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No. 203

Wednesday, May 17, 1995

2:00 p.m.



Pursuant to Standing Order 31, Members made statements.


Pursuant to Standing Order 30(5), the House proceeded to Oral Questions.


Tabling of Documents

Pursuant to Standing Order 32(2), Mr. Milliken (Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons) laid upon the Table, -- Government responses, pursuant to Standing Order 36(8), to petitions Nos. 351-0175, 351-1513, 351-1721, 351-2610, 351-2611, 351-2649 and 351-2650 concerning the prayer in the House of Commons. -- Sessional Paper No. 8545-351-124.

Presenting Reports from Inter-parliamentary Delegations

Pursuant to Standing Order 34(1), Mr. Malhi (Bramalea -- Gore -- Malton) presented the Report of the official visit to Brazil of the Joint Parliamentary Delegation of the Senate and the House of Commons from April 15 to 21, 1995. -- Sessional Paper No. 8565-351-58A.

Presenting Reports from Committees

Mr. Graham (Rosedale), from the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, presented the 4th Report of the Committee (From Bretton Woods to Halifax and Beyond: Towards a 21st Summit for the 21st Century Challenge). -- Sessional Paper No. 8510-351-106.

Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the government was requested by the Committee to table a comprehensive response.

A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence (Issues Nos. 16, 18, 21, 22, 24 and 25, which includes this Report) was tabled.

Introduction of Private Members' Bills

By unanimous consent, on motion of Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), seconded by Mr. Hermanson (Kindersley -- Lloydminster), Bill C-327, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (bail in cases of assault with weapon or criminal harassment), was, pursuant to Standing Orders 68(2) and 69(1), introduced, read the first time, ordered to be printed and ordered for a second reading at the next sitting of the House.


By unanimous consent, it was ordered, -- That the 77th Report of the the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented to the House on Wednesday, May 10, 1995, be concurred in.

Presenting Petitions

Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were presented as follows:

-- by Ms. Fry (Vancouver Centre), four concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (Nos. 351-3202 to 351-3205);

-- by Mr. Leblanc (Longueuil), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3206);

-- by Mr. Thompson (Wild Rose), one concerning the Young Offenders Act (No. 351-3207) and two concerning sentences in the Criminal Code (Nos. 351-3208 and 351-3209);

-- by Mr. Adams (Peterborough), one concerning Canadian foreign policy (No. 351-3210);

-- by Mr. Wappel (Scarborough West), four concerning the Young Offenders Act (Nos. 351-3211 to 351-3214), one concerning euthanasia (No. 351-3215) and four concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (Nos. 351-3216 to 351-3219);

-- by Mr. Bachand (Saint-Jean), one concerning voice mail (No. 351-3220);

-- by Mr. Hill (Prince George -- Peace River), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3221);

-- by Mr. Althouse (Mackenzie), one concerning gun control (No. 351-3222) and one concerning rural communities (No. 351-3223);

-- by Mr. Valeri (Lincoln), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3224);

-- by Ms. Whelan (Essex -- Windsor), one concerning euthanasia (No. 351-3225);

-- by Mr. Bélair (Cochrane -- Superior), one concerning gun control (No. 351-3226);

-- by Mr. Stinson (Okanagan -- Shuswap), one concerning euthanasia (No. 351-3227), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3228), two concerning the Criminal Code of Canada (Nos. 351-3229 and 351-3230), one concerning gun control (No. 351-3231) and one concerning abortion (No. 351-3232);

-- by Mr. Mitchell (Parry Sound -- Muskoka), five concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (Nos. 351-3233 to 351-3237);

-- by Mr. Pillitteri (Niagara Falls), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3238);

-- by Mr. Reed (Halton -- Peel), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3239) and one concerning gun control (No. 351-3240);

-- by Mr. Riis (Kamloops), one concerning the Criminal Code of Canada (No. 351-3241);

-- by Ms. Beaumier (Brampton), three concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (Nos. 351-3242 to 351-3244) and one concerning intoxication as a defence (No. 351-3245);

-- by Mr. Szabo (Mississauga South), one concerning the income tax system (No. 351-3246);

-- by Mrs. Terrana (Vancouver East), one concerning sexual orientation (No. 351-3247) and one concerning the Young Offenders Act (No. 351-3248);

-- by Mr. Bryden (Hamilton -- Wentworth), two concerning sexual orientation (Nos. 351-3249 and 351-3250).


The House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Goodale (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food), seconded by Mrs. Stewart (Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)), -- That Bill C-86, An Act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.

The debate continued.


