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House of Commons of Canada
35th Parliament, 1st Session


No. 044
Thursday, March 24, 1994
10:00 a.m.


Daily Routine of Business

Tabling of Documents

Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), for Mr. Rock (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada), laid upon the Table, — Government response, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to petition No. 351-0101 concerning gun control. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-351-16.

Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), for Mr. Rock (Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada), laid upon the Table, — Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to petitions Nos. 351-0122, 351-0125, 351-0128 and 351-0132 concerning material depicting violence. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-351-2E.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Allmand (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce), from the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, presented the 2nd Report of the Committee which was as follows:

In accordance with its Order of Reference of Monday, February 14, 1994, your Committee has considered Bill C–8, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Fisheries Protection Act (force), and has agreed to report it without amendment.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs (Issues Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, which includes this Report) is tabled.

Introduction of Private Members’ Bills

Pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), on motion of Mrs. Gaffney (Nepean), seconded by Mr. Jordan (Leeds–Grenville), Bill C–231, An Act to amend the Divorce Act (granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent), was introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

  • by Mr. Allmand (Notre-Dame-de-Grâce), one concerning gun control (No. 351-0167);
  • by Mrs. Venne (Saint-Hubert), one concerning gun control (No. 351-0168);
  • by Mr. McWhinney (Vancouver Quadra), one concerning the former Yugoslavia (No. 351-0169).

Tabling of Documents

By unanimous consent, Mr. Dupuy (Minister of Canadian Heritage), laid upon the Table, — Document entitled “Parks Canada Guiding Principles and Operational Policies”. — Sessional Paper No. 8525-351-6.

Statements by Ministers

By unanimous consent, Mr. Dupuy (Minister of Canadian Heritage) made a statement in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 33(1).

Government Orders

Notice having been given at a previous sitting under the provisions of Standing Order 78(3), Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs)), seconded by Mr. Gerrard (Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development)), moved, — That, in relation to Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, not more than one further sitting day shall be allotted to the consideration of the second reading stage of the Bill; and

That, fifteen minutes before the expiry of the time provided for Government Business on the allotted day of the second reading consideration of the said Bill, any proceedings before the House shall be interrupted, if required, for the purpose of this Order and, in turn, every question necessary for the disposal of the second reading stage of the Bill shall be put forthwith and successively, without further debate or amendment.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 23)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Anderson — Arseneault — Assad — Assadourian — Augustine — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Bakopanos — Barnes — Beaumier — Bellemare — Berger — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Bonin — Boudria — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Bélair — Caccia — Calder — Campbell — Cannis — Catterall — Chamberlain — Clancy — Cohen — Collenette — Collins — Cowling — Crawford — Culbert — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Duhamel — Dupuy — Easter — Eggleton — English — Fewchuk — Finestone — Finlay — Fontana — Fry — Gaffney — Gagliano — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine) — Gallaway — Gauthier (Ottawa–Vanier) — Gerrard — Godfrey — Goodale — Graham — Gray (Windsor West) — Guarnieri — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hubbard — Ianno — Iftody — Irwin — Jackson — Jordan — Keyes — Kirkby — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Lee — MacAulay — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Maloney — Marchi — Martin (LaSalle–Émard) — Massé — McCormick — McKinnon — McTeague — McWhinney — Mifflin — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Mitchell — Murphy — Murray — Nault — O’Reilly — Ouellet — Pagtakhan — Payne — Peters — Peterson — Phinney — Pillitteri — Proud — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Rideout — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rompkey — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — Skoke — Speller — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Telegdi — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Ur — Valeri — Vanclief — Verran — Volpe — Walker — Wells — Whelan — Wood — Young — Zed — 140

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Althouse — Asselin — Bachand — Bellehumeur — Bergeron — Bernier (Gaspé) — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Blaikie — Brien — Brown (Calgary Southeast) — Bélisle — Canuel — Chatters — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Crête — Cummins — Daviault — de Jong — de Savoye — Deshaies — Dubé — Duceppe — Duncan — Epp — Forseth — Frazer — Gauthier (Roberval) — Gilmour — Godin — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Guay — Guimond — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hart — Hayes — Hermanson — Hill (Macleod) — Hoeppner — Jennings — Johnston — Lalonde — Landry — Langlois — Lebel — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Leroux (Shefford) — Marchand — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — McLaughlin — Meredith — Mills (Red Deer) — Morrison — Ménard — Paré — Picard (Drummond) — Plamondon — Pomerleau — Péloquin — Ramsay — Riis — Ringma — Rocheleau — Sauvageau — Schmidt — Scott (Skeena) — Silye — Solberg — Solomon — Speaker — Strahl — Taylor — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Venne — White (Fraser Valley West) — 78

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Bouchard — Canuel — Caron — Cauchon — Chan — Copps — Dalphond-Guiral — DeVillers — Dumas — Fillion — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — MacLaren (Etobicoke North) — Mercier — O’Brien — Parrish — St-Laurent — Young

The House resumed debate on the motion of Mr. Gray (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs)), — That Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

And on the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary West), seconded by Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley–Lloydminster), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:

“Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, be not now read a second time but that it be read a second time this day six months hence.”

