Precedence and Sequence of Business / Time Allocation Motion

Notice of motion

Debates pp. 23510-1


During Routine Proceedings, under "Motions", Mr. Cosgrove (Minister of State for Finance) rose to give notice of his intention to move, at the next sitting of the House, a motion for allocation of time on second reading of Bill C-143, An Act to provide Borrowing Authority. Mr. Lewis (Simcoe North) rose on a point of order to argue that the Minister could not give such notice because the Chair had already moved on to "Motions", and the consent of the House would be required to return to "Government Notices of Motions". After hearing Members' comments, the Speaker ruled.


Can a notice of a motion for time allocation be given at any time by a Minister?


Yes. The notice is in order.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

The sole restriction imposed on a Minister who wishes to give notice of a motion to allocate time is that he or she be "in his or her place". A Minister may give notice at any time under "Motions", "Notices of Motions" or during debate.

Sources cited

Standing Order 82.


Debates, March 7, 1983, pp. 23509-11.