At 5:30 p.m., pursuant to Order made Tuesday, May 16, 1995, the House proceeded to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion of Mr. McClelland (Edmonton Southwest), seconded by Mr. Schmidt (Okanagan Centre), -- That Bill C-319, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (reimbursement of election expenses), be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following division:

(Division--Vote No 223)



-- Abbott -- Alcock -- Assad -- Augustine -- Barnes -- Beaumier -- Bevilacqua -- Boudria -- Bridgman -- Brown (Oakville -- Milton) -- Brushett -- Bryden -- Bélair -- Bélanger -- Calder -- Cannis -- Chamberlain -- Chan -- Cohen -- Collins -- Copps -- Cowling -- Crawford -- Cummins -- Dhaliwal -- Dingwall -- Discepola -- Dromisky -- Duncan -- Easter -- Fewchuk -- Finestone -- Flis -- Fontana -- Forseth -- Frazer -- Gagliano -- Gallaway -- Gerrard -- Godfrey -- Goodale -- Graham -- Grey (Beaver River) -- Grose -- Guarnieri -- Hanrahan -- Harb -- Harper (Churchill) -- Harper (Simcoe Centre) -- Hart -- Harvard -- Hermanson -- Hickey -- Hill (Macleod) -- Hubbard -- Ianno -- Iftody -- Jackson -- Keyes -- Kraft Sloan -- Lastewka -- LeBlanc (Cape/CapBreton Highlands -- Canso) -- Lincoln -- Loney -- Malhi -- Maloney -- Massé -- McClelland (Edmonton Southwest) -- McKinnon -- McTeague -- McWhinney -- Meredith -- Milliken -- Minna -- Mitchell -- Morrison -- Nunziata -- O'Brien -- O'Reilly -- Pagtakhan -- Paradis -- Patry -- Peric -- Peters -- Phinney -- Pickard (Essex -- Kent) -- Proud -- Ramsay -- Rideout -- Ringma -- Robichaud -- Rompkey -- Schmidt -- Scott (Fredericton -- York -- Sunbury) -- Shepherd -- Sheridan -- Simmons -- Skoke -- Speller -- St. Denis -- Steckle -- Stewart (Northumberland) -- Stinson -- Szabo -- Telegdi -- Tobin -- Ur -- Valeri -- Vanclief -- Volpe -- Walker -- Wappel -- Whelan -- White (Fraser Valley West) -- White (North Vancouver) -- Wood -- Young -- 117



-- Ablonczy -- Adams -- Allmand -- Assadourian -- Asselin -- Bachand -- Bakopanos -- Bellehumeur -- Benoit -- Bergeron -- Bernier (Mégantic -- Compton -- Stanstead) -- Breitkreuz (Yorkton -- Melville) -- Bélisle -- Caccia -- Canuel -- Caron -- Chrétien (Frontenac) -- Crête -- Culbert -- Dalphond-Guiral -- de Jong -- de Savoye -- Deshaies -- DeVillers -- Dubé -- Dumas -- Epp -- Fillion -- Finlay -- Gagnon (Bonaventure -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine) -- Gagnon (Québec) -- Gilmour -- Godin -- Guay -- Guimond -- Hanger -- Harper (Calgary West) -- Hill (Prince George -- Peace River) -- Hoeppner -- Hopkins -- Johnston -- Lalonde -- Landry -- Langlois -- Laurin -- Leblanc (Longueuil) -- Leroux (Richmond -- Wolfe) -- Leroux (Shefford) -- Loubier -- Marchand -- Martin (Esquimalt -- Juan de Fuca) -- Mayfield -- Mercier -- Ménard -- Nault -- Picard (Drummond) -- Plamondon -- Reed -- Regan -- Sauvageau -- Solberg -- Taylor -- Terrana -- Thalheimer -- Tremblay (Rimouski -- Témiscouata) -- Venne -- Wayne -- 67

Paired Members--Députés Pairés

-- Bernier (Gaspé) -- Bertrand -- Blondin-Andrew -- Bonin -- Bouchard -- Brien -- Cauchon -- Daviault -- Duceppe -- Dupuy -- Gaffney -- Gauthier (Roberval) -- Jacob -- Lavigne (Beauharnois -- Salaberry) -- Marchi -- Mifflin -- Murphy -- Nunez -- Ouellet -- Parrish -- Paré -- Peterson -- Pomerleau -- Robillard -- Rocheleau -- Rock -- St-Laurent -- Tremblay (Rimouski -- Témiscouata)

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs.


By unanimous consent, the House resumed consideration of the motion of Mr. Goodale (Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food), seconded by Mrs. Stewart (Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)), -- That Bill C-86, An Act to amend the Canadian Dairy Commission Act, be now read a second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.

The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on division.

Accordingly, the Bill was read the second time and referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.


At 6:00 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 30(7), the House proceeded to the consideration of Private Members' Business.

Mr. Nunziata (York South -- Weston), seconded by Ms. Beaumier (Brampton), moved, -- That, in the opinion of this House, the Government should take immediate steps to initiate a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Air India disaster of June 23, 1985 which claimed the lives of 329 people. (Private Members' Business M-293)

Debate arose thereon.

Pursuant to Standing Order 96(1), the time provided for consideration of Private Members' Business expired and the Order was dropped from the Order Paper.


At 7:02 p.m., pursuant to Standing Order 38(1), the question ``That this House do now adjourn'' was deemed to have been proposed.

After debate, the question was deemed to have been adopted.


Pursuant to Standing Order 36, petitions certified correct by the Clerk of Petitions were filed as follows:

-- by Mr. Gagnon (Bonaventure -- Îles-de-la-Madeleine), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3251);

-- by Mrs. Hickey (St. John's East), one concerning the Canadian Human Rights Act (No. 351-3252);

-- by Mrs. Brown (Calgary Southeast), one concerning the parole system (No. 351-3253).


At 7:08 p.m., the House adjourned until tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Order 24(1).