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House of Commons of Canada
35th Parliament, 2nd Session


No. 073
Tuesday, September 24, 1996
10:00 a.m.


Daily Routine of Business

Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Zed (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, — Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to the following petitions:

  1. Nos. 352-0841 and 352-0842 concerning VIA Rail. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-352-103.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

  • by Mr. Milliken (Kingston and the Islands), one concerning profits from crime (No. 352-0991);
  • by Mrs. Brown (Calgary Southeast), one concerning sex offenders (No. 352-0992);
  • by Mr. McTeague (Ontario), one concerning gasoline pricing (No. 352-0993);
  • by Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South), one concerning the income tax system (No. 352-0994) and one concerning alcoholic beverages (No. 352-0995);
  • by Mr. Bevilacqua (York North), one concerning employment (No. 352-0996) and one concerning government spending (No. 352-0997);
  • by Mr. Solomon (Regina–Lumsden), one concerning the tax on gasoline (No. 352-0998), six concerning Constitutional amendments (Nos. 352-0999 to 352-1004) and one concerning gasoline pricing (No. 352-1005).

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Rock (Minister of Justice), seconded by Mrs. Stewart (Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)), — That Bill C–45, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (judicial review of parole ineligibility) and another Act, be now read a third time and do pass;

And of the amendment of Mr. Langlois (Bellechasse), seconded by Mr. Guimond (Beauport–Montmorency–Orléans), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:

“Bill C–45, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (judicial review of parole ineligibility) and another Act, be not now read a third time but that it be read a third time this day six months hence.”

The debate continued.

Statements by Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Rock (Minister of Justice), seconded by Mrs. Stewart (Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)), — That Bill C–45, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (judicial review of parole ineligibility) and another Act, be now read a third time and do pass;

And of the amendment of Mr. Langlois (Bellechasse), seconded by Mr. Guimond (Beauport–Montmorency–Orléans).

The debate continued.

The question was put on the amendment and, pursuant to Standing Order 45, the recorded division was deferred until Wednesday, September 25, 1996, at 5:30 p.m.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Gray (Solicitor General of Canada), seconded by Mr. MacAulay (Secretary of State (Veterans)(Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)), — That Bill C–53, An Act to amend the Prisons and Reformatories Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs.

The debate continued.


By unanimous consent, Mr. Zed (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Ms. Catterall (Ottawa West), moved, — That, pursuant to its mandate in relation to the Comprehensive Review of the Young Offenders Act (Phase II), and specifically to observe how the youth justice system operates in practice, the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs (six members: four from the Liberal Party, including the Chair, one from the Bloc québécois and one from the Reform Party) be authorized to travel to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Yellowknife, from Sunday, October 6, to Friday, October 11, 1996, in order to hold public hearings, visit sites (young offender facilities and programmes) and meet with officials, and that the necessary staff do accompany the Committee.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Gray (Solicitor General of Canada), seconded by Mr. MacAulay (Secretary of State (Veterans) (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency)), — That Bill C–53, An Act to amend the Prisons and Reformatories Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs.

The debate continued.

At 5:30 p.m., pursuant to Order made Thursday, September 19, 1996, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Harris (Prince George–Bulkley Valley), seconded by Mr. Stinson (Okanagan–Shuswap), — That Bill C–201, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (operation while impaired), be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs.

The question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 128)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Abbott — Ablonczy — Alcock — Althouse — Anawak — Assad — Baker — Benoit — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Blaikie — Bonin — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Calder — Cannis — Chamberlain — Chatters — Crawford — Cummins — Dromisky — Duncan — Easter — Epp — Finlay — Frazer — Gaffney — Gilmour — Gouk — Graham — Grey (Beaver River) — Grose — Grubel — Guarnieri — Hanger — Harb — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Churchill) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Harris — Hart — Hayes — Hermanson — Hill (Prince George–Peace River) — Hoeppner — Hopkins — Hubbard — Ianno — Iftody — Jackson — Jennings — Johnston — Karygiannis — Kerpan — Kraft Sloan — Landry — Langlois — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Lincoln — Manning — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — Mayfield — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — McKinnon — McTeague — McWhinney — Meredith — Mills (Red Deer) — Minna — Mitchell — Morrison — Nault — O’Brien (London–Middlesex) — O’Reilly — Penson — Peric — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Pillitteri — Ringma — Solberg — Solomon — Speaker — Speller — Steckle — Stinson — Strahl — Szabo — Terrana — Thompson — Ur — Verran — White (Fraser Valley West) — Williams — Wood — Zed --96

