Adjournment Motion Proposed under Standing Order 26 / Application Not Accepted

Specific industry; other opportunity for debate

Debates p. 2613


Mr. Broadbent (Oshawa—Whitby) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House, under the provisions of Standing Order 26, in order to discuss the recently announced lay-offs in the automotive industry.


Does the application satisfy the provisions of Standing Order 26?


The application is not accepted.

Reasons given by the Speaker

While the problem is clearly one of deep concern, it relates specifically to one industry although, in fact, it is part of a larger problem, namely the general economic condition of the country. This subject has been before the House more or less since the Parliament began.

To allow discussion on the issue would create a precedent. To debate similar problems in other industries, such as textiles, could lead to considerable interruptions in the regular schedule of business in the House.

If there is insufficient opportunity to discuss this serious matter through regular channels, there is still the opportunity to debate it during opposition days.