Privilege / Reflections on a Member

Reflections on a Member

Journals pp. 1423-4

Debates p. 8857


On October 5, Mr. Comeau (South Western Nova) rose on a question of privilege to claim that it was improper for Mr. Morison (Halton-Wentworth) to continue as chairman of the Standing Committee on Regional Development since he had also been employed by the Newfoundland Department of Community and Social Development. The employment of Mr. Morison by the provincial government, Mr. Comeau said, appeared "to be in conflict with the House of Commons Act". He also questioned the ability of Mr. Morison to remain impartial in his capacity as chairman of the committee. Unless he resigned that position immediately, Mr. Comeau promised to move a motion to refer the matter to the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections. Mr. Morison replied that the work of the committee was finished. He added, however, that, if elected, he would serve again as committee chairman in the next session. The Speaker deferred his decision in order to study the precedents and in view of the lengthy program of business that day.


Is an alleged conflict of interest sufficient grounds for raising a question of privilege ?


There is no prima facie case of privilege.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The question of privilege seems to "have been raised prematurely in that the Standing Committee on Regional Development has not met for several months and will not meet again in this session. The question of electing a chairman in the coming session is a matter of future determination." Moreover, well-established practice forbids "any inquiry as to the conduct of any Member except when charged with a specific offence". The question raised is stated in general terms relating more to propriety than to misconduct.

Sources cited

Journals, June 19, 1959, pp. 582-6.


Debates, October 5, 1970, pp. 8703-4.