The attention of the Speaker was drawn to the want of a quorum.

Accordingly, a count of the House was taken and there were less than twenty members present.

At 12:09 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 29(3), the Bells were sounded to call in the Members.

At 12:10 p.m., a quorum was found and the Speaker ordered the ringing of the Bells stopped.

Debate resumed on the motion of Mr. Gray (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs)), — That Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

And on the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary West), seconded by Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley–Lloydminster).

The attention of the Speaker was drawn to the want of a quorum.

Accordingly, a count of the House was taken and there were less than twenty members present.

At 12:53 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 29(3), the Bells were sounded to call in the Members.

At 12:53 p.m., a quorum was found and the Speaker ordered the ringing of the Bells stopped.

Debate resumed on the motion of Mr. Gray (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs)), — That Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

And on the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary West), seconded by Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley–Lloydminster).

Statements by Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Government Orders

Debate resumed on the motion of Mr. Gray (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs)), — That Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

And on the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary West), seconded by Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley–Lloydminster).

Messages from the Senate

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

— ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
Bill C–5, An Act to amend the Customs Tariff, without amendment.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

— ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
Bill C–14, An Act to provide borrowing authority for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1994, without amendment.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

— ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
Bill C–19, An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1994.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

— ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
Bill C–20, An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1995.

Royal Assent

The Speaker informed the House that the Honourable Deputy Governor General will proceed to the Senate Chamber today at 4:45 p.m., for the purpose of giving Royal Assent to certain Bills.

A Message was received from the Honourable Beverley McLachlin, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, in her capacity as Deputy Governor General, desiring the immediate attendance of the House in the Senate.

Accordingly, the Speaker, with the House, proceeded to the Senate.

The Commons returned to the Chamber.

Whereupon, the Speaker reported that, when the Commons had been in the Senate, the Honourable Deputy Governor General was pleased to give, in Her Majesty’s name, the Royal Assent to the following Bills:

Bill C–3, An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act. — Chapter No. 2;
Bill C–5, An Act to amend the Customs Tariff. — Chapter No. 3; and
Bill C–14, An Act to provide borrowing authority for the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1994. — Chapter No. 4.

The Speaker also reported that he had presented to Her Honour the following Supply Bills, to enable the Government to defray certain expenses of the public service, to which Her Honour was pleased to give in Her Majesty’s name, the Royal Assent:

Bill C–19, An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1994. (Appropriation Act No. 3, 1993-94) — Chapter No. 5; and
Bill C–20, An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1995. (Appropriation Act No. 1, 1994-95) — Chapter No. 6.

Government Orders

Debate resumed on the motion of Mr. Gray (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs)), — That Bill C–18, An Act to suspend the operation of the Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

And on the amendment of Mr. Harper (Calgary West), seconded by Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley–Lloydminster).

At 6:29 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 33(2) and Order made earlier today in accordance with the provisions of Standing Order 78(3), the Speaker interrupted the proceedings.

The question was put on the amendment and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 24)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Althouse — Brown (Calgary Southeast) — Chatters — Cummins — Duncan — Forseth — Frazer — Gilmour — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hayes — Hermanson — Hill (Macleod) — Johnston — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Meredith — Mills (Red Deer) — Ramsay — Ringma — Schmidt — Scott (Skeena) — Silye — Speaker — Taylor — 27

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Arseneault — Assadourian — Augustine — Baker — Bakopanos — Barnes — Beaumier — Bellemare — Berger — Bergeron — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Bodnar — Bonin — Boudria — Brien — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Bélisle — Calder — Campbell — Cannis — Catterall — Chamberlain — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Clancy — Cohen — Collins — Cowling — Crawford — Crête — Culbert — Daviault — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Dubé — Duceppe — Duhamel — Easter — English — Fewchuk — Finestone — Finlay — Fontana — Fry — Gaffney — Gagliano — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine) — Gallaway — Gauthier (Ottawa–Vanier) — Gauthier (Roberval) — Gerrard — Godfrey — Goodale — Gray (Windsor West) — Guarnieri — Guay — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hubbard — Ianno — Iftody — Irwin — Jackson — Jacob — Keyes — Kirkby — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Lalonde — Landry — Langlois — Laurin — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Lebel — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Loubier — MacAulay — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Maloney — Marleau — Martin (LaSalle–Émard) — Massé — McCormick — McKinnon — McTeague — McWhinney — Mercier — Mifflin — Milliken — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Mitchell — Murphy — Murray — Nault — Nunez — O’Reilly — Ouellet — Pagtakhan — Paré — Payne — Peters — Peterson — Phinney — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Pillitteri — Pomerleau — Proud — Péloquin — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Rideout — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rompkey — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — Skoke — Speller — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Telegdi — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Ur — Vanclief — Verran — Volpe — Walker — Whelan — Wood — Zed — 155

