Questions / Oral Questions

Supplementary questions, guidelines

Debates pp. 3552-4


During Question Period, Mr. Keeper (Winnipeg—St. James) addressed a question to Mr. Roberts (Minister of Employment and Immigration) concerning the resumption of lumber mill operations on Quebec's North Shore. Following the Minister's reply, Mr. Keeper sought to address a supplementary question to the Minister responsible for Forestry but was interrupted by the Speaker who informed the Member that supplementaries should be directed to the same Minister. Mr. Keeper pointed out that the question was on the same subject and addressed to the responsible Minister. Mr. Speaker ruled that the Hon. Member was seeking to ask another question and recognized another Member. Following Question Period, on a point of order, Mr. Blaikie (Winnipeg—Birds Hill) asked the Speaker for clarification of the rules regarding supplementary questions. Mr. Speaker ruled immediately and then listened to Members' comments after which he clarified certain of his comments.


To whom should a supplementary question be addressed?


A supplementary question should be on the same subject and asked of the Minister to whom the original question was put. However, in circumstances of shared responsibility between Ministers, or if a Minister indicates the matter is not within his responsibility, the supplementary question may be directed to another Minister.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Beauchesne's Fifth Edition, Citation 371, reads in part, "The extent to which supplementary questions may be asked is in the discretion of the Speaker." The Chair is attempting in Question Period to discourage the growing practice of asking different questions of different Ministers, questions which are additional, not supplementary. Supplementary questions arise out of the question asked. “As a general rule, it does not give the Hon. Member asking the question licence to go hunting and to ask questions of any Minister who happens to be in the House."

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Sources cited

Beauchesne, 5th ed., p. 134, c. 371.


Debates, May 9, 1984, p. 3548.