Rules of Debate / Miscellaneous

Right of reply

Journals p. 431

Debates p. 4210


During debate on the motion that the House resolve itself into Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. Sharp (Minister of Finance) rose on a point of order to ask the Chair whether, as Minister of Finance, he could speak again on this motion.


Does a Minister have the right of reply on a motion that is not a substantive motion ?


No. The Minister does not have the right of reply.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

The motion before the House is incidental to a proceeding of the House in the sense that it is the means by which the House proceeds to the work of the Committee of Ways and Means. This motion is therefore procedural rather than substantive, and Standing Order 37 stipulates that a reply shall be allowed to a Member who has moved a substantive motion, but not to the mover of an amendment, the previous question or an instruction to a committee. The Minister therefore does not have the right of reply in this case.

Sources cited

Standing Order 37(2) and (3).

Journals, April 2, 1957, p. 370.

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 165, c. 195.


Debates, April 22, 1966, pp. 4209-10.