Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Interpretation clause; scope of bill

Debates pp. 28001-2


On September 29 and October 6, as the House was about to begin report stage consideration of Bill C‑155, An Act to facilitate the transportation, shipping and handling of western grain, the Speaker made some preliminary remarks regarding the admissibility of a number of motions in amendment standing in the names of Mr. Benjamin (Regina West), Mr. Mazankowski (Vegreville) and Mr. Axworthy (Minister of Transport), which sought to insert new definitions or to modify existing definitions. The Speaker allowed Members to make comments and she ruled a few days later.


Are the motions in amendment seeking to introduce substantive amendments to the interpretation clause of the bill?


Yes. Therefore, the motions in amendment are inadmissible.

Reasons given by the Speaker

To take definitions which are limited in scope to specific parts of a bill and to transfer them to the general interpretation clause which applies to the whole bill, substantially enlarges the effect of the definitions, which is not in order. It is not acceptable to modify existing definitions substantially or to add new substantive definitions.

Sources cited

Journals, October 28, 1970, p. 61.

Beauchesne, 5th ed., p. 233, c. 773(10).


Debates, September 29, 1983, p. 27569; October 6, 1983, p. 27824.