Routine Proceedings / Motions

Time allocation

Debates p. 10093


At the beginning of Routine Proceedings, Mr. MacEachen (President of the Privy Council) moved a motion to allocate four sitting days for consideration in Committee of the Whole of Bill C-259, an Act to amend the Income Tax Act ... After debate, the motion was voted on and passed. Mr. Baldwin (Peace River), on a point of order, requested clarification as to when the four allocated days would begin, as only a few minutes remained in this sitting before the House proceeded to Private Members' Business, and at the end of the evening there would be only one hour for consideration of the bill in Committee of the Whole. After hearing Members' comments, the Speaker ruled.


When does the period allocated for consideration in Committee of the Whole begin?


In this case, the four days should begin at the next sitting of the House.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Since debate on the motion has taken up most of this day, and Oral Questions and Routine Proceedings may take up most of this evening, the four days will begin tomorrow.

Sources cited

Standing Order 75C.


Debates, December 2, 1971, pp. 10076-93.