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House of Commons of Canada
35th Parliament, 1st Session


No. 230
Monday, September 25, 1995
11:00 a.m.


Private Members’ Business

At 11:00 a.m. pursuant to Standing Order 30(6), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members’ Business.

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Bill C–311, An Act to require the Minister for International Trade to retaliate against import restrictions introduced by the United States of America on Canadian refined sugar and sugar-containing products.

Mr. Zed (Fundy–Royal), seconded by Mr. White (North Vancouver), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

Debate arose thereon.

Pursuant to Standing Order 96(l), the time provided for consideration of Private Members’ Business expired and the Order was dropped from the Order Paper.

Government Orders

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Finance of Bill C–103, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act.

Mr. Dupuy (Minister of Canadian Heritage) for Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Dingwall (Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Debate arose thereon.

Statements by Members

Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.

Oral Questions

Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.

Daily Routine of Business

Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, — Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to petitions Nos. 351-3788 and 351-3796 concerning the Official Opposition. — Sessional Paper No. 8545351-125E.

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, — Government response, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to petition No. 351-3457 concerning censuses. — Sessional Paper No. 8545-351-143.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Pagtakhan (Winnipeg North), from the Standing Committee on Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons, presented the 3rd Report of the Committee (Bill C–64, An Act respecting employment equity, with amendments). — Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-143.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence (Issues Nos. 23 to 44, 46 and 47, which includes this Report) was tabled.

Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), from the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented the 87th Report of the Committee, which was as follows:

The Committee recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, the following change in the membership of the Standing Joint Committee:

Library of Parliament

Gallaway for McWhinney
The Committee also recommends, pursuant to Standing Orders 104 and 114, that the following Member be added to the list of Associate Members of the Standing Committee:

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence (Issue No. 52, which includes this Report) was tabled.


By unanimous consent, Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), seconded by Mr. Boudria (Glengarry–Prescott–Russell), moved, — That the 87th Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented earlier today, be concurred in.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

  • by Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South), one concerning the income tax system (No. 351-3808);
  • by Mr. Ringma (Nanaimo–Cowichan), one concerning the Criminal Code of Canada (No. 351-3809);
  • by Mr. Collins (Souris–Moose Mountain), one concerning euthanasia (No. 351-3810);
  • by Mr. Hart (Okanagan–Similkameen–Merritt), one concerning the Official Opposition (No. 351-3811);
  • by Mr. Ramsay (Crowfoot), twenty-six concerning gun control (Nos. 351-3812 to 351-3837).

Questions on Order Paper

Pursuant to Standing Order 39(5)(b), at the request of Mr. Stinson (Okanagan–Shuswap), Question No. 40, standing on the Order Paper, was transferred for debate during the adjournment proceedings.

Government Orders

The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Dingwall (Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), — That Bill C–103, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

The debate continued.

The question was put on the motion and, pursuant to Standing Order 45(5)(a), the recorded division was deferred until later today, at 6:00 p.m.

The Order was read for the second reading and reference to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage of Bill C–93, An Act to amend the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Income Tax Act and the Tax Court of Canada Act.

Mr. Dupuy (Minister of Canadian Heritage), seconded by Mr. Peters (Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions)), moved, — That the Bill be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage.

Debate arose thereon.

Mr. Solberg (Medicine Hat), seconded by Mr. Hart (Okanagan–Similkameen–Merritt), moved the following amendment, — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” and substituting the following:

“this House declines to give second reading to Bill C–93, An Act to amend the Cultural Property Export and Import Act, the Income Tax Act and the Tax Court of Canada Act, since it fails to address the issue of the burden the tax credit system places on middle-class taxpayers who are asked to pay for a potentially endless stream of donations of questionable cultural and artistic value claimed by wealthy Canadians.”

Debate arose thereon.

