Amendments to Motions on Progress of Bills / Third Reading

Recommittal; beyond scope of bill and Royal Recommendation

Journals p. 219

Debates p. 2666


During debate on the motion for third reading of BillC-147, an Act to amend the Old Age Security Act, Mr. Matte (Champlain) proposed "that the bill be not now read a third time but be referred back to the Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Social Affairs to consider lowering the eligibility age for the Old Age Pension from 65 to 60 and the automatic acceptance of the spouse for a pension as soon as one of the couple reaches age 60". After expressing some reservations about the acceptability of the amendment, the Acting Speaker (Mr. Lanie!) invited comments from Members before he ruled.


Is an amendment acceptable if it goes beyond the scope of the Royal Recommendation and seeks to amend the parent Act?


No. The amendment is unacceptable.

Reasons given by the Acting Speaker

The proposed amendment goes beyond the scope of the bill it seeks to amend. In asking that the bill be referred back to the committee, no specific provisions of the bill are cited for reconsideration, as required in amendments of this sort moved at this stage. Finally, the amendment proposes a charge on the consolidated revenue fund not contemplated in the recommendation accompanying this bill.

Sources cited

Standing Order 65.

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 207, c. 246(3); p. 287, c. 415(1), (2); p. 288, c. 418.


Debates, March 27, 1973, pp. 2664-6.