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SSPD Committee News Release

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Ottawa, 14 June 1999

Sub-Committee urges Federal Government to approach disability issues differently

The Sub-Committee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities tabled its report, Reflecting Interdependence: Disability, Parliament, Government and the Community, in the House of Commons today.

Frustrated by inaction on the mountain of reports that have been prepared over the past decade, the Sub-Committee wants the federal government to find new ways to promote action on disability issues. The Sub-Committee recommends that:

  • Disability issues need to be built into how the government ‘does business.’ Determining the objectives of policies and programs as well as measuring progress ought to be the job of Parliament in consultation with the community and not left to bureaucrats working behind closed doors.

  • Parliamentary committees should study government business plans before they are carved in stone so that these plans can reflect public and parliamentary perspectives.

  • The federal government should address horizontal issues like disability that cut across a large number of departments and agencies. Innovative reporting of policies and programs that consolidates and presents information about outcomes and results from all departments and agencies should be presented to Parliament for study by parliamentary committees.

  • The federal government should take measures to overcome the jurisdictional barriers that restrict the opportunities of Canadians with disabilities. Too often people moving from one province to another have to leave behind supports and services such as wheelchairs, drug benefits and attendant care that they need to exist and to participate in the community. The Social Union agreement provides an opportunity to deal with the need for portability and mobility for supports and services.

The Chair of the Sub-Committee, Dr. Carolyn Bennett (St. Paul's) thanked all the members of the Sub-Committee. "I thank everyone involved in this report, particularly my colleagues from all parties in the House who demonstrated their personal commitment to this issue. I think that we have begun to establish a new direction not only for dealing with disability issues but also in defining a new role for Parliament. I also want to thank the Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Resources and Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Albina Guarnieri, M.P. for her support in founding the Sub-Committee."

Members of the Sub-Committee on the Status of Persons with Disabilities include:

Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Chair
Madeleine Dalphond-Guiral
Joe Jordan
Wendy Lill
Mark Muise
Deborah Grey
Nancy Karetak-Lindell
Judi Longfield
Hon. Andy Scott

For more information call:

Danielle Belisle
Clerk of the Sub-Committee
(613) 996-1542
