadman -- Casson -- Chatters -- Cummins -- Duncan -- Epp -- Gilmour -- Goldring -- Gouk -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Hanger -- Hart -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Hoeppner -- Jaffer -- Kenney --  (Calgary-Sud-Est) -- Kerpan -- Konrad -- Lowther -- Lunn -- Manning -- Mark -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- McNally -- Meredith -- Morrison -- Obhrai -- Penson -- Ramsay -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Schmidt -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Solberg -- Strahl -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Vellacott -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- 45

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bakopanos -- Canuel -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Comuzzi -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Dion -- Dumas -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guimond -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Loubier -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- Ménard -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Perron -- Richardson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Wappel

Ms. Copps (Minister of Canadian Heritage), seconded by Mr. Gagliano (Minister of Public Works and Government Services), moved, -- That Bill C-29, An Act to establish the Parks Canada Agency and to amend other Acts as a consequence, be concurred in at report stage with further amendments.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 187)



-- Abbott -- Adams -- Alcock -- Anders -- Anderson -- Assad -- Assadourian -- Augustine -- Bachand --  (Saint-Jean) -- Baker -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Bellehumeur -- Bellemare -- Bennett -- Bergeron -- Bernier --  (Bonaventure -- Gaspé -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine -- Pabok) -- Bertrand -- Bigras -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bonwick -- Borotsik -- Boudria -- Bradshaw -- Breitkreuz --  (Yellowhead) -- Breitkreuz --  (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Brien -- Brison -- Brown -- Bryden -- Bulte -- Byrne -- Caccia -- Cadman -- Calder -- Cannis -- Caplan -- Carroll -- Casey -- Casson -- Catterall -- Cauchon -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Charbonneau -- Chatters -- Clouthier -- Coderre -- Cohen -- Collenette -- Copps -- Crête -- Cullen -- Cummins -- de Savoye -- Debien -- Desrochers -- DeVillers -- Dhaliwal -- Discepola -- Doyle -- Dromisky -- Drouin -- Dubé --  (Lévis) -- Dubé --  (Madawaska -- Restigouche) -- Duceppe -- Duhamel -- Duncan -- Easter -- Eggleton -- Epp -- Finestone -- Finlay -- Folco -- Fontana -- Fournier -- Fry -- Gagliano -- Gagnon -- Gallaway -- Gauthier -- Gilmour -- Girard-Bujold -- Godfrey -- Goldring -- Goodale -- Gouk -- Graham -- Gray --  (Windsor West) -- Grey --  (Edmonton North) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Guay -- Hanger -- Harb -- Hart -- Harvard -- Harvey -- Herron -- Hill --  (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hilstrom -- Hoeppner -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Jaffer -- Jennings -- Jones -- Karetak-Lindell -- Karygiannis -- Kenney --  (Calgary-Sud-Est) -- Kerpan -- Keyes -- Knutson -- Konrad -- Lalonde -- Lastewka -- Laurin -- Lavigne -- Lebel -- Lee -- Leung -- Lincoln -- Longfield -- Lowther -- Lunn -- MacAulay -- Mahoney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Manley -- Manning -- Marceau -- Marchand -- Marchi -- Mark -- Marleau -- Martin --  (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Martin --  (LaSalle -- Émard) -- Massé -- Matthews -- Mayfield -- McCormick -- McGuire -- McKay --  (Scarborough East) -- McNally -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Mercier -- Meredith -- Mifflin -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Morrison -- Muise -- Murray -- Myers -- Nault -- Obhrai -- O'Brien --  (London -- Fanshawe) -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Parrish -- Patry -- Penson -- Peric -- Peterson -- Pettigrew -- Phinney -- Picard --  (Drummond) -- Pickard --  (Kent -- Essex) -- Pillitteri -- Plamondon -- Pratt -- Proud -- Provenzano -- Ramsay -- Redman -- Reed -- Reynolds -- Ritz -- Robillard -- Saada -- Sauvageau -- Schmidt -- Scott --  (Fredericton) -- Scott --  (Skeena) -- Sekora -- Serré -- Shepherd -- Solberg -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart --  (Brant) -- Stewart --  (Northumberland) -- St-Hilaire -- St-Julien -- Strahl -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Thibeault -- Thompson --  (Charlotte) -- Thompson --  (Wild Rose) -- Torsney -- Tremblay --  (Rimouski -- Mitis) -- Turp -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Vellacott -- Volpe -- Whelan -- White --  (Langley -- Abbotsford) -- White --  (North Vancouver) -- Wilfert -- 221



-- Axworthy --  (Saskatoon -- Rosetown -- Biggar) -- Blaikie -- Desjarlais -- Earle -- Godin --  (Acadie -- Bathurst) -- McDonough -- Nystrom -- Proctor -- Riis -- Solomon -- Stoffer -- Wasylycia-Leis -- 12

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Alarie -- Asselin -- Axworthy --  (Winnipeg South Centre) -- Bakopanos -- Canuel -- Chrétien --  (Frontenac -- Mégantic) -- Comuzzi -- Dalphond-Guiral -- Dion -- Dumas -- Godin --  (Châteauguay) -- Guimond -- Kilger --  (Stormont -- Dundas) -- Kilgour --  (Edmonton Southeast) -- Loubier -- McLellan --  (Edmonton West) -- Ménard -- Mills --  (Broadview -- Greenwood) -- Normand -- O'Brien --  (Labrador) -- Perron -- Richardson -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- Tremblay --  (Lac-Saint-Jean) -- Wappel

Accordingly, the Bill, as amended, was concurred in at report stage with further amendments and ordered for a third reading at the next sitting of the House.

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House resumed consideration of the motion of Mrs. Stewart (Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development), seconded by Mr. Patry (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development), -- That Bill C-39, An Act to amend the Nunavut Act and the Constitution Act, 1867, be now read a third time and do pass.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the amendment of Mr. Konrad (Prince Albert), seconded by Mr. Hilstrom (Selkirk -- Interlake), -- That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word "That" and substituting the following:

    "this House declines to give third reading to Bill C-39, An Act to amend the Nunavut Act and the Constitution Act, 1867, since the principle of the Bill does not guarantee that the Government will select Senators who have been lawfully elected in a territorial Senate election.»

The question was put on the amendment and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 45, NAYS: 188. (See list under Division No. 185)


Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the Table as follows:

-- by the Speaker -- Minutes of Proceedings of the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons for April 28, 1998. -- Sessional Paper No. 8527-361-26.

-- by Mr. Dion (President of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs) -- Reports of the Public Service Staff Relations Board for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1998, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R. S. 1985, c. A-1 and P-21, sbs. 72(2). -- Sessional Paper No. 8561-361- 628A. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights)

-- by Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance) -- Report on the Operations of the Exchange Fund Account, together with the Auditor General's Report, for the year 1997, pursuant to the Currency Act, R.S. 1985, c. C-52, sbs. 21(1).

-- Sessional Paper No. 8560-361-133A. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)


At 7:18 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question "That this House do now adjourn" was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.


At 7:24 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).