Amendments and Subamendments to Motions / Relevance

Subamendment; distinct question

Journals pp. 498-9

Debates p. 4653


When debate resumed. on the motion of Mr. Sharp (Minister of Finance) that the House go into Committee of Supply, Mr. Fairweather (Royal) proposed as an amendment that "this House strongly deplores and condemns this Government's actions in having the RCMP provide information to the Government as to the past conduct of all Members of Parliament generally". Mr. Gregoire (Lapointe) moved a subamendment, that "the operation 'smear' which has been taking place for too long should cease immediately", and that "Parliament should proceed to consideration of sound and honest legislation". The Deputy Speaker heard comments and made his ruling.


Is the subamendment relevant to the amendment?


No. Therefore, the subamendment is out of order.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The subamendment is not relevant to the amendment; it raises a distinct question which can be considered only on a motion after notice.

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 171, c. 203(1), (5).


Debates, May 3, 1966, pp. 4650,3.