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Adams — Anderson — Assadourian — Asselin — Augustine — Bachand — Barnes — Bélair — Bélanger — Bélisle — Bellehumeur — Bellemare — Bergeron — Bernier (Beauce) — Bertrand — Bethel — Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Boudria — Brien — Bryden — Campbell — Canuel — Catterall — Cauchon — Chan — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Clancy — Collins — Cowling — Crête — Culbert — Cullen — Dalphond-Guiral — Daviault — de Savoye — Debien — Deshaies — DeVillers — Dingwall — Dion — Discepola — Dubé — Duceppe — Duhamel — Dumas — Dupuy — Eggleton — Fewchuk — Fillion — Flis — Fry — Gagliano — Gagnon (Québec) — Gauthier — Gerrard — Godfrey — Godin — Goodale — Guay — Harvard — Hickey — Irwin — Jacob — Keyes — Kirkby — Knutson — Lastewka — Laurin — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Lebel — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Leroux (Shefford) — Loubier — MacAulay — MacDonald — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Manley — Marchand — Marchi — Massé — McCormick — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — Mercier — Milliken — Murphy — Murray — Nunez — Pagtakhan — Paradis — Paré — Parrish — Patry — Payne — Peterson — Pettigrew — Phinney — Plamondon — Proud — Reed — Richardson — Rideout — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Robillard — Rocheleau — Sauvageau — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Simmons — Stewart (Brant) — Thalheimer — Torsney — Tremblay (Lac Saint-Jean) — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Tremblay (Rosemont) — Vanclief — Venne — Walker — Wells — Young --127

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Arseneault — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Bernier (Gaspé) — Caccia — Caron — Cohen — Gallaway — Jacob — Lalonde — Picard (Drummond) — Pomerleau — Sheridan — St-Laurent — St. Denis

Pursuant to Standing Order 45, the House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Grubel (Capilano–Howe Sound), seconded by Mr. Hill (Prince George–Peace River), — That the 3rd Report of the Standing Committee on Finance, presented on Wednesday, September 18, be concurred in. (Governement Business No. 7)

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the amendment of Mr. Williams (St. Albert), seconded by Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the words “September 18, 1996” and substituting the following:

“be not now concurred in but that it be recommitted to the Standing Committee on Finance with instruction to amend the same to remove all references to the mandate of the Auditor General.”

The question was put on the amendment and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 129)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Abbott — Ablonczy — Althouse — Asselin — Bachand — Bélisle — Bellehumeur — Benoit — Bergeron — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bhaduria — Blaikie — Brien — Canuel — Chatters — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Crête — Cummins — Dalphond-Guiral — Daviault — de Savoye — Debien — Deshaies — Dubé — Duceppe — Dumas — Duncan — Epp — Fillion — Frazer — Gagnon (Québec) — Gauthier — Gilmour — Godin — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Guay — Guimond — Hanger — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Harris — Hart — Hayes — Hermanson — Hill (Prince George–Peace River) — Hoeppner — Jacob — Jennings — Johnston — Kerpan — Landry — Langlois — Laurin — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — Lebel — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Leroux (Shefford) — Loubier — Manning — Marchand — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — Mayfield — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Mercier — Meredith — Mills (Red Deer) — Morrison — Nunez — Paré — Penson — Plamondon — Ringma — Rocheleau — Sauvageau — Silye — Solberg — Solomon — Speaker — Stinson — Strahl — Thompson — Tremblay (Lac Saint-Jean) — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Tremblay (Rosemont) — Venne — White (Fraser Valley West) — Williams --90

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Anawak — Anderson — Assad — Assadourian — Augustine — Baker — Barnes — Bélair — Bélanger — Bellemare — Bernier (Beauce) — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Bonin — Boudria — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Calder — Campbell — Cannis — Catterall — Cauchon — Chamberlain — Chan — Clancy — Collins — Cowling — Crawford — Culbert — Cullen — DeVillers — Dingwall — Dion — Discepola — Dromisky — Duhamel — Dupuy — Easter — Eggleton — English — Fewchuk — Finlay — Flis — Fontana — Fry — Gaffney — Gagliano — Gerrard — Godfrey — Goodale — Graham — Grose — Guarnieri — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hopkins — Hubbard — Ianno — Iftody — Irwin — Jackson — Karygiannis — Keyes — Kirkby — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Lastewka — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Lee — Lincoln — Loney — MacAulay — MacDonald — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Manley — Marchi — Massé — McCormick — McKinnon — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — McTeague — McWhinney — Milliken — Minna — Mitchell — Murphy — Murray — Nault — O’Brien (London–Middlesex) — O’Reilly — Pagtakhan — Paradis — Parrish — Patry — Payne — Peric — Peters — Peterson — Pettigrew — Phinney — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Pillitteri — Proud — Reed — Richardson — Rideout — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Robillard — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Simmons — Speller — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Szabo — Telegdi — Terrana — Thalheimer — Torsney — Ur — Valeri — Vanclief — Verran — Volpe — Walker — Wappel — Wells — Wood — Young — Zed --142

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Arseneault — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Bernier (Gaspé) — Caccia — Caron — Cohen — Gallaway — Jacob — Lalonde — Picard (Drummond) — Pomerleau — Sheridan — St-Laurent — St. Denis

Private Members’ Business

At 6:15 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(7), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members’ Business.

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Wappel (Scarborough West), seconded by Mr. Ramsay (Crowfoot), — That Bill C–205, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Copyright Act (profit from authorship respecting a crime), be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs.

The debate continued.

At 6:58 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 93, the Speaker interrupted the proceedings.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), a paper deposited with the Clerk of the House was laid upon the Table as follows:

by Mr. Manley (Minister of Industry) — Reports of the National Research Council for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1996, pursuant to the Access to Information Act and to the Privacy Act, R. S. 1985, c. A–1 and P–21, sbs. 72(2). — Sessional Paper No. 8561-352-639. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs)


At 7:00 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 2:00 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).