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Anderson — Asselin — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Bachand — Bellehumeur — Bernier (Beauce) — Bouchard — Canuel — Caron — Cauchon — Chan — Collenette — Copps — Dalphond-Guiral — DeVillers — Debien — Deshaies — Discepola — Dumas — Dupuy — Eggleton — Fillion — Flis — Gagnon (Québec) — Godin — Graham — Guimond — Hopkins — Lastewka — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Lincoln — Loney — MacLaren (Etobicoke North) — Manley — Marchand — Marchi — McGuire — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — Mercier — Minna — Ménard — O’Brien — Parrish — Patry — Picard (Drummond) — Plamondon — St-Laurent — Torsney — Tremblay (Rosemont) — Valeri — Venne — Wells — Young — de Savoye

The question was put on the main motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 25)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Arseneault — Assadourian — Augustine — Baker — Bakopanos — Barnes — Beaumier — Bellemare — Berger — Bergeron — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Bodnar — Bonin — Boudria — Brien — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Bélisle — Calder — Campbell — Cannis — Catterall — Chamberlain — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Clancy — Cohen — Collins — Cowling — Crawford — Crête — Culbert — Daviault — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Dubé — Duceppe — Duhamel — Easter — English — Fewchuk — Finestone — Finlay — Fontana — Fry — Gaffney — Gagliano — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine) — Gallaway — Gauthier (Ottawa–Vanier) — Gauthier (Roberval) — Gerrard — Godfrey — Goodale — Gray (Windsor West) — Guarnieri — Guay — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hubbard — Ianno — Iftody — Irwin — Jackson — Jacob — Keyes — Kirkby — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Lalonde — Landry — Langlois — Laurin — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Lebel — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Loubier — MacAulay — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Maloney — Marleau — Martin (LaSalle–Émard) — Massé — McCormick — McKinnon — McTeague — McWhinney — Mercier — Mifflin — Milliken — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Mitchell — Murphy — Murray — Nault — Nunez — O’Reilly — Ouellet — Pagtakhan — Paré — Payne — Peters — Peterson — Phinney — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Pillitteri — Pomerleau — Proud — Péloquin — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Rideout — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rompkey — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — Skoke — Speller — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Telegdi — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Ur — Vanclief — Verran — Volpe — Walker — Whelan — Wood — Zed — 155

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Althouse — Brown (Calgary Southeast) — Chatters — Cummins — Duncan — Forseth — Frazer — Gilmour — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hayes — Hermanson — Hill (Macleod) — Johnston — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Meredith — Mills (Red Deer) — Ramsay — Ringma — Schmidt — Scott (Skeena) — Silye — Speaker — Taylor — 27

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Anderson — Asselin — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Bachand — Bellehumeur — Bernier (Beauce) — Bouchard — Canuel — Caron — Cauchon — Chan — Collenette — Copps — Dalphond-Guiral — DeVillers — Debien — Deshaies — Discepola — Dumas — Dupuy — Eggleton — Fillion — Flis — Gagnon (Québec) — Godin — Graham — Guimond — Hopkins — Lastewka — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Lincoln — Loney — MacLaren (Etobicoke North) — Manley — Marchand — Marchi — McGuire — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — Mercier — Minna — Ménard — O’Brien — Parrish — Patry — Picard (Drummond) — Plamondon — St-Laurent — Torsney — Tremblay (Rosemont) — Valeri — Venne — Wells — Young — de Savoye

Accordingly the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), the following papers, having been deposited with the Clerk of the House, were laid upon the Table:

By Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance) — Reports of the Bank of Canada required by the Access to Information and Privacy Acts for the period ended December 31, 1993, pursuant to subsections 72(2) of the Access to Information Act, Chapter A–1, and the Privacy Act, Chapter P–21, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985. — Sessional Paper No. 8561-351-684A. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs)

By Mr. Peters (Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions)) — Report of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions on the administration of the Investment Companies Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1993, pursuant to subsection 31(1) of the Investment Companies Act, Chapter I–22, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-351-435. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)

Petitions Filed with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, a petition certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions was filed as follows:

  • by Mrs. Barnes (London West), concerning the situation in Israel (No. 351-0170).


At 7:00 p.m., the Speaker adjourned the House until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).