Rules of Debate / Repetition

Question already decided

Debates p. 5286


During the Budget debate, Mr. Lambert (Edmonton West) rose on a point of order to argue that Mr. Cote (Postmaster General) was referring to a resolution debated and decided on previously in the House. During further discussion, Mr. Knowles (Winnipeg North Centre) again raised the same point of order, alleging that it was forbidden to discuss a resolution on which the House had reached a decision. The Deputy Speaker ruled immediately.


Can a matter already decided by the House be referred to in debate in the same session?


No. A debate already concluded may not be revived during the same session.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

The practice is well established that "a Member while speaking must not refer to any debate of the same session on any question not then under consideration, nor reflect upon the past acts and proceedings of the House".

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 126, c. 148(1); p. 127, c. 149(a), (k).


Debates, December 11, 1967, pp. 5284-6.