At 6:00 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 45(7), the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded divisions at report stage and second reading of Bill C–45, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Records Act, the Prisons and Reformatories Act and the Transfer of Offenders Act as reported by the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs with amendments.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 1 of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 21, be amended by adding after line 13, on page 8, the following:

Notwithstanding any other provision in this Act or the regulations, the Service
shall require the offender to pay as restitution
to the victim of an offence committed by the offender, or (ii) to the family of the victim referred to in subparagraph (i) where the victim is killed or is unable to manage his or her financial affairs as a result of the offence, thirty per cent of the gross payment referred to in subsection (1) or gross income; and
on the request of or made on behalf of any victim who wishes to undergo treatment or counselling for the purposes of relieving any physical or psychological trauma resulting from a sexual assault, an .aggravated sexual assault or a sexual assault with a weapon committed by the offender against the victim, shall require the offender to pay towards the cost of that treatment or counselling an amount to be determined by the Service of the gross payment referred to in subsection (1) or gross income.
Where an offender is required to make any payment under subsection (3), the offender shall not be required to make any payment under paragraph (2)(b).
For the purposes of this section, “victim” means a person described in paragraph 2(1)(a).”

The question was put on Motion No. 1 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 333)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Abbott — Ablonczy — Benoit — Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville) — Brown (Calgary Southeast) — Chatters — Cummins — Epp — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Grubel — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hart — Hayes — Hoeppner — Johnston — Manning — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — Mayfield — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Mills (Red Deer) — Morrison — Ramsay — Ringma — Schmidt — Silye — Solberg — Speaker — Stinson — Thompson — White (Fraser Valley West) — White (North Vancouver) — 34

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Anderson — Assad — Assadourian — Asselin — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) Barnes — Beaumier — Bélair — Bélanger — Bélisle — Bellehumeur — Bellemare — Bernier (Gaspé) — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Blaikie — Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Bouchard — Boudria — Brien — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Calder — Caron — Catterall — Chrétien (Frontenac) Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) — Clancy — Cohen — Collenette — Collins — Copps — Crawford — Culbert — de Jong — de Savoye — Deshaies — DeVillers — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Duceppe — Dupuy — Easter — Eggleton — English — Fewchuk — Fillion — Finlay — Flis — Fontana — Gaffney — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine) — Gagnon (Québec) — Gallaway — Gauthier — Godfrey — Goodale — Graham — Grose — Guarnieri — Guay — Guimond — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey Hopkins — Hubbard — Jackson — Jacob — Jordan — Karygiannis — Keyes — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Langlois — Lastewka — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Lincoln — Loney — MacDonald — Maclaren — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Maloney — Marchand — Marleau — McCormick — McGuire — McKinnon — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — McTeague — McWhinney — Mifflin — Milliken — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Minna — Murphy — Murray — Nault — Nunez — Nunziata — O’Brien — O’Reilly — Pagtakhan — Paradis — Payne — Peric — Peters — Phinney — Picard (Drummond) — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Riis — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rocheleau — Rock — Sauvageau — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Taylor — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Torsney — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Ur — Valeri — Vanclief — Venne — Volpe — Wells — Whelan — Wood — Zed — 156

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Bachand — Bakopanos — Bergeron — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bonin — Caccia — Campbell — Cannis — Canuel — Cauchon — Chan — Crête — Dalphond-Guiral — Daviault — Debien — Dubé — Duhamel — Dumas — Finestone — Fry — Gagliano — Gerrard — Godin — Gray (Windsor West) — Ianno — Kirkby — Lalonde — Landry — Laurin — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Leroux (Shefford) — Loubier — Massé — Ménard — Mercier — Paré — Patry — Pomerleau — Proud — Rideout — St-Laurent — Stewart (Northumberland) — Walker — Wells

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 4 of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 40, be amended by adding after line 6, on page 18, the following:

Subsection (1) does not apply to any offender who is serving a sentence for the commission of an offence involving violence.
For the purposes of subsection (1.1), “offence involving violence” means any offence set out in Schedule 1.”

The question was put on Motion No. 4 and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 34, NAYS: 156. (See list under Division No. 333)

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 5 of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 40, be amended by replacing lines 33 to 40, on page 18, with the following:

Notwithstanding any provision in this or any other Act of Parliament, no offender whose parole or statutory release has been suspended or revoked under section 135 is entitled to be released again on statutory release before the expiration of the offender’s sentence according to law.”

