Amendments to Motions on Progress of Bills / Second Reading

Setting a condition; proposing a referendum

Journals pp. 454-5

Debates p. 3717


During debate on the motion for second reading of Bill C-152, an Act to amend the National Parks Act, Mr. Horner (Crowfoot) proposed an amendment that the bill be not now read a second time, but that the subject-matter of the bill be put in a referendum to the residents of Banff, Jasper and Waterton Lakes. The Speaker expressed doubts about the acceptability of the proposed amendment and invited Members' comments before ruling.


Can an amendment attach a condition to the adoption of the motion for second reading?


No. The amendment is out of order.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The proposed amendment does not oppose the principle of the bill, but rather attaches a condition to the motion for second reading of the bill. It is therefore not essentially a reasoned amendment.


Debates, February 17, 1970, pp. 3713-7.