Amendments to the Content of Bills / Committee Stage

Relevance; beyond scope of clause

Journals pp. 590-1

Debates pp. 5720-1


During consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bill C-178, an Act respecting the organization of the Government of Canada ..., Mr. Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre) proposed to amend a clause in order that the review of prices and matters of concern to consumers would become one of the responsibilities of the Registrar General. The Chairman (Mr. Batten) expressed reservations, heard arguments and ruled that the amendment was out of order. Mr. Knowles appealed the Chairman's decision to the Speaker. The Speaker allowed arguments from Members, including Mr. Knowles, who maintained that if the Government has the right to add provisions to a bill that were not specifically contained in the prior resolution, then private Members have the same right.


Is the amendment beyond the scope of the clause?


Yes. The amendment is not acceptable. The Chairman's decision is sustained.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The initial objections to the amendment made by the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole are sound. The amendment "goes beyond the scope of the clause", and, "adds substantially to what is being proposed in the Government's bill". As far as the argument on Members' rights is concerned, the "fact that the Government has the power, ...  does not give a Member of the House the right to move an amendment-which might otherwise be out of order - simply because the Government has this power".

Sources cited

May, 17th ed., p. 549.


Journals, May 30, 1966, p. 589.

Debates, May 30, 1966, pp. 5715-20.