The question was put on Motion No. 5 and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 34, NAYS: 156. (See list under Division No. 333)

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 7 of Mr. Gagnon (Parliamentary Secretary to the Solicitor General of Canada), seconded by Mr. St. Denis (Algoma), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 41, be amended by replacing lines 15 and 16, on page 19, with the following:

Subsections 128(2) and (3) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Except to the extent required by the conditions of any day parole, an offender who is released on parole, statutory release or unescorted temporary absence is entitled, subject to this Part, to remain at large in accordance with the conditions of the parole, statutory release or unescorted temporary absence and is not liable to be returned to custody by reason of the sentence unless the parole, statutory release or unescorted temporary absence is suspended, cancelled, terminated or revoked.”

The question was put on Motion No. 7 and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 334)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Anderson — Assad — Assadourian — Asselin — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Barnes — Beaumier — Bélair — Bélanger — Bélisle Bellehumeur — Bellemare — Bernier (Gaspé) — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Blaikie Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Bouchard — Boudria — Brien — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Calder — Caron — Catterall — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) — Clancy — Cohen — Collenette — Collins — Copps — Crawford — Culbert — de Jong — de Savoye — Deshaies — DeVillers — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Duceppe — Dupuy — Easter — Eggleton — English — Fewchuk — Fillion — Finlay — Flis — Fontana — Gaffney — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine) — Gagnon (Québec) — Gallaway — Gauthier — Godfrey — Goodale — Graham — Grose — Guarnieri — Guay — Guimond — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hopkins — Hubbard — Jackson — Jacob — Jordan — Karygiannis — Keyes — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Langlois — Lastewka — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — LeBlanc (Cape Breton — Lincoln — Loney — MacDonald — Highlands–Canso) — Maclaren — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Maloney — Marchand — Marleau — McCormick — McGuire — McKinnon — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — McTeague — McWhinney — Mifflin — Milliken — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Minna — Murphy — Murray — Nault — Nunez — Nunziata — O’Brien — O’Reilly — Pagtakhan — Paradis — Payne — Peric — Peters — Phinney — Picard (Drummond) — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Riis — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rocheleau — Rock — Sauvageau — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Taylor — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Torsney — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Ur — Valeri — Vanclief — Venne — Volpe — Wells Whelan — Wood — Zed — 156

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Abbott — Ablonczy — Benoit — Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville) — rown (Calgary Southeast) — Chatters — Cummins — Epp — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Grubel — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hart — Hayes — Hoeppner — Johnston — Manning — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — Mayfield — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Mills (Red Deer) — Morrison — Ramsay — Ringma — Schmidt — Silye — Solberg — Speaker — Stinson — Thompson — White (Fraser Valley West) — White (North Vancouver) — 34

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Bachand — Bakopanos — Bergeron — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bonin — Caccia — Campbell — Cannis — Canuel — Cauchon — Chan — Crête — Dalphond-Guiral — Daviault — Debien — Dubé — Duhamel — Dumas — Finestone — Fry — Gagliano — Gerrard — Godin — Gray (Windsor West) — Ianno — Kirkby — Lalonde — Landry — Laurin — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Leroux (Shefford) — Loubier — Massé — Ménard — Mercier — Paré — Patry — Pomerleau — Proud — Rideout — St-Laurent — Stewart (Northumberland) — Walker — Wells

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 10 of Mr. Gagnon (Parliamentary Secretary to the Solicitor General of Canada), seconded by Mr. St. Denis (Algoma), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 43, be amended in the English version

  1. by replacing line 32, on page 24, with the following:
    “(3.1) An order made under subsection (3)”;
  2. by replacing line 36, on page 24, with the following:
    “subsection (3) has been made, an offender”;
  3. by replacing line 39, on page 25, with the following:
    “to an order made under subsection (3) or”; and
  4. by replacing line 2, on page 26, with the following:
    “subsection (3) or paragraph (3.3)(b) not to be released”.

