Rules of Debate - Order and Decorum / Right to Speak

Recognition by Chair

Debates p. 13443


During debate on a motion to move the adjournment of the House to discuss an urgent matter, Mr. Murphy (Churchill) rose on a point of order when the Chair recognized Mr. Andre (Associate Minister of National Defence). He suggested to the Deputy Speaker that precedent dictates that each of the three parties in the House be allowed one speaker at the beginning of each debate, and he drew to the Chair's attention the fact that no member of the New Democratic Party had been recognized to speak thus far although a member of that party was on his feet seeking recognition. The Deputy Speaker ruled immediately.


Is the Chair obliged to recognize one Member from each of the parties at the outset of a debate?


No. The selection of speakers is entirely within the discretion of the Chair.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

There is no order of precedence for speakers in the House. The Chair tries to balance the list of speakers according to the issue and the numbers present in the House from each political party.