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HEAL Committee News Release

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Standing Committee on Health
house of commons
K1A 0A6

Comité permanent de la santé

For immediate release


Press Release - Ottawa, Wednesday, January 27, 1999 - Committee to study why many people who need organ transplants may die waiting for donors

Ottawa, January 29, 1999 - Once the House resumes sitting, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health will begin its study into the state of tissue and organ donation, procurement, and transplantation in Canada. According to a recent report by the Canadian Institute for Health Information, transplant activity in Canada has increased by 40% over the previous decade and the number of patients waiting for an organ transplant has increased by 68% from 1,830 in 1991 to 3,072 in 1997. Yet, Canada's donation rate is one of the lowest in the developed world and supply is not keeping pace with the increased need. Committee members are well positioned and welcome the opportunity to contribute to the development of policy in this area. According to the Chair, Joseph Volpe, M.P., Eglinton-Lawrence, the Committee hopes this study will open a dialogue with Canadians and lead to an increased awareness of the issue; a key element in improving the situation. • On February 2, 1999 the Committee will hear from the Co-Chairs of the National Advisory Committee on Organ and Tissue Donation and Distribution, Dr. Philip Belitsky and Elizabeth Barker in Room 308, West Block beginning at 9:00 a.m. • On February 4, 1999, the Committee will hear from the Canadian Transplant Society and the Canadian Association of Transplantation as well as from other national organisations in Room 253-D of the Centre Block beginning at 9:00 a.m.. This meeting will be recorded and transmitted by CPAC at a later date. Transcripts for these meetings will be available on the Parliamentary Web Site at For further information, please communicate with the Committee Clerk, Marie Danielle Vachon at 613-947-6729 or by e-mail at

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For more information, please contact:
, Clerk of the Standing Committee on Health