By unanimous consent, the question was put on Motion No. 10 and it was agreed to on division.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 17 of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 51, be amended by replacing lines 40 to 44, on page 33, and lines 1 to 9, on page 34, with the following:

Notwithstanding any provision in this or any other Act of Parliament, where an offender who is subject to a sentence that has not expired receives an additional sentence, the offender shall serve the total of the unexpired portion of the sentence the offender was serving at the time the offender received the additional sentence and then shall serve the full term of the additional sentence.”

The question was put on Motion No. 17 and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 34, NAYS: 156. (See list under Division No. 333)

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 16 of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. White (Fraser Valley West), — That Bill C–45 be amended by adding after line 19, on page 28, the following new Clause:

The Act is amended by adding the following after section 132:
Where the Board, under section 130 or 131, orders the statutory release of an offender who was convicted of a sexual offence involving a child, the Board shall provide the offender’s name and date of release for inclusion in the registry referred to in subsection 132.2 (1).
There shall be kept in the automated criminal conviction records retrieval system maintained by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, in a registry kept separate and apart from other criminal records, a record of every conviction for a sexual offence involving a child, which record shall include
the name of the person convicted of the offence and the person’s address, if any, at the time of the conviction;
the section of the Criminal Code under which the person who committed the offence was convicted;
the details that describe the manner in which the person convicted of the offence committed the offence;
the date that a person convicted of a sexual offence involving a child is to be released on statutory release pursuant to an order made by the Board under section 130 or 131; and
any other information that may be prescribed by regulation.
All the information included in a record kept in the registry referred to in subsection (1) shall be made available to a peace officer who is investigating a sexual offence involving a child where the officer requests such information.
Where a person is convicted of a sexual offence involving a child, the police force responsible for the investigation of the offence shall provide a record of the offence, which shall include the information referred to in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (e), for inclusion in the registry referred to in subsection (1).””

The question was put on Motion No. 16 and it was negatived on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 335)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Abbott — Ablonczy — Benoit — Blaikie — Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville) — Brown (Calgary Southeast) — Chatters — Cummins — de Jong — Epp — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Grubel — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hart — Hayes — Hoeppner — Johnston — Manning — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — Mayfield — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Mills (Red Deer) — Ramsay — Riis — Ringma — Schmidt — Silye — Solberg — Speaker — Stinson — Taylor — Thompson — White (Fraser Valley West) — White (North Vancouver) — 37

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Anderson — Assad — Assadourian — Asselin — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Barnes — Beaumier — Bélair — Bélanger — Bélisle — Bellehumeur — Bellemare — Bernier (Gaspé) — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Bouchard — Boudria — Brien — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Calder — Caron — Catterall — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) — Clancy — Cohen — Collenette — Collins — Copps — Crawford — Culbert — de Savoye — Deshaies — DeVillers — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Duceppe — Dupuy — Easter — Eggleton — English — Fewchuk — Fillion — Finlay — Flis — Fontana — Gaffney — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de-la-Madeleine) — Gagnon (Québec) — Gallaway — Gauthier — Godfrey — Goodale — Graham — Grose — Guarnieri — Guay — Guimond — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hopkins — Hubbard — Jackson — Jacob — Jordan — Karygiannis — Keyes — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Langlois — Lastewka — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Lincoln — Loney — MacDonald — Maclaren — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Maloney — Marchand — Marleau — McCormick — McGuire — McKinnon — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — McTeague — McWhinney — Mifflin — Milliken — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Minna — Morrison — Murphy — Murray — Nault — Nunez — Nunziata — O’Brien — O’Reilly — Pagtakhan — Paradis — Payne — Peric — Peters — Phinney — Picard (Drummond) — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rocheleau — Rock — Sauvageau — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Torsney — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Ur — Valeri — Vanclief — Venne — Volpe — Wells — Whelan — Wood — Zed — 153

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Bachand — Bakopanos — Bergeron Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bonin — Caccia — Campbell — Cannis — Canuel — Cauchon — Chan — Crête — Dalphond-Guiral — Daviault — Debien — Dubé — Duhamel — Dumas — Finestone — Fry — Gagliano — Gerrard — Godin — Gray (Windsor West) — Ianno — Kirkby — Lalonde — Landry — Laurin — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Leroux (Shefford) — Loubier — Massé — Ménard — Mercier — Paré — Patry — Pomerleau — Proud — Rideout — St-Laurent — Stewart (Northumberland) — Walker — Wells

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on Motion No. 19 of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. White (Fraser Valley West), — That Bill C–45, in Clause 56, be amended:

  1. by adding after line 8, on page 36, the following:
    “(1.1) An inquiry shall be held to determine whether any member of the Board should be subject to any disciplinary or remedial measures where the member has recommended conditional release for a violent offender and the violent offender has committed a violent offence while on that conditional release.”;
  2. by replacing lines 10 and 11, on page 36, with the following:
    “propriate that an inquiry under subsection (1) be held or where an inquiry must be held by virtue of subsection (1.1), a judge, supernumerary judge or former”;
  3. by replacing line 46, on page 37, with the following:
    “member’s office,”; and
  4. by replacing line 3, on page 38, with the following:
    “the due execution of the member’s office; or

    has recommended conditional release for a violent offender and the violent offender has committed a violent offence while on that conditional release,”.

The question was put on Motion No. 19 and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 34, NAYS: 156. (See list under Division No. 333)

Mr. Dupuy (Minister of Canadian Heritage) for Mr. Gray (Solicitor General of Canada), seconded by Mr. Robichaud (Secretary of State (Agriculture and Agri-Food, Fisheries and Oceans)), moved, — That Bill C–45, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Records Act, the Prisons and Reformatories Act and the Transfer of Offenders Act, as amended, be concurred in at report stage, with further amendments, and read a second time.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

YEAS: 156, NAYS: 34. (See list under Division No. 334)

Accordingly, the Bill, as amended, was concurred in at report stage, with further amendments, read the second time and ordered for a third reading at the next sitting of the House.

Pursuant to Order made Thursday, September 21, 1995, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Gerrard (Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development)), — That Bill C–90, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Excise Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division — Vote No 336)

Yeas — Pour

Members — Députés

Adams — Alcock — Allmand — Anawak — Anderson — Assad — Assadourian — Axworthy (Winnipeg South Centre) — Barnes — Beaumier — Bélair — Bélanger — Bellemare — Bertrand — Bethel — Bevilacqua — Bhaduria — Blondin-Andrew — Bodnar — Boudria — Brown (Oakville–Milton) — Brushett — Bryden — Calder — Catterall — Chrétien (Saint-Maurice) — Clancy — Cohen — Collenette — Collins — Copps — Crawford — Culbert — DeVillers — Dhaliwal — Dingwall — Dromisky — Dupuy — Easter — Eggleton — English — Fewchuk — Finlay — Flis — Fontana — Gaffney — Gagnon (Bonaventure–Îles-de- — Gallaway — Godfrey — Goodale — la-Madeleine) — Graham — Grose — Guarnieri — Harb — Harper (Churchill) — Harvard — Hickey — Hopkins — Hubbard — Jackson — Jordan — Karygiannis — Keyes — Knutson — Kraft Sloan — Lastewka — LeBlanc (Cape Breton Highlands–Canso) — Lincoln — Loney — MacDonald — Maclaren — MacLellan (Cape Breton–The Sydneys) — Malhi — Maloney — Marleau — McCormick — McGuire — McKinnon — McLellan (Edmonton Northwest) — McTeague — McWhinney — Mifflin — Milliken — Mills (Broadview–Greenwood) — Minna — Murphy — Murray — Nault — Nunziata — O’Brien — O’Reilly — Pagtakhan — Paradis — Payne — Peric — Peters Phinney — Pickard (Essex–Kent) — Reed — Regan — Richardson — Ringuette-Maltais — Robichaud — Rock — Scott (Fredericton–York–Sunbury) — Serré — Shepherd — Sheridan — Simmons — St. Denis — Steckle — Stewart (Brant) — Stewart (Northumberland) — Szabo — Terrana — Thalheimer — Tobin — Torsney — Ur — Valeri — Vanclief — Volpe — Wells — Whelan Wood — Zed — 126

Nays — Contre

Members — Députés

Abbott — Ablonczy — Asselin — Bélisle — Bellehumeur — Benoit — Bernier (Gaspé) — Blaikie — Bouchard — Breitkreuz (Yorkton–Melville) — Brien — Brown (Calgary Southeast) — Caron — Chatters — Chrétien (Frontenac) — Cummins — de Jong — de Savoye — Deshaies — Duceppe — Epp — Fillion — Gagnon (Québec) — Gauthier — Gouk — Grey (Beaver River) — Grubel — Guay — Guimond — Hanrahan — Harper (Calgary West) — Harper (Simcoe Centre) — Hart — Hayes — Hoeppner — Jacob — Johnston — Langlois — Lavigne (Beauharnois–Salaberry) — Manning — Marchand — Martin (Esquimalt–Juan de Fuca) — Mayfield — McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) — Mills (Red Deer) — Morrison — Nunez — Picard (Drummond) — Ramsay — Riis — Ringma — Rocheleau — Sauvageau — Schmidt — Silye — Solberg — Speaker — Stinson — Taylor — Thompson — Tremblay (Rimouski–Témiscouata) — Venne — White (Fraser Valley West) — White (North Vancouver) — 64

Paired Members — Députés « Pairés »

Bachand — Bakopanos — Bergeron — Bernier (Mégantic–Compton–Stanstead) — Bonin — Caccia — Campbell — Cannis — Canuel — Cauchon — Chan — Crête — Dalphond-Guiral — Daviault — Debien — Dubé — Duhamel — Dumas — Finestone — Fry — Gagliano — Gerrard — Godin — Gray (Windsor West) — Ianno — Kirkby — Lalonde — Landry — Laurin — Lavigne (Verdun–Saint-Paul) — Leblanc (Longueuil) — Lee — Lefebvre — Leroux (Richmond–Wolfe) — Leroux (Shefford) — Loubier — Massé — Ménard — Mercier — Paré — Patry — Pomerleau — Proud — Rideout — St-Laurent — Stewart (Northumberland) — Walker — Wells

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Pursuant to Standing Order 45(6), the House resumed consideration of the motion of Ms. Copps (Minister of the Environment), seconded by Mr. Gagliano (Secretary of State (Parliamentary Affairs) and Deputy Leader of the Government in the House of Commons), — That Bill C–94, An Act to regulate interprovincial trade in and the importation for commercial purposes of certain manganese-based substances, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development.

The House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the amendment of Mrs. Ablonczy (Calgary North), seconded by Mr. Gilmour (Comox–Alberni), — That the motion be amended by deleting all the words after the word “That” arid substituting the following:

“Bill C–94, An Act to regulate interprovincial trade in and the importation for commercial purposes of certain manganese-based substances, be not now read a second time but that the Order be discharged, the Bill withdrawn, and the subject-matter thereof referred to the Standing Committee on Industry.”

The question was put on the amendment and it was negatived on the following division:

YEAS: 34, NAYS: 156. (See list under Division No. 333)

Pursuant to Standing Order 45(5)(a), the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance), seconded by Mr. Dingwall (Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency), — That Bill C–103, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

YEAS: 156, NAYS: 34. (See list under Division No. 334)

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Finance.

Proceedings on Adjournment Motion

At 6:45 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question “That this House do now adjourn” was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.

Returns and Reports Deposited with the Clerk of the House

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(1), papers deposited with the Clerk of the House were laid upon the Table as follows:

by Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance) — Report of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (Dependants) Pension Fund — Increases in benefits, pursuant to subsection 57(3) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act, Chapter R–10, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970. — Sessional Paper No. 8560-351-392. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Finance)

by Mr. Martin (Minister of Finance) — Reports of the Department of Finance for the period ended March 31, 1995, pursuant to subsections 72(2) of the Access to Information Act, Chapter A–1, and the Privacy Act, Chapter P–21, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985. — Sessional Paper No. 8561-351-647A. (Pursuant to Standing Order 32(5), permanently referred to the Standing Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs)


At 6:51 p.m., the House adjourned until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).