The Daily Program / Oral Questions

Anticipating Orders of the Day; right of a Minister not to answer a question

Debates, p. 18675


On March 19, 1991, during Oral Question Period, the Hon. Perrin Beatty (Minister of National Health and Welfare) asked the Speaker to rule on whether Mr. Beatty should reply to questions put to him by Mr. Rey Pagtakhan (Winnipeg North) that dealt with the topic set for debate under the Orders of the Day.[1] The Speaker’s ruling is reproduced in full below.

Decision of the Chair

The Speaker: The honourable Minister has made reference to a long-standing rule in the House that questions ought not to anticipate the Order of the Day. Despite that the Minister has, as is his right and if he wishes to, responded. This question is clearly taken right out of the debate which has been taking place in this House. I think I have to say that it is out of order. If the Minister wishes to reply, he can, but he does not have to. I want to make it very clear that the Minister does not have to reply.




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[1] Debates, March 19, 1991, p. 18674.