Adjournment Motion Proposed under Standing Order 30 / Application not Accepted

Continuing nature of problem; other opportunities for debate

Debates p. 4485


Mr. McGrath (St. John's East) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House under the provisions of Standing Order 30, in order to discuss the marked increase in the unemployment rate, as evidenced by the unemployment statistics released that day. Mr. McGrath noted that the allotted days in the current supply period had all been used.


Does the application meet the requirements of Standing Order 30?


No. The application is not accepted.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Standing Order 30 does not provide for debate on problems of a chronic nature. Applications for emergency debate on the unemployment situation have been turned down on these grounds on numerous occasions in the past. The Standing Orders do permit committees to consider the reports of various government departments. The report of the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission was referred to the Standing Committee on Labour, Manpower and Immigration on September 29, 1983. The current unemployment levels could be discussed by the Committee in the context of that report. Finally, other opportunities for debate on the subject are available to Members.

Sources cited

Standing Orders 30(16)(a) and 46(4).

Debates, December 3, 1982